living with diseasePPT教学课件

Living With DiseaseLiving With DiseaseAIDS has turned into the modern holocaust(大屠杀)(大屠杀),destroying lives left and right.Anyone can be infected by HIV and get AIDS.They could be our parents,our children,our brothers and sisters.They could be our friends and neighbors.They could be just like you and me.Everyone should learn all they can about AIDS.We should learn about effective prevention.We should support others who are victims of this insidious disease.We should get involved in efforts aimed at finding a cure.We should do all we can to stop AIDSAIDS,A DEADLY DISEASE当代瘟疫当代瘟疫和超级癌症AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:Acquired means you can get infected with it.Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the bodys system that fights diseases.Syndrome