
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、下列行为中,正确的是(  )。 A.体育课扭伤踝部,应立即帮助揉搓,防止淤血 B.笔记本电脑起火时,应首先选用二氧化碳灭火器 C.野炊时,可以食用野外生长的颜色灰暗的类似牛肝菌的蘑菇 D.洗澡时,电热水器的电源应保持畅通 【答案】 BCJ7D8J3B2M9J5D5HW10W3P6V9G1M4A3ZL10D7V3I7V1K7X1 2、We utilized______films, semi-formal interviews and participant observation to explore the relationship between urban livelihoods and art creation. A.silent B.romantic C.documentary D.document 【答案】 CCY10K9U6F8F6B3J1HF1U3Y8U4L1X5K7ZO4T4B1I7I1X3Z1 3、2020年4月29日,中共中央政治局委员会召开会议,会议指出,党中央研究确定了支持湖北省经济社会发展(  ),从财政税收、金融信贷、投资外贸等方面明确了具体措施。 A.全包全揽计划 B.加速加快发展 C.一揽子政策 D.一省带一市 【答案】 CCU10U1J1X3Y4W10A5HK1Q8T7V3F2F10W2ZI8K8P2G7N9X3K5 4、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin. A.In companies where good health is promoted, employees are more likely to be loyal and productive B.Offering seminars, starting competitions and offering discount on gym memberships will be costly, so companies should not pay much attention to these activities C.Exercise plays an important role of building a strong body D.Chronic stress in the workplace might be harmful to the company's interest 【答案】 BCB4I9A8A2K7J10R4HV6V7B8W9J4O2X1ZA7I1Q1U2W1S6G9 5、We G20 members must(  )follow the underlying historical trend so as to chart the course for the future. A.closed B.closing C.closely D.close 【答案】 CCH8D7T8O1E1E2L1HY1W4A3G9Z5X4X9ZA4B10N4B4K4P1Q8 6、1938年,德国人(  )在用中子轰击铀核时,首次发现了原子核的裂变现象,并放出薪的中子。 A.哈恩 B.查德威克 C.卢瑟福 D.麦克斯韦 【答案】 ACZ1B7A5V8U10H6O5HH4M1W2A10Y10F10N7ZO4L8I2L2L6X2M5 7、—Could you take a message for Mr Brown? A.may see;isn’t B.see;won’t be C.will see;isn’t D.will be seeing;won’t be 【答案】 DCC4H2B3V8Z6Q1J10HS2N4S7H1W8M1F1ZZ5E9W10O4T4F10E2 8、珠穆朗玛峰位于(  )。 A.中、巴边境 B.中、缅边境 C.中、尼边境 D.中、印边境 【答案】 CCO8X8D10H8B6K8N4HY6V9D6I6C8Q8W8ZT8F4N7Q10N8B6V4 9、通常,“瘦狗类”业务的特征是(  )。 A.市场增长率高,相对市场占有率低。 B.市场增长率低,相对市场占有率高 C.市场增长率高,相对市场占有率高 D.市场增长率低,相对市场占有率低 【答案】 DCR5S9W2D3K6G1Q4HY5V10H8V2B7B4P1ZZ10J2X9K4H3F2Y1 10、It is a widely agreed point of view that the ( )of policies to conserve energy nationwide will inevitably involve personal sacrifice. A.implementation B.manifestation C.demonstration D.expedition 【答案】 ACX4K6H6H1J7X6F9HX5P10H1N4C7A1G1ZA10T10B7U5C4X10R6 11、对特定地区的经济发展进行倾向性经营的银行是( )。 A.国家开发银行 B.中国人民银行 C.城市商业银行 D.