
名校版高考高中英语重难点训练含答案 题型一:语法填空 1. Thanks to the new policy, each couple is allowed to have ____ second child now. 2. No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full ______ surprises. 3. He came to London 3 years ago and has lived here ever ______. 4. His first response was to say no. Later, ______, he changed his mind. 5. I'm working on my fitness and I will be ready in a couple of weeks, ______ not sooner. 6. Remember, keep a positive attitude ______good things will happen. 7. It ______ be quite windy there, especially in spring. 8. I went to see Jack and Bill yesterday, but ______ was at home. 题型二:微型7选5 A balanced diet consisting of different and healthy foods is key to promoting good health. 9 Research continues to prove that eating healthy food promotes good health and unhealthy food habits lead to a diseased body. 10 However, a lack of consumption of these nutrients or feeding upon the wrong kinds of food leads to an accumulation of toxins within the body, resulting in chronic diseases in the long run. A. After all, we are what we eat. B. Foods contain vital nutrients that aid our body’s metabolic function. 答案与解析 题型一:语法填空 1. a。注意冠词与数词的关系。就基数词而言,注意three of us(我们中间的三个人)和the three of us(即we/us three,我们三人)的区别;在序数词方面,注意the second(第二个)和a second(又一、再一,不强调排序)。 2. of。固定词组full of...,意为“充满……”。 3. since。此处的ever since是副词,与现在完成时连用,意为“自从……”,是ever since he came to London 3 years ago 的省略形式。 4. however。具有连接作用的副词,表达转折关系。 5. if。条件状语从句的连接词if的省略句。 6. and。并列连词,此句是条件与结果并存的并列复合句,祈使句表示条件,相当于if we keep a positive attitude,and后面的陈述句表达结果。此句可以改写成Remember, if we keep a positive attitude, good things will happen. 7. can。考查情态动词,can此处表达的是“客观上存在的可能性”。 8. neither。考查不定代词,意为“两者都不……”。 题型二:微型7选5 9. A。第一句说明A balanced diet的重要性,所以接下来说明理由After all, we are what we eat.顺理成章。 10. B。后一句However一转,特别是句中的these nutrients中的these说明前文中一定要出现过nutrients这个词。 题型一:词汇填空 1. We hope Wen's statement will be t______ from a personal belief into one that is shared by all in decision-making positions. 2. I went to hear him speak and was very i______. He seemed so full of fire. 3. Soldiers are expected to o______ their orders without question. 4. She presented a bravery a______ to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker. 5. The labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly i______ us. 6. It's e______ that the American girl Jenny speaks Chinese so fluently. 7. The situation is not p______ with the possibilities of international conflicts. 题型二:阅读理解 Verne, Jules (1828-1905), French author, who is often regarded as the father of science fiction. He was born in Nantes, France, and ran away to sea at the age of 11. After he was sent home in shame, he promised seriously to travel only in his imagination. He carried out this pledge in more than 50 works that combine scientific fantasy and exciting adventure. 1. What type of writing is the passage? 2. It can be seen from the passage that Verne Jules was fond of______ from his childhood. 3. What does the underlined word “pledge” mean? 答案与解析 题型一:词汇填空 1. transformed,transform...into...把……变成……。 2. impressed, impress sb. 给……留下印象。 3. obey,遵守、听从。 4. award,present an award to sb.给……颁奖。 5. influenced,影响 6. extraordinary,非凡的、优秀的、出色的。 7. pregnant,本义是“怀孕的”,本句中的含义是“孕育着……”。注意词义的引申,再如:In sports, exercise and play are not divorced. 在运动中,练习和比赛是分不开的。 题型二:阅读理解 1. Biography 此题是考查写作知识的,即文体的认定,从内容上看这是“传记”的节选。大家平时学习时应该及时总结自己见到的常用文体,如travel journal, interview等等。 2. adventures。从ran away to sea at the age of 11...and was sent home in shame到 travel only in his imagination再到combine scientific fantasy and exciting adventure可以得出答案。 3. promise。最后两句从做出承诺到遵守承诺,一脉相承。 题型一:词汇填空 (每空一词) The best and easiest way to lose weight is to 1 a healthy meal plan with physical exercise. Make exercise a necessary 2 of your life. An hour of exercise every day will help you lose weight without having to cut down 3 your favorite foods. A good exercise 4 should include exercises like jogging, bicycling, swimming, etc. at least 4 days a week. Thus, 5 a healthy lifestyle in addition to a healthy diet to lose weight will help you lose it in a natural way. 题型二:语法填空 6. ______ (slim) coffee is a drink that is designed to help people lose weight. 7. He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything ______ (arrange) in perfect order. 8. It took me some time ______ (digest) what I had heard. 9. Mary______ (go) on a diet, as she has put on weight recently. 10. And so Cinderella and the Prince were married, and they ______ (live) happily ever after. 答案与解析 题型一:词汇填空 1. combine。将……结合起来。2. part。让锻炼成为生活的一个有机组成部分。3. on。cut down on,固定词组,“减少”。4. program。Exercise program锻炼方案、锻炼项目。5. following。Follow a healthy lifestyle遵循健康的生活方式。 题型二:语法填空 6. Slimming。意为“减肥咖啡”。此处是动名词做定语。注意动名词作定语用来说明中心词的用途,而现在分词作定语是说明中心词的性质、特征、属性或状态,如sleeping car意为“(火车)的卧铺车厢”而sleeping baby则是“睡着了的婴儿”。常见的动名词作定语的还有swimming pool,“游泳池”;walking stick,“拐杖、拐棍”;fishing pole,“钓鱼竿”等等。 7. arranged。过去分词做find的第

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