
2021-2022学年湖北省荆门市某学校英语高职单招测试试题(含答案) 一、单选题(20题) 1.Then() the Civil War. A.did follow B.followed C.does follow D.following 2.To fully understand the writer,we must read not only between the lines but also()the lines to know what is implied in the article. A.within B.beyond C.beside D.among 3.I want to call Mary,()I don’t know her phone number. A.and B.but C.or D.then 4.()I had a few problems to deal with. A.Hardly have I arrived when B.Hardly did I arrive than C.Hardly had I arrived when D.Hardly had I arrived than 5._______ you are happy, it doesn’t matter what you do. A.as long as B.since C.only D.although 6.This kind of jacket ________ everywhere. A.see B.are seen C.can see D.can be seen 7.— Must I clean the cage today? — No,you ________. A.must not B.can not C.need not D.may not 8.To pay to see that movie seems foolish()you can see it on television for free. A.before B.though C.when D.once 9.The plan put forward at the meeting is________perfect;there’s still much room to improve. A.close to B.next to C.far from D.out of 10.No one knows when such a custom first(). A.came into power B.came into being C.came true D.came out 11.Scientists have _______ that world 's population will double by the end of the century. A.counted B.worked C.calculated D.resulted 12.The play is _____ worth ______. A.very, watching B.good, to watch C.well, watching D.very, being watched 13.The boy is ________ in ________ on the ice. A.interesting;skating B.interesting;to skate C.interested;skating D.interested;to skate 14.---Why do the customers always like Dick? ---Because his body language makes them()welcome. A.to feel B.feel C.feeling D.felt 15.Once _____, the show can never be forgotten. A.see B.seeing C.to see D.seen 16.---Do you mind my smoking here? ---(). A.No,thanks B.No. Good idea C.Yes,please D.Yes. Better not 17.The two strangers talked as if they()friends for years. A.have been B.are C.were D.had been 18.Which of the following is true? A.Could you tell me what is the matter with him? B.Do you know where does Elizabeth live? C.Fave got no idea how to do with it. D.There are many people read in the library. 19.()had he hurried into the cave () it bagan to pour down. A.No sooner;when B.Hardly;when C.Hardly;than D.As soon as;when 20.() the old woman live(),she never feel(). A.But,alone,lonely B.Although,lonely,alone C.Though,alone,lonely D.But,lonely,alone 二、填空题(20题) 21.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he________about his fate all the time. A.is complaining B.has complained C.was complaining D.had complained 22.—Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? —________,if he is ready. A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 23.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than________we were given. A.it B.one C.the one D.those 24.I prefer a house in a mountain village to________in such a large city as Changsha. A.that B.it C.this D.one 25.John said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face________him________. A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 26.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you don’t ________the complaints from all directions. A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about 三、补充对话(10题) 27.---My father is an engineer.(). ---He is an engineer,too. A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 28.(5) A.May I try it on? B.OK. I’ll take it. C.How much is it? D.I’d like to have a hat. E.Size L. 29.(2) A.Ah…Is there anything serious? B.Thank you,doctor. C.I’ve got a bad headache. D.My temperature seems all right. E.About two days. 30.---Can you turn off the lights in the kitchen? We are paying too much for electricity. ---()I never realized that. A.I know B.Really? C.I’ve had enough! D.I’d love to. E. Great! E.Don’t do that! F.Don’t worry G.No problem. 31.---We are running out of time. It’s 12 o’clock. ---()The film will start in 45 minutes. A.I know B.Really? C.I’ve had enough! D.I’d love to. E. Great! E.Don’t do that! F.Don’t worry G.No problem. 32.---Oh,you look so lovely today. ---(). A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 33.A: Can I help you? B: (1) A: When would you like to go? B: On April 29th. A: April 29th? Err,I’m sorry (2) . What about may 1st? B: Let me think. Yes,that’s ok. (3) A: The earliest flight will leave at 8:30 in the morning. B: (4) A: No,it will go straight to shanghai. B: (5) A: 0k,I’ll get them for you right away. (1) A.Then I’ll take the tickets. B.I’d like

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