
湖北省宜昌市第二十一中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 36. You can take as many as you like because they are free of_____. A.fare                    B. charge                 C. money                          D. pay 参考答案: B 略 2. There are________ products to be sold in the factory store. Which is not correct in the following? A. a large number of      B. quantities of               C. a large amount of    D. a great many 参考答案: C 略 3. My parents finally _______ and agreed to buy me a new cell phone as my birthday present. A. gave out     B. gave up     C. gave away     D. gave in 参考答案: D 4. The man we were following stopped from time to time ________ he was too tired to walk. A. even if       B. so that          C. as if          D. except that 参考答案: C 5. The girl _____ you saw in the street is Mary. A. that                                  B. whose                    C. which                               D. as 参考答案: A 6. They sold their house for only 12000 dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful______. A. worth          B. cost          C. bargain      D. value 参考答案: C 7. The doctor _____ for yet.    A .isn't sent             B. hasn't been sent        C. won't be sent          D. wasn't sent 参考答案: B     8. —What do you think we can do for our aged parents? —You    do anything except that you visit them as often as possible. A. don’t have to      B. oughtn’t to      C. mustn’t      D. shouldn’t 参考答案: A  解析:考查情态动词。根据题干意思所填词意思是:不必,选A。 9. — I regret _______ you that you failed the exam. — How I regret _______ so much time playing computer games. A. telling; wasting                                                            B. telling; to waste C. to tell; wasting                                                             D. to tell; to waste 参考答案: C 10. Mary hurt her friend’s feeling, but she didn't do it ____purpose. A.with  B. in   C. by  D. on 参考答案: D 11. The click of a button ________ people miles apart to talk or see each other even without leaving their homes. A. advises B. trains C. allows D. introduces 参考答案: C 【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:只要按一下按钮,相隔几英里的人们就可以交谈或见面,甚至不用离开家。A. advises建议;B. trains训练;C. allows允许;D. introduces介绍。短语allow sb. to do sth.“让某人做某事”,符合句意。故选C。 12. The plane didn’t _________on time that day because of the heavy snowstorm.     A. took off       B. put off        C. get off          D. set off 参考答案: A 13. I’d appreciate ____ if you could turn the radio down. I’m doing my homework. A. you            B. that      C. this          D. it 参考答案: D 14. —How can you take my umbrella away without my permission.     —Oh, sorry, I______ it was yours. I hope you ______. A. didn't know; don't mind     B. don't know; not to mind             C. know; not to care          D. haven't known; didn't mind 参考答案: A 略 15. ______ number of the villagers is five thousand and ______ number of them are good at farming. A. The, the         B. The, a           C. A, a          D.A, the 参考答案: B 16. —We really __________everything you’ve done for our daughter.   —My pleasure.   A. regret    B. appreciate    C. permit D. seek 参考答案: B 略 17. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include        B. including           C. included          D. to include 参考答案: C 略 18. I am ________ the same food every day in the canteen. I want to go out for a change. A. fond of   B. crazy about   C. interested in   D. tired of 参考答案: D 19. The teacher asked such a difficult question ___ no one in the class could answer. A. that    B. what    C. which   D. as 参考答案: D 二、 书面表达 20. 如今在家工作已经成为越来越多的人选择的工作模式.假如你是李华,最近你们班同学就 "Is it good to work at home?" 进行了激烈的辩论.请根据表格所给提示写一篇短文,介绍此次辩论情况并发表自己的看法.然后发表在你校英语论坛上. 赞同(58%) 反对(42%) 你的观点 1.1.省去很多时间和费用; 2.2.可以创造自己喜欢的工作环境; 3.3.可以更好的平衡工作和家庭生活. 1.1.远离同事,会感到孤独,减少交朋友 2.   的机会; 3.2.家人在家,会受到打扰. ? 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. 参考词汇: 平衡: balance  vt.     同事: colleague  cn.    打扰: interrupt  vt. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________   参考答案: Recently, a heated debate has been held in our class about whether it is good to work at home. Opinions vary from person to person. 58% of the students are in favor of the idea. First of all, they can save a lot of time and costs by working at home.(省去很多时间和费用) They don't need to worry about traffic jam or transportation fares. Second, they can decorate their working environment as they like.(可以创造自己喜欢的工作环境) What's more, they can balance their work and family better. It is easier for them to care for their children and the elders.(可以更好的平衡工作和家庭生活) However, 42% of them are against it. For one thing, they may feel lonely / suffer from loneliness because they are away from their colleagues. (远离同事,会感到孤独)And they will have fewer opportunities to make friends with their colleagues.(减少交朋友) For another, while working at home, they may be interrupted from time to time by their children or family.

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