【课件】Unit 2 Reading and thinking1 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册

新人教版必修三 UNIT 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking1.to have a better understanding of Lin s life choices.2.to have judgment about Lins good qualities and learn from her.3.to learn some words and expressions.4.to develop reading skills.Learning Objectives After the COVID-19 breaking,he boarded a night train to Wuhan.He got down to business as soon as he settled down in his seat,trying to prevent the spread of the virus,even at the risk of infection.Zhong NanshanGussing Game:Who are they?Activity 1 Lead-in As a winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,she discovered an entirely new anti-malarial(抗疟疾药)treatment,artemisinin(青蒿素),which made possible the treatment of thousands of patients in China in the 1980s.Tu Youyou Known as the“mother of ten thousand babies”,she was a specialist in womens diseases,living from 1901 to 1983.She had devoted her whole life to serving women and children of China,especially women in the countryside.Lin QiaozhiFrom the title and the pictures,we can know that the passage might be about _who_.Lin Qiaozhi(1901-1983)a doctor named Lin Qiaozhi delivered(接生)a lot of babies What kind of text is it?A.argumentation 议论文 B.exposition 说明文 C.biography 传记Activity 2 Prediction Skim the passage and answer the following questions.1.How is the passage developed?A.By following time order B.By comparing facts C.By listing numbers2.To fill in blanks to summarize the main idea of each part.Para.1:The principle carried Dr Lin through a life of _.Para.2:The life as a _.Para.3-6:The life as a _.Activity 3 Read for the structure and main idea.Para.1:The principle carried Dr Lin through a life of .hard choicesPara.2:The life as a _.studentPara.3-6:The life as a _.physician19011901Age 5Age 5Age 18Age 188 years later8 years later19391939194119411954195419831983She was born.Her mother_.She chose to study _.She _ from PUMC.She studied in the US.She became the first Chinese woman to be_director at PUMC.She was _ to the government official.She died.Activity 4 Read for the details:Fill in blanks.diedmedicinegraduatedappointedelectedLearning about Lins hard choices Activity 5 Read for the details:Choose the best answers(Group work)instead of .B.To study medicineDifficultiesI.Being objected by her brotherTook the entrance exam and entered PUMCResults D.marrying Para.2(choice )1 instead of .B.To study medicineDifficultiesI.Being objected by her brotherTook the entrance exam and entered PUMCResults At age 18,Lin Qiaozhi chose to instead of ,which meant the difficulties she faced was_ .Finally,she .D.marryingstudy medicinemarrying being objected by her brothertook the entrance exam and entered PUMCstrong-minded instead of _ To return to ChinaDifficultiesH.Living a hard life in ChinaResultsK.Served the women and children at homeF.working in the USEight years later,Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College(PUMC)(北京协和医学院)with the Wenhai Scholarship,the highest prize given to graduates.She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department(妇产科)of the PUMC Hospital(北京协和医院).Within six months,she was named a chief resident physician(住院主任医师),a position that usually took four years to achieve.After working for a few years,she was sent to study in Europe and then,in 1939,in the US.She greatly impressed her American colleagues,who invited her to stay.Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer.She wanted to serve the women and children at home.Para.3(choice )2 instead of _ To return to ChinaDifficultiesH.Living a hard life in ChinaResultsK.Served the women and children at homeF.working in the US In 1939,Lin Qiaozhi chose to instead of ,which meant the difficulties she faced was .And she .return to Chinaworking in the USliving a hard life in Chinaserved the women and children at home Para.3(choice )2patriotic instead of staying safe E.To open a clinic DifficultiesG.Facing the danger of losing life or getting hurtResults J.Continued to provide medical care for the people in need of help.Para.4(choice )3 instead of staying safe E.To open a clinic DifficultiesG.Facing the danger of losing life or getting hurtResults J.Continued to provide medical care for the people in need of help.At age 40,Lin Qiaozhi chose to instead of ,which meant she might ._.And she .open a clinicstaying safeface the danger of losing life of continued to provide medical care for the people in need of helpgetting hurtkind,generous instead of .C.To focus more on workDifficultiesSpending less time on patients and medical researchResults L.Known as“the mother of ten thousand babies”.A.holding important positionsPara.5and Para.6(choice )4 instead of .C.To focus more on workDifficultiesSpending less time on patients and medical researchResults L.Known as“the mother of ten thousand babies”.A.holding important positions At age 53,Lin Qiaozhi chose to instead of ,which meant she would .And she ._,having delivered over 50000 babies in her lifetime.focus more on workholding important positionswas known as“

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