
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Provision of medical care is classified into primary, secondary, and ______ care categories. A.third B.three C.tertiary D.the third 【答案】 CCE1F1W3H5U1L2V9HP10B4B8U1A2Y7M4ZJ2R8Y6Z9O6F8Z8 2、下列各项中,不应确认为应付职工薪酬科目来核算的有(  )。 A.利润分享计划 B.社会保险费和辞退福利 C.职工工资和福利费 D.差旅费 【答案】 DCJ7D8L1R1Q6E4V1HR7J4O9V7C1C7P1ZI6E9R9D8H1G8V1 3、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy? A.E-government is on the increase and well funded B.The investment on e-government is adequate C.Government officials’ interest in e-government is declining D.E-government is convenient and flexible 【答案】 DCR3T1L7N3L5S1M5HW9B4K4S10P1M10P6ZN3Q6T7F6E8I5V1 4、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers? A.Urbanization B.Young people C.Both D.Unknown 【答案】 CCI9R1U6P9G5X3U5HU3V7J10C5S5F7J9ZZ2G10Y4M2U1S1Y3 5、金融创新就是( )。 A.在金融市场开展金融业务 B.金融体系与金融结构的变化 C.在金融领域内,各种要素实行新的组合 D.金融市场监管与金融发展关系的确定 【答案】 CCT1S2P7Y1J4S1T2HK4M6Q10A10Y7K7B3ZL7A5E3K8K8P6G1 6、In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal,the company is planning to offer a special discount(  )its customers. A.by B.to C.with D.upon 【答案】 BCY10Q5C1C9Y3I1F1HO7W1L4N1C7K2G6ZL8P6R1N5A6S1F4 7、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. A.The author may talk about the administration system B.The author may teach the readers to make a timetable C.The author may put forward another suggestion D.The author may discuss the office environments 【答案】 CCR6L6O5Z2A3L4M10HN3K2B4Q4Y6K3Y1ZW6Z6U5E2R10O5Q3 8、资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking. A.National Banks in the USA refers to “State Banks” B.The group banking system usually exists in the states where branch banking is prohibited C.Stateside branching implies that bank branches are allowed to operate anywhere within the state D.Limited branching allows bank to operate branches within geographic territories authorized by the state law 【答案】 ACM8I8Z2V4G7D7W1HX10R10H8K7J7G9O9ZI10D7B1V2W9F8P10 9、Contrary ( ) the popular opinion, higher taxes end up benefiting the citizens more than lower ones. A.for B.in C.to D.with 【答案】 CCI9O9C2Y1I8Q2A7HQ4D3O2I5M4O3M9ZJ8G3N2T7V3O2U10 10、新农合”是指( )。 A.新型农村合作社 B.新型农村合作保险 C.新型农村合作医疗 D.新型农村合作教育 【答案】 CCH9O2U6M2I9M6N8HE2F7Y6G8M2U6K6ZN6C1U2C5K10X4J4 11、以下(  )是直接融资工具。 A.商业票据 B.银行本票 C.保险单 D.银行券 【答案】 ACS2Q9S6C1L6U9F6HQ10L4O9Y10J10Y7X10ZZ2I1V1N9H10M7A8 12、四对情侣排成一队买演唱会门票,已知每对情侣必须排在一起,问共有多少种不同的排队顺序?(  ) A.24种 B.96种 C.384种 D.40320种 【答案】 CCU7S4B2W10C5R1M3HT6U9L3Q9J9S5B4ZT2F3X9M10U8X5X4 13、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. A.How to find a good financial professional B.The importance of retirement plans C.The scary facts about retirement D.How to make correct retirement plans 【答案】 DCB1O5U2E1X9F9N6HT4Y8X10T4F9J9M9ZG6U10X1M1P7T7B6 14、Will you please tell me ___ right now? A.what time be B.what time is it C.what is the time D.what time it is 【答案】 DCZ8K9H9S4X10X6F6HF8Q2O7M10V7V3G3ZV9R9M6J9M8K3M2 15、为深入落实2021年中央一号文件要求,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接,中国银行间市场交易商协会于近期推出首批乡村振兴票据。农业银行作为牵头主承销商和簿记管理人,成功为中粮集团有限公司发行2021年第一期中期票据(乡村振兴),发行期限(  )年,发行规模20亿元,募集资金主要用于支持中粮集团粮食收储工作。作为全国首批乡村振兴债,本次债券的成功发行对于保障粮食安全、促进农民增收、实现乡村振兴发展具有重要意义。 A.2年 B.3年 C.4年 D.5年 【答案】 ACW10E6H10U6R7V2F8HH6B2K5Q3L9O10T4ZT10W1E6G8X9X9T6 16、门捷列夫于1871年的《化学元素的周期性依赖关系》发表了第二个化学元素周期表,明确指出:元素的性质和它们的化合物的性质与元素的原子量有周期性的依赖关系,元素的性质是元素原子量的(  )。 A.线性函数 B.非线性函数 C.周期函数 D.非周期函数 【答案】 CCL7Q1C10I9T2F7D4HL7C1L7C8K2D10V5ZS6D5O9X7E10J3Q4 17、TCP/IP体系结构中的TCP和IP所提供的服务分别为(  )。 A.链路层服务和网络层服务 B.网络层服务和运输层服务 C.运输层服务和应用层服务 D.运输层服务和网络层服务 【答案】 DCD1Z10L5B5R10U3M4HR4E7U1T3B3D8S7ZK6U5L9X1J7K9P4 18、行政行为在空间上的表现形式和在时间上的跨度。包括行政行为方式、步骤、次序、时限等不可分割的内容的是(  )。 A.行政程序 B.行政诉讼 C.行政复议 D.行政处罚 【答案】 ACF1T9P2F3K5O6N3HR1P1W6J5

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