
《银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识》题库 一 , 单选题 (共100题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:Because of the biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily bases, some foods age you faster than your real age, while other foods help to fight aging. A.eating food on a daily basis B.often eating the improper foods C.biochemical reactions in your body D.starting to eat the right foods 【答案】 C 2、资料:Early Experiences A.The nearest customers B.The virtual customers C.People that pretend to be customers D.The VIPs 【答案】 C 3、运用()进行管理的实质,是以满足人们基本的社会心理上的需要,达到调动人们的工作积极性、促进社会主义现代化事业的发展为目的的。 A.行政方法 B.经济方法 C.社会心理方法 D.数学方法 【答案】 C 4、生命化学进化四个阶段不包括( )。 A.从有机小分子物质生成无机小分子物质 B.从有机小分子物质形成有机高分子物质 C.从有机高分子物质组成多分子体系 D.从多分子体系演变为原始生命 【答案】 A 5、2月6日,我国自主研发建造的全球首座十万吨级深水半潜式生产储油平台(  )能源站,抵达海南陵水海域。 A.“天海一号” B.“深海一号” C.“深鲸一号” D.“白鲨一号” 【答案】 B 6、泰戈尔获得诺贝尔文学奖的时间是(  )。 A.1923年 B.1913年 C.1915年 D.1918年 【答案】 B 7、资料:The movement of consumers from public social media to private messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reported that the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceeds the combined usage of the top four social media apps。Falling data prices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propel this growth。 A.The traditional social networks will have great impact on certain groups B.The private messaging apps will replace the social media apps C.The intimate channels can be the double-edged swords to the sellers D.The growth of the intimate channels will bring only benefits to the marketers 【答案】 C 8、The fast-growing Chinese market has been a source of______opportunities for businesses。 A.considerable B.considering C.considered D.considerate 【答案】 A 9、Passage 2 A.She was not familiar with the road B.It was dark and raining heavily then C.The railway workers failed to give the signal D.Her GPS device didn’t tell her about the crossing 【答案】 D 10、默认情况下,Exce1 2003工作簿由(  )个工作表组成。 A.1 B.4 C.5 D.3 【答案】 D 11、商业银行在加强内控中应建立对集团性大客户实行( )制度。 A.集团总部授信管理 B.统一授信管理 C.分级授信管理 D.分区域授信管理 【答案】 B 12、All kinds of techniques and medicines ______ to extend human beings’ live in recent years. A.have been developed B.are being developed C.were developed D.develop 【答案】 A 13、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. A.Ten years B.Nineteen years C.Eight years D.Thirty-six years 【答案】 C 14、It was very important(  )all projects before the end of the fiscal year. A.complete B.completed C.completing D.to complete 【答案】 D 15、匾额是中国古建筑的重要组成部分,显示建筑物的性质,下列匾额与建筑物对应正确的一组是(  )。 A.明镜高悬一贡院 B.万世师表一关帝庙 C.还我河山一武侯祠 D.正大光明一乾清官 【答案】 D 16、一国关境与其国境相比(  )。 A.关境可以小于国境 B.关境可以大于国境 C.关境可以等于国境 D.以上都对 【答案】 D 17、票据交易价格主要取决于( )。 A.市场利率 B.票面利率 C.票面价值 D.到期价格 【答案】 A 18、计算机中数据的表示形式是(  )。 A.八进制 B.十进制 C.二进制 D.十六进制 【答案】 C 19、以下哪种情形会使货币需求增加?(  ) A.商品和劳务供给量减少 B.银行存款利率升高 C.物价水平上升 D.货币流通速度加快 【答案】 C 20、资料:Samsung’s Notebook 7 Spin is a stylish,versatile work machine with power to spare.The 2-in-1 notebook’s performance is impressive,and its versatile folding design is legitimately useful.Unfortunately,the system’s shallow keyboard and lackluster battery life curtail its productivity potential a bit. A.In a magazine about electronic products B.In Samsung’s stores C.In a newspaper D.In an advertisement 【答案】 A 21、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. A.the government B.both the employer and the government C.the employer D.the employer, the government and the media 【答案】 B 22、Passage 4 A.law courts have decided not to use fashionable words B.it is widely accepted by all the insured C.it enables ordinary people to understand it easily D.the meaning of such wording has been agreed upon 【答案】 D 23、In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal,the company is planning to offer a special discount(  )its customers. A.by B.to C.with D.upon 【答案】 B 24、We shouldn’t ignore the importance of ______ our hobbies or getting involved in arts and crafts activities. A.amplifying B.enhancing C.fostering D.magnifying 【答案】 C 25、根据我国《公司法》的规定,有限责任公司成立的日期为(  )。 A.公司登记机关受理登记申请之日 B.申请人收到营业执照之日 C.公司成立公告发布之日 D.营业执照签发之日 【答案】 D 26、 周文、郑武、张天、李元四人是大学同学,毕业后,四人共同开办了一家创意工厂,周文提供了经营场所、郑武和李元分别提供了10万元作为启动基金,张天提供自身的创意才华,负责工厂的产品研发。周文和张天参与了工厂的日常经营,而郑武和李元没有参与,只按照约定参与年终盈利分红。那么,该创意工厂的合伙人是(  )。 A.郑武、李元 B.周文、张天 C.周文、张天、郑武和李元 D.周文、郑武和李元 【答案】 C 27、( )的指标越高,则流动性越差。 A.资产流动性比例 B.备付金比例 C.中长期贷款比例 D.国债占总资产比

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