
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Today,Wichner Industries announced that it(  )opening an office in Kuala Lumpur to coordinate its overseas. A.been B.is being C.will be D.be 【答案】 CCM1L8J8W2E8E4Y7HZ1W8O3L4A1E4L4ZN5O7G7V8N7Y8W9 2、Passage 7 A.When they take decision shortcuts B.When they help others to make decisions C.When they have major decisions to make D.When they have advisers to turn to 【答案】 BCY6B10K2U6L8L10B5HG10C5D9F8G1K6K3ZO1A3U9P9Z9L1U7 3、 明天就是选举日了,以下公民中不具有选举权的是(  )。 A.张某刚过完l7岁生日 B.黄某被判有期徒刑3年执行中 C.王某被查出患有精神病 D.陈某被拘留l5天执行中 【答案】 ACY2P10R1Y7C6G9M9HZ5B10X9Y3T8G3F9ZM9R8H10Z7U3V7Z5 4、( ) natural resources can be of great importance, they are not necessary for an economy to be highly productive in producing goods and services for the existing societies. A.Yet B.But C.After all D.Although 【答案】 DCO5U4P5U9L6Q5T3HO6V3M2Y10H4R9B8ZT9M9Q8U9M6Y6W7 5、下列历史人物中,存在师生关系的有(  )个。 A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 【答案】 CCO2F6D10R9T10Z4L4HG10Q5U10J9H4N5C3ZX6I7X1K10N3Q10Z9 6、下列哪一职位,不属于国务院的组成人员?(  ) A.国务院副总理 B.国务委员 C.国务院副秘书长 D.审计长 【答案】 CCQ6U7H8H1Y3S3I2HW2L9Z9W7S4M10A7ZH2Y8W7Y1O3V7C6 7、___ for computing ballistics tables for WW2, the ENIAC was the first device that could actually process information electronically. A.Designed B.Designing C.To design D.Design 【答案】 ACN7I10I7I3F9G2N9HP5M1E6A10W2C5K9ZC2Z1C3J3K9L10F7 8、Passage 9 A.conscious and unconscious levels of comprehension B.the reader’s expectations and the meaning of a text C.lower and higher levels of comprehension D.interpreting and criticizing a text 【答案】 CCL2S7W4C8O8Z1P10HL2R7M1I2R1T5H6ZI3K7I9O10F9L3Y2 9、下列历史人物中,存在师生关系的有(  )个。 A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 【答案】 CCP1S2F3N4G8J5B5HI1C6U10Y6H9G10Z5ZO5B10W9P10Z1J4H2 10、资料:It’s almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shame!)on a Friday and simply not check your work email again until you return the office during normal working hours。 A.Because they never know what kind of work requests will be asked off hours B.Because they are required by the company to answer emails off hours C.Because smart phones and tablets keep us connected all the time D.None of above 【答案】 ACK3K2Z1T7R2V1F3HG4Q2M2A5T3D7Y1ZI3L4T1D2L10C8K5 11、2020年4月,2020年(  )综合所得汇算清澈在各地陆续启动,这是中国(  )史上首次汇算清缴,纳税人在指定日期前完成汇算申报,继而缴纳补税或申请退税。 A.个税,个税 B.营业税,营业税 C.房产税,房产税 D.消费税,消费税 【答案】 ACJ3B5R8M10U1S5F2HE3M4Y9D8V10R7M7ZU5T9L2X6M9S10V7 12、(  )in computer technology are allowing users to reach into any part of the world by just clicking a mouse. A.Advancement B.Advances C.Advancing D.Advance 【答案】 BCO1G4U7U6W9S1P2HF9M2R3N5S4I7F3ZS6B6G3V7D6I5Z4 13、 某区政府在整顿市容时对某个农贸自由市场作出了关闭的决定,该行政行为属于(  )。 A.行政确认行为 B.行政征收行为 C.具体行政行为 D.抽象行政行为 【答案】 CCY2K1X6Y6W3L7N10HJ1C6B7R6Y5M10L4ZO4T6Q2U10V10I7H6 14、You may also consider options that match your unique______. A.elements B.developments C.requirements D.comments 【答案】 CCS9G2C3M4G9V10L3HR7H6K8E8U2Y2G9ZR8C3P1O8D1Z10E1 15、信用是(  )。 A.买卖关系 B.赠予行为 C.救济行为 D.借贷关系 【答案】 DCO9E4Y2L8B7E7Z5HK8X10Q4O1Z6O4P4ZE3B10B10B8U6Z3W8 16、The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle.______ it, astronauts will be able to fly into space and returning many times. A.With B.By C.On D.In 【答案】 ACV6I3W9U6A8Z5A3HR4V9C2J9I2L3W7ZI9J4V7A2C10A3F6 17、Passage2 A.The waves would move him backwards B.The water would choke him C.He would immediately sink to the bottom D.He would be exhausted or unconscious 【答案】 DCM8F5F7J2T6Z3O1HK6F7N1D1U2D4P7ZV8L2I6U5Z1I10Z5 18、资料:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtle gender bias, in many developing ones discrimination remains overt. According to the World Bank, women are barred from certain jobs in 104 countries.(1) A.Vietnam’s ban is a reflection of reform responding to the gender bias in job markets B.making laws about restrictions on women’s work has led to liberalisation C.more countries have taken measures to abrogate work restrictions on women D.the ILO has led a movement to eliminate work restrictions on women 【答案】 CCB5Z1I4D7Z10K2H5HH3N5E10W3B4B5M8ZP5W2T10C4D1V5T8 19、______ the brain’s working is a tremendous challenge and, judging by the advance of current processor power and complexity, will take at least several decades more to reach even the most elementary levels. A.Increasing B.Imitating C.Observing D.Speculating 【答案】 BCY5I2Y1N2K3Y5X7HF9F5V9U3F8K7A4ZV7B2Z7A2T8E4R9 20、以下属于资本市场金融工具的是(  )。 A.商业票据 B.回购协议 C.股票 D.可转让定期存单 【答案】 CCM7K8O1C10H7X8U3HY3P6J1G7X6F4X10ZO6X3K7X3A4S2P7 21、(  )是指企业利用多种信息载体,与目标市场进行沟通的传播活动,包括广告、人员推销、营业推广与公共关系等。 A.产品 B.定价 C.促销 D.分销 【答案】 CCM4M2D7F1Q9B4P5HH8H7K8H1P2G10B10ZO7F4D6M4N9Q2I4 22、A银行2019年年初共有正常类贷款900亿元,在2019年年末转为关注类、次级类、可疑类、损失类的贷款金额分别为50亿元、30亿元、15亿元和5亿元,期初正常类贷款期间因回收减少了200亿元、因核销减少了300亿元,则该银行2019年的正常类贷款迁徙率为(  )。 A.15% B.25% C.50% D.100% 【答案】 BCM7T9J3K10H1Y5B5HB6A9F9X3Y7K7R5ZO8T9L3M6K8R2X9 23、2020年1月5日,《庚子年》特种邮票首发仪式在(  )举行,2020年是庚子鼠年,也是中国邮政发行生肖邮票(  )周年,此次生肖邮票加入了邮票数字化内容。 A.北京;30 B.上海

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