
名校版高考高中英语总复习重难点精练含答案解析 题型一:句意解释(一空一词) 1. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.——So many thousands of frightened people were killed whenever the disease _____ out. 2. John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence.——John Snow had an idea that the second theory was probably correct but he needed to ____ it. 3. This club has a strange rule. It rejects women.——This club has a strange rule. It doesn’t ____ women. 4. If you lose your job, you’ll only have yourself to blame.——If you become jobless, it’s only your own _____. 5. It is wise of you to take care of your health.——It makes ____ to pay attention to your health. 6. In his honor this puzzle is called “finding the Euler path”.——To ____ him, this puzzle is called “finding the Euler path”. 7. You must exercise great caution when operating this machine. -----You must be very ____ when operating this machine. 8. This happened more than fifty years ago, but Bruhn still had a sense of amazement in his voice as he described what they found.——This occurred more than fifty years ago, but Bruhn still sounded amazed as he made a description of his _____. 题型二:微技能(7选5) Norio Ohga was born in Japan in nineteen thirty. He grew up playing the piano and taking singing lessons. 9 His aim was to become an opera singer. As a young man, Ohga reportedly owned a tape recorder that did not work well. He sent a letter detailing the problems to the producer. The owners of the company were struck by his knowledge about music and technology. 10 The company later became known as Sony. In 1959, Ohga began working full-time with Sony. . They asked him to serve as a part-time advisor. . He studied music at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music . 答案与解析 题型一:句意解释 . broke。 这里牵扯到构词法知识。outbreak是一个合成词,与breakthrough相比,这个词是由短语动词break out反向合成的,不管是正向合成还是反向合成,其含义都保留着原短语动词的基本含义。 . prove。 evidence意为“证据”,即这件事还需要进一步证明。 . admit/accept。 该题考查的是反义词,reject意为“拒绝录取、录用某人”,而“录取、录用”我们常用admit/accept。 . fault。 Sb/Sth is to blame的含义是“某结果是由某人、某事造成的”即“某人、某事应该为某种结果的产生而负责任或造成这一结果是某人、某事的过错”。表示“过错”的词是fault,注意这个词与mistake和error的区别。 . sense。 make sense的含义是“有意义的、明智的”,同时注意make sense of的意思是“理解、明白”。 . honor/remember。 in one’s honor/memory或in the honor/memory of sb.意思是“为了纪念某人”,其相应的动词是honor/remember。 . cautious. 注意英语中的有些词组的含义取决于其中的核心词的含义,这个核心词往往是其中的名词。如exercise great caution的核心是caution,再比如上题中的In his honor,还有我们常见的make an answer/achievement,have/take a rest等等。8. discovery 根据句意what they found意为“发现”,这种含义的名词通常是discovery。 题型二:微技能(7选5)7选5解题的关键就是上下文的逻辑关系,第9题前面说He grew up playing the piano and taking singing lessons.而后面谈及他的目标,所以中间介绍他在哪学习便顺理成章了;第10题也是如此,前面讲The owners of the company were struck by his knowledge about music and technology. 接下来将为此他们采取的措施也就理所当然了。 9.B 10. A 题型一:词汇填空 1. He __________ the speed limit and drove very fast. 2. I'd be very __________ if you could let me know as soon as possible. 3. I'm __________. Somebody told my boss I have a part time job. 4. The whole society should show __________ for disabled children. 5. It was because he __________ in the exam that he was punished. 题型二:语法填空 6. This morning, my dog got hit by __________car. 7. He’s busy. Why don’t you come __________time? 8. When I asked them to wait, Tom agreed to wait a week __________Bill refused to wait another day. 9. I didn't wake up __________I heard the alarm clock. 10. You’ll get wet if you go out in the rain __________an umbrella. SI4答案与解析 题型一:词汇填空 1. ignored。常识理解。开的很快显然是忽视了或没有注意限速的要求。 2. grateful。常识理解。如果别人能为你提供某种帮助,你当然应该感激。 3. upset。常识理解。当有人告诉你的老板你兼职时,你的感受当然是心烦意乱、坐卧不安了。 4. concern。常识理解。全社会都应该对残疾人表示关心。 5. cheated/failed。常识理解。考试作弊或考不及格都可能要受到惩罚的。 当然,这类题目的答案有时并不是唯一的,这里往往牵扯到两个问题,意思近义词的使用,比如第3题,也可以用angry;二是某种情况的产生可能不是一种原因,如第5题。大家想一想,其它题目还有其它答案吗? 题型二:语法填空 该套练习主要是帮助大家了解语法填空中有哪些词是可以直接填的,该5题包括:冠词、不定代词、并列连词、从属连词和介词。还有那些词类可以直接填呢? 6. a。考查冠词。注意by car和by a car的区别。By car是指乘坐汽车或开车,而by a car是指被一辆车……了。 7. another。考查不定代词。“改日、换个时间”的常用表达法。 8. but。考查并列连词。前后两部分明显是转折关系。 9. until。考查从属连词。此处是固定句型,“直到……才……”。 10. without。考查介词。常识理解。 1. How much one enjoys himself traveling depends largely on____ he goes with, whether his friends or relatives. 【四川卷2010】 A. what B. who C. how D. why【介词on的宾语从句】 答案:B。从句中介词with缺少宾语,而后面的his friends or relatives表明指的是“人”,who可以代替whom作宾语。 2. Before the sales start, I make a list of ____ my kids will need for the coming season. 【山东卷2010】 A. why B. what C. how D. which 【介词of的宾语从句。连接词作从句中动词need的宾语。】 3. A modern city has been set up in ____ was a wasteland ten years ago. 【天津卷2004】 A. what B. which C. that D. where 【介词in的宾语从句。从句中缺少主语。what自身往往不能指“地点”,根据句意可以推断出what was a wasteland的意思是指“地方”。】 4. Many young people in the West are expected to leave_____ could be life’s most important decision— marriage— almost entirely up to luck. 【江苏卷2009】 A. as B. that C. which D. what 【动词leave的宾语从句,从句缺主语,同时该句考查的是动词leave的固定搭配,即leave……to……,意为“把……交给……;……由……而定。”】 5. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought w

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