
Integrated skillsUnit 5 Wild animalsLets enjoy Michael Jacksons song-Heal the world What about sunrise?What about rain?What about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain What about killing fields?Is there a time?What about all the things That you said was yours and mineDid you ever stop to notice All the blood weve shed beforeDid you ever stop to notice The crying earth the weeping shoresAaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaahAaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaahTo learn to tell different animals looks,abilities and qualitiesTo know the food of different animalsTo know the danger some animals are facingTo learn to talk about how to protect wild animalsLearning objectivesorange fur with dark stripes stripe(条纹条纹)bright eyesThey can _ fast,but only for a while.(仅仅一会)(仅仅一会)runThey can _ and _.climbswimlike to live aloneHunters catch tigers for their fur,bones or other parts of the body.猎人猎人thick furThey can see,hear and smell things far away.They can run for hours without stopping.work as a team以团队的形式工作以团队的形式工作kill for funKill for fun(猎杀为乐)(猎杀为乐)What a shame!(真羞愧!)(真羞愧!)They are losing living areas Listen to the conversation and complete the fact sheets about tigers and wolves.A Helping wild animals TigersLooks big and strong _ eyes _ fur with _ stripesAbilities can _ fast,but only for a short while able to _ and climbbrightorangedarkrunswim TigersQualities like to live _Food animalsDanger hunters catch tigers for their fur,bones or other parts of the bodyalone WolvesLooks not very _ thick _Abilities can see,hear and _ things far away can run for _ without stoppingQualities often work as a team never kill for _bigfurhoursfunsmell Wolves Food animals sometimes _Danger losing living areas people kill wolves because they think wolves are dangerous to humansfruitsListen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.Dear Sir or Madam,We are writing to tell you about some wild animals in danger.Tigers are big and _.They have very _ eyes.Tigers like to live _.There are not many tigers in the world now.Tigers are in danger because people catch them for their fur,_ or other parts of the body.strongbrightalonebonesWolves are not very big.They can see,_ and _ things far away.They often work as a _.Sadly,they have fewer and fewer living areas,and people kill them because they think wolves are _ to humans.They are now in danger.We think we should help these animals.Yours sincerelyMillie DanielteamdangeroushearsmellLooksAbilitiesQualitiesFoodDangerO_ fur with d_ stripsbig and s_b_ eyescan run f_,but only for a w_able to s_ and c_like to live a_animalsHunters c_ them for their f_,bones or other parts of the bodybig and s_b_ eyesO_ fur with d_ stripscan run f_,but only for a w_able to s_ and c_like to live a_animalsHunters c_ them for their f_,bones or other parts of the bodyLooksAbilitiesQualitiesFoodDangercan run for hours without s_ often work a_ a team Never kill for f_can see,hear and s_ things far away not very big,t_ furLosing l_ areasAnimals,sometimes f_People kill wolves because they think wolves are dangerous to h_not very big,t_ furcan see,hear and s_ things far away can run for hours without s_ often work a_ a team Never kill for f_Animals,sometimes f_Losing l_ areasPeople kill wolves because they think wolves are dangerous to h_B Speak up:Its a great pity!We should help wild animals.They are our best friends.Millie is talking to her mum about how to protect wild animals.Are you interested in it?Lets listen to their conversation and answer the questions.Why are some wild animals in danger?They lose their lives because people hunt them.People sell their fur,bones or other parts of the body.What can we do to protect wild animals?We shouldnt buy fur coats any more.QuestionsWhy are wild animals in danger?DiscussionThey cannot find enough food.They are losing their living areas.They died because of the serious pollution(污染污染).Humans hunt them too much.Wildlife(野生动物野生动物)is our friends.They can keep the balance of nature and make the whole world colorful.To protect wildlife is to protect ourselves.TalkMake a dialogue about protecting wild animals with your partner.Use Millie and her mums conversation as a model.Millie:Mum,I read a book about wild animals today.Some of them are now in danger.Mum:Im sorry to hear that.Its a great pity.Millie:Yes.Many animals lose their lives because _.They sell _ Mum:What a shame!We should(not)_Millie:Right.I think everybody should act to protect wild animals.ucannot find enough foodulose their living areas uthe serious pollutionupeople hunt them too muchucut down forestsubuild more reservesumake laws to protect wild animalsukill them Try to find some materials about wild animals.Then write a passage to tell people why we should protect them and how to protect them.Thank You!1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。、千里之行,始于足下。2020年7月12日星期日3、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。09:017.12.202009:017.12.202009:0109:01:457.12.202009:017.12.20204、敏而好学,不耻下问。7.12.20207.12.202009:0109:0109:01:4509:01:455、海内存知已,天涯若比邻。S

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