
Unit 4 EarthquakeReadingWhat is an earthquake?An earthquake is the result of a sudden release(释放)(释放)of energy in the Earths crust.(地壳(地壳).A terrible earthquake hit/struck Wenchuan.Step 1:Lead-in2008The 29th Summer Olympics was held in Beijing.8 8月月8 8日北京奥运会日北京奥运会开幕式上,中国开幕式上,中国代表团旗手姚明的代表团旗手姚明的身旁走着另外一位小身旁走着另外一位小“旗手旗手”来来自四川地震灾区自四川地震灾区汶川县映秀汶川县映秀小学的学生小学的学生林浩。?林浩,林浩,男,男,9 9岁半岁半 汶川县的小学学生在汶川汶川县的小学学生在汶川大地震发生的那一刻,他临危不惧,爬出废墟后大地震发生的那一刻,他临危不惧,爬出废墟后并没有逃离,而是再次钻到废墟里开始救助自己并没有逃离,而是再次钻到废墟里开始救助自己的同学。他的同学。他艰难地把两名同学背出了废墟,自己艰难地把两名同学背出了废墟,自己也受了伤也受了伤。他的班上共有。他的班上共有1010人被救,其中两个是人被救,其中两个是他救的。被问到为什么要这么做时,林浩说:他救的。被问到为什么要这么做时,林浩说:“我是班长。如果其他同学都没有了,要你这个班我是班长。如果其他同学都没有了,要你这个班长有什么用呢?长有什么用呢?”6 6月月2727日,林浩被授予日,林浩被授予“抗震救灾英雄少年抗震救灾英雄少年”的称号。的称号。What will he do when he is in classroom if an earthquake happens?Will you be another Fanpaopao?What can you see in the picture?1.What can you see in the picture?Many young people are praying for the dead in Wenchuan earthquake.2.Do you think how destructive(毁灭性的毁灭性的)Wenchuan earthquake was?It is reported that 69.197 people lost their lives and 18.222 people disappeared,and it made our county lose 845 billion(十亿十亿)Yuan.In fact,another even more terrible earthquake happened in last century in China.It is the biggest earthquake of 20th century.It is Tangshan Earthquake 1.Read the passage and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.Paragraph Topic sentence 1234Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.Everything began to shake.It seemed as if the world was at an end.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.All hope was not lost.Step2:Fast-reading 2.How many parts can this passage be divided into?Three parts Paragragh1Part 2Paragraph 2.3Part 3Paragraph 4Part 1beforetheearthquakeduring theearthquakeaftertheearthquakesignsdamagerecovery/rescue/rebuildPart 2Part 3Part 13.Use one noun and preposition(介词介词)to describe the main idea of each part.nounprepositionPara1:What may happen before an earthquake?signsStep3 Careful reading The water in the wells_and_.And some deep _ could be seen in the well walls.A_gas came out the cracks.rosefellcrackssmellysigns:Mice ran out of the fields _ places to hide.Fish _ out of bows and ponds.looking forjumpedsigns:The chickens and even pigs were_nervous _eat.The dog was _loudly again and again.tootobarkingsigns:People could see _lights in the sky.brightsigns:What did people do though so many strange things happened?The one million people of the city them and as usual.thought little ofwent to sleep_反义词反义词think highly of Mr Xi thought highly of me in my dream last night.v _ of the nation felt the earthquake.v A huge crack that was kilometres long and metres wide cut across houses.vIn terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.v _ of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.v_ _families were killed and many children were left without parents.One third83015Two thirdsThousands ofRead Para:(2-3)Find out the data(数据)to describe how destructive the earthquake was during the earthquakev The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than .vAll of the citys hospitals,of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone.v _ _ _ _ cows would never give milk again.v _ _ _ pigs and _ _ chickens had died.75%90%Tens of thousands ofHalf a millionmillions of400,000The large city _.lay in ruins In conclusion:went to Tangshan after the earthquake.were rescued from the coal mines.Para.4All hopes were not lost.The city begin to breathe.The army Miners rescue/recovery/rebuilding 这是我们一直在做的!这是我们一直在做的!Step4:Discussion one1.What should we do before an earthquake?We should build our buildings as _ as possible.strong1.What should we do before an earthquake?Step4 Discussion one.Its _ and _ for people to have a knowledge of(了解了解)earthquake.important necessary People must pay attention to the _ (unusual)things,because an earthquake maybe will happen.Therefore,we can minimize(使使最小化最小化)the damage caused by the coming earthquake.strange1.What should we do before an earthquake?Step4 Discussion one.Although we cant _ earthquake,we can take some measures for it,for example,build _ thatcan predict(预测预测)where and when an earthquake will break out.machines stop/preventRemember!Nipinthebud!What should we do during an earthquake?Dont be _ and keep _.Discussion twocalmnervous.Step4:Disscussion two What should you do if you are in one of the following places during an earthquake?Can you really save yourselves?.Try our best to _ and _ survivors,and_ the city.Discussion three3.What should we do after an earthquake?.When a disaster strikes,help comes all sides!rescue help rebuild After the erathquake,you met one of the surviors,what should you tell him/her?A.I think,we should remember those (用个定语从句).Discussion Fourwho have helped us.After the erathquake,you met one of the surviors,what should you tell him/her?A.I think,we should remember thoseDiscussion Fourwho have helped us.C.Live with a strong belief that _ _ _ _.B.Try to forget _ experiences(经历经历).s

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