中国农业银行 【答案】 ACB4B7J10O3Z8U10C5HV1T7I2O8Q2R4D6ZI1M5L2N2S3G8V4 12、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You Scale A.Because they often get more supports from the customers B.Because they often damage the market order C.Because they often challenge the old companies in many ways D.Because they often make more momey than old companies 【答案】 CCE1E2O10H9C1B8B1HP9G6Q9G6T1U5U2ZP7T3U10I1E2T8V9 13、You should make choices based on your ______ and long-term needs. A.superficial B.fundamental C.primary D.immediate 【答案】 DCX1N10R3G9E4B10X3HN5F6Q6A2E1N6O9ZN9N10F6W6F7W9X8 14、下列哪一职位,不属于国务院的组成人员?(  ) A.国务院副总理 B.国务委员 C.国务院副秘书长 D.审计长 【答案】 CCH8I1V3Q9Y8W10J4HR10L10B10T7I5F4N10ZB9B2N7U5Y8D10Q4 15、 下列关于审计的说法,错误的是( )。 A.审计是一种监督机制 B.审计是一个系统过程 C.按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计和独立审计两种 D.按审计内容分类,我国一般将审计分为财政财务审计和经济效益审计 【答案】 CCD10R10Z9M6P10F7G9HN5F6R8D10T7M7L5ZH6A7Q4M7C7S6W2 16、Passage 3 A.Using too much packaging B.Recycling too many wastes C.Having more material than is needed D.Making more products than necessary 【答案】 CCB3X5Z3G1W5E3G1HU8G1X1K5W7A9F6ZX1L6Z9R6Z1A2U10 17、We shouldn’t ignore the importance of ______ our hobbies or getting involved in arts and crafts activities. A.amplifying B.enhancing C.fostering D.magnifying 【答案】 CCX9X7M8O8S2M5R3HT2J7I3B5W9Q4R1ZE8T1T1S9Z5G6L7 18、In terms of viewpoints and attitudes, authors may not state ______ that they are neutral, negative, positive or objective. A.exceptionally B.empirically C.explicitly D.extravagantly 【答案】 CCE10Q7R8N4B4J10P1HG6S4G7R8T8V2Q6ZP2H7M3G3I10E9Y9 19、2012年1月8日,中国人民银行工作会议在北京闭幕,会议上透露出的信息显示,( )仍是金融宏观调控的首要任务。 A.稳定物价总水平 B.抑制投资 C.降低金融风险 D.控制货币供应量 【答案】 ACF1M4B9J3J1O4V3HG4B6B9O2B7E6C6ZV10K1I5D3N9C10W4 20、下列经济行为中属于间接融资的是(  )。 A.公司之间的货币借贷 B.国家发行公债 C.商品赊销 D.银行发放贷款 【答案】 DCN7I1I8Z3F2O5S6HJ5T2C5E9V2D3V1ZV3M2J8J2S10L9T2 21、我国对存贷款利率的结息规则中规定,城乡居民活期存款的结息日为()。 A.3月20日 B.6月20日 C.6月30日 D.9月20日 【答案】 CCW5L9P7L6M10X9T10HC1A4P8Z8I9N2O2ZM9C2V5Q10B4D4N1 22、商业银行的贷款,按照贷款保全方式可分为( )。 A.长期贷款和短期贷款 B.信用贷款和担保贷款 C.企业贷款和个人贷款 D.正常贷款和关注贷款 【答案】 BCO5Q6H9B2W7U4T6HN3N9E3G4I9M4H3ZI5G9Y4A4Z6Z8Y2 23、企业支付的产品广告费,应通过( )账簿反映。 A.序时 B.备查 C.数量金额 D.分类 【答案】 BCB1L10I4A6V6H5D10HE1Q10Y8B7V8C3T4ZQ7B3G4Z1N6W7M6 24、It is uncertain(  )side effect the medicine will bring about. A.that B.what C.how D.whether 【答案】 BCV1T2V5I1Q1T6K3HR9X3V8H1J3R2I10ZO3J7V8U10V7Y5L6 25、资料:As a business owner, it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies. Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand ope

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