
2021-2022学年甘肃省成考高升专英语自考真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.—It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. —____. You can make it! A.Congratulations B.Take it easy. C.That’s too bad D.Have a good time 2.This school is different ____ others. It has many out-of-date activities. A.of B.on C.for D.from 3.Reading aloud ____ very important for us to learnlanguages. A.is B.are C.am D.be 4.You have just read the newspaper. Did you find ____ in it? A.interesting anything B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.something interesting 5.I ____ from Mr. Smith since he moved to Shanghai A.didn’t hear B.don’t hear C.won’t hear D.haven’t heard 6.—Who is singing in the next room? ()—Lily is. It ____ so sweet. A.tastes B.is tasted C.sounds D.is sounded 7.This tall building has ____ floors. And Mike lives on the ____ floor. A.twelve; twelve B.twelfth; twelfth C.twelfth; twelve D.twelve; twelfth 8.The play was ____ sad ____ it made many people there cry. A.too; to B.so; that C.such; that D.enough; to 9.Smoking ____ inpublic in many countries. A.doesn’t allow B.isn’t allowed C.hasn’t allowed D.didn’t allowed 10.On the way home, Rose saw a thief ____in a shop. She stopped ____ 110 at once A.steal; call B.to steal; call C.stealing; to call D.stealing; calling 二、单选题(5题) 11.If someone gives or does something ______ ,they give or do it willingly,without being ordered or forced to do it. A.randomly B.freely C.automatically D.frequently 12.When I grew up a little, I began to ______ the meaning of words in economics such as financial crisis and unemployment in life, that is, inferior food and thriftier life. A.recover B.appreciate C.exaggerate D.address 13.We have participated in several ______ with the new biological agents and have seen some amazing results. A.advance B.treatment C.trials D.branches 14.His extravagant lifestyle. made me ______ that many children are still in hunger! A.entertain B.thrill C.astonish D.conclude 15.For anybody who bothers to pay attention, it quickly becomes clear that the U.S.-Taiwan dialogue is comparable ______ and scope to that with any other medium-size partner. A.in privacy B.in the flash C.in substance D.in general 三、完型填空(10题) 16.请选择最佳选项( )。 A.help B.feel C.go D.Show 17.26.______ A.seen B.realized C.shared D.developed 18. 第 35 题 A.even if B.since C.although D.as if 19. A.change B.read C.record D.tell 20. 25请选择最佳选项( )。 A.offered B.sent C.returned D.Posted 21. 22. 第 23 题 请在(23)处填上答案 23. 24. 25.  “It’s no use,Mum,”said Johnny. “I’m just no good at dancing. ”   “You’ve got to keep trying. Tonight will be 21______,dear. Try a turn with that pretty Lisette.Johnny 22______ . Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week. He and his parents went to the 23_________ at the Club,where his hero,Alcide,played the accordion(手风琴)with the band.But lately everything had changed. Now that Johnny was older,he was 24 ________to dance with a girl!   25_____ Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club, music had already started. Johnny got up his 26_______ to approach Lisette. “ May I have this dance?” Johnny asked. “That’s all right, ” said Lisette. Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisette’s 27_______ steps, but he was always one beat behind her. Then Johnny heard his friend Pierre say,“Look! Johnny has two left feet!” Laughter burst from the crowd. Johnny 28_______ and ran outside, determined never to go to another dance.   The next Saturday,Alcide drove to Johnny’s house for some potatoes. He happened to hear Johnny playing the accordion. Alcide’s eyes 29_____.“Bring that accordion and play some songs tonight,”Alcide said. Then he drove off,leaving Johnny staring open-mouthed 30________ him.   At the Club, Johnny scanned the crowd for Lisette and 31________ her. The band played for a long time before Alcide said, “Dear friends, I got a 32_______ for you tonight. Young Johnny is going to join us! ” Trembling, Johnny stepped up on the platform, his eyes on the floor. He began to play, and the band joined in behind him. When the song ended, he heard cheers. Johnny kept playing until the dance was 33__________. “You did a fine job tonight. Play with us again next Saturday night,”Alcide said. “Yes,sir!” said Johnny. 34 _____he went outside, Johnny saw Lisette and her friends near the door. Lisette stepped forward,smiling, “You played really good tonight!”she said.   “Thank you,” Johnny blushed(脸红).As he walked on,Pierre 35____ moved out of the way for him to pass.   Johnny patted his accordion. Come to think of it, in his whole life, he had never once seen Alcide out on the dance floor. 21.__________ A.difficult B.troublesome C.different D.terrible 四、词汇与结构(5题) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 五、阅读理解(3题) 31.Why did Winter run marathons around the w

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