高一英语单元AB卷Unit 3 Family matters(B卷提升能力解析Word版)

高一年级英语单元AB卷 Unit 3 Family matters(B卷·提升能力) (时间:60分钟,满分:100分) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 评分               一、阅读理解 (2020高三上·和平期中) The following is a Want ad for a 21st -century father. Wanted: A 21st -Century Father Who Can Wear Many Hats THE LOVING HAT Responsibilities Include: Benefits: Raising children, not yelling, taking mom out to romantic dinners, listening, “being there.” You'll be loved right back. THE MONEY HAT Responsibilities Include: Benefits: Holding down a good job, making enough money to support family and pay for vacations. Who doesn't want a good job? Plus, vacations with the family. THE FUN HAT Responsibilities Include: Benefits: Taking family to baseball games in summer, going sleigh riding in winter, being goofy, dancing. What good is life if you don't have any fun? Family outings become memories that last a lifetime. THE HANDYMAN HAT Responsibilities Include: Benefits: Taking care of the house and yard. Must know basic carpentry, landscaping, plumbing, and electrical work. You'll get to have a really cool set of tools, including power tools. (1)The Hats in the ad actually refer to the ______ of a father. A.life goals B.life experiences C.desired qualities in personality D.personal interests and in parenting (2)According to the ad, a 21st-century father is expected to do all of the following things EXCEPT ______. A.keep a good work-life balance. B.be able to work with power tools. C.help his children with all of their schoolwork. D.pay attention to his children's and partner's needs. (3)Which hat suits a 21st-century father who often involves his family in different sports? A.THE LOVING HAT B.THE FUN HAT C.THE MONEY HAT D.THE HANDYMAN HAT 【答案】 (1)C (2)C (3)B 【解析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了21世纪的父亲所应该具有的各种品质。 (1)考查推理判断。根据各个HAT部分中关于21世纪父亲的责任描述分别为:“抚养孩子,而不是大喊大叫,带妈妈出去吃浪漫的晚餐,倾听,‘在场'”;“有一份好工作,赚足够的钱养家和度假”;“夏天带家人去看棒球比赛,冬天去坐雪橇,傻乎乎的,跳舞”以及“必须了解基本的木工,园林绿化,管道和电气工作”,可推知,广告中的“帽子”实际上指的是人们期望父亲所具有的品质。故选C。 (2)考查细节理解。根据THE LOVING HAT部分中的“Raising children, not yelling, taking mom out to romantic dinners, listening, ‘being there.'”抚养孩子,而不是大喊大叫,带妈妈出去吃浪漫的晚餐,倾听,‘在场';THE MONEY HAT部分中的“Holding down a good job, making enough money to support family and pay for vacations.”有一份好工作,赚足够的钱养家和度假;以及THE HANDYMAN HAT部分中的“Must know basic carpentry, landscaping, plumbing, and electrical work.”必须了解基本的木工,园林绿化,管道和电气工作。可知,21世纪的父亲需要在工作与生活之间保持良好的平衡、能够使用电动工具工作以及注意他的孩子和伴侣的需要,除了C选项“帮助他的孩子做所有的功课”文章没有提到。故选C。 (3)考查细节理解。根据THE FUN HAT部分中的“Taking family to baseball games in summer, going sleigh riding in winter, being goofy, dancing.”夏天带家人去看棒球比赛,冬天去坐雪橇,傻乎乎的,跳舞。可知,一位经常让家人参加不同运动的21世纪父亲最合适THE FUN HAT。故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。 B (2021高一下·天津月考) A family on the northeast side of Indiana planned to help feed the hungry so they came up with an idea that they transformed their yard into a scary scene for families to visit when it was Halloween. They thought it was an effort to help hundreds of hungry people across the city. Heidi Smith and her husband, Randy, had spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars preparing for this. They made it. This year, the Smith family is keeping most of their scary fun a surprise. But one thing is for sure—if you go there, you'll have some scary fun. Just get ready to scream there! The Smith family has turned their passion for Halloween into a way of giving back. It's free to visit, but they ask people to bring a food donation that goes directly to Gleaners Food Bank. It's because 1 in 7 Hoosiers are going hungry every day. Last year in one night, the Smith family collected enough for 600 meals, more than they had expected. It all went to help the 174,000 hungry people in Marion County. "It was so fun; it made all of the hard work all worth it. We had a lot of people come through many times," Smith added. Although their yard may be scary, the Smith family says hunger is much scarier. "We'd love to have twice as many meals as last year for Gleaners. If we hit more than that, we will be very pleased," said Randy Smith. The H & R "Haunt the Food Drive" will be open for visitors on Halloween. If you would like to visit, their address is 5338 Mark Lane, Indianapolis, Indiana. Click here to visit their Facebook page. 2.What did the Smith family prepare in their yard this year for Halloween? A.A Halloween scream contest. B.Some expensive gifts for visitors. C.Some frightening but funny activities. D.A donation site called Gleaners Food Bank. 3.How did the Smith family use their yard to help the hungry? A.They sold some goods for Halloween. B.They held a Halloween party to raise money. C.They invited the hungry people to eat there for free. D.They asked people visiting the yard to donate food. 4.What did the Smith family most probably think of last year's event? A.It was too costly for the family. B.It failed to att

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