
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Passage 2 A.A toy train B.A bottle of whiskey C.A camera D.A cellular phone 【答案】 ACN4W6R5X8L8P7Z4HE6I9S8M6Y8F10P4ZJ1S9S1D1N1B6C4 2、按照我国商业银行资产负债比例管理规定,人民币存贷款比例应小于等于( )。 A.70% B.75% C.80% D.85% 【答案】 BCK5Q5Z5S6R9G4Q8HR5U4A8Y7H6V1N1ZU10I2T8P5J1V9W6 3、下列属于柜台市场的是( )。 A.第四市场 B.第三市场 C.深圳证券交易所 D.NASDAQ系统 【答案】 DCR8Q3V2Y5V4O9A8HM7X3S10P6A2K5H7ZD8Y2B1R2R7D3Q8 4、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery? A.doubtful B.indifferent C.positive D.pessimistic 【答案】 CCF8K2V3E8N6U6S6HH3V7W5O10N6Y1I9ZD2R4P8G7Q7I3K7 5、A公司于10月20日向B公司发出一项要约,欲向其购买材料一批,第二天因为发生安全事故公司停产,便想反悔,10月23日发出撤回通知。要约于10月26日到达B公司。27 日,B公司正在组织讨论是否应该接受这个要约的时候,撤回通知到达。则( )。 A.要约有效,撤回通知后于要约到达,未被撤回 B.要约有效,要约未被撤销 C.要约无效,要约已被撤回 D.要约生效,要约已被撤销 【答案】 DCV1H10J6Q5S9Y1A7HO2B1G4C4B9U1H2ZM6V5G6Q3H4E7F6 6、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA. A.Implement security measures for smart devices and protect the security B.Boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the initiatives are working C.Boost user education on the apps and test the security of them D.None of above 【答案】 BCG10Y5E9J2X1Z2S6HQ9O6J7E3V4X1N2ZX2I1A6D4Z2C7V7 7、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. A.IndiGo’s order for Airbus’s new engine-option A320s was the first firm order for the updated airplanes B.Airbus delivered more planes than Boeing in 2006 C.2009 saw demand for Boeing’s planes fall but not Airbus’s D.Airbus was able to stay ahead of Boeing in number of orders throughout the year 2010 【答案】 BCS8Y4U3U5J10F6Y4HB1D1U6C8L3Z6P5ZZ1Z9K10Z3R6M9Z6 8、在商业银行经营管理原则中,流动性、安全性与盈利性成( )关系。 A.反比 B.正比 C.对比 D.一致 【答案】 ACQ10G9R10Y1C5E8V10HN6W9Y9S7O3K7F1ZP5I3A6Q2G8N1F3 9、Could I speak to(  )is in charge of International Sales please? A.who B.what C.whoever D.whatever 【答案】 CCE5F8B3Y3T1F3T2HJ6O7D1J9D1M2W2ZN2G6E6U6N7A2F1 10、流感是一种由流感病毒引起的常见病,流感病毒有不同的类型。现有多种流感疫苗,有人注射了一种流感疫苗后,在流感流行期间未患流感,但流感再次流行时却患了流感,这其中不可能的原因()。 A.流感病毒发生了变异 B.抵抗流感病毒的抗体在体内存在时间短 C.流感病毒使人的免疫系统受损 D.流感病毒与注射的疫苗是不同类型 【答案】 CCK1W1I4C8T5A2D4HB10L7H3I4V4P5F8ZP5Q10J8H5H10M3L5 11、资料:When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claims, the first step is to present the warranty, or any other records which might help. at the store of purchase. In most cases,this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assuming he or she has a just claim. A.To ask for help from the shop assistants B.To show the written promise by the company C.To post it online D.To complain to the company 【答案】 BCK2L7Y3B5I8I6T3HX3U7H4C1G7E7C2ZH1O5N2E6R3H1Q10 12、与消费物价变动密切相关,最活跃的货币是( )。 A.M1 B.M2 C.M0 D.M 【答案】 CCX9K10J10Z5U9A4U5HU9Z9V10U2V1C2J5ZD8B5V9I10S6T4N3 13、资料: The following passage is the introduction about one of the Monsell international financial products.According to the passage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,then select the right answer. A.introduce the Bank of Monsell B.analyze the products of Bank of Monsell C.introduce certain products and services for teens D.show the success of the Bank of Monsell 【答案】 CCL4Y8M2M10S3G10E1HJ9Y9I3V8I5C3E9ZZ2S10Z5G9Z7C2J1 14、一般来讲,在下列( )经济背景条件下证券市场呈上升走势最有利。 A.持续、稳定、高速的GDP增长 B.高通胀下的GDP增长 C.宏观调控下的GDP减速增长 D.转折性的GDP变动 【答案】 ACT6M2V1G2J8D4G4HZ5M1O8S3H10Q5U6ZR4K2L8R6I10G1W10 15、We can give____depending on the model number. A.account B.discipline C.discount D.disconnect 【答案】 CCP2P7T2G6S9E10S5HG7L9F7O1B7Y1L1ZF10O6T10J10T2T5L10 16、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.W谈了谈对中国的一些看法,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.It requires you to exchange favors to get things done B.It is the art form of bribery in the business C.It involves money and power D.It means connections or relationship among family members 【答案】 ACH7H3B9B5W1A10F5HM10B6U1P4Q8J10I8ZG8F7S2W2M6R10L3 17、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company. A.The corporate identity B.Quality of the product C.Packaging images D.All of above 【答案】 DCD9D1C7K6F7Q2O3HE8Z1A3P9W3R1Y8ZU6U6X1Q3N5B4B8 18、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. A.the government B.both the employer and the go

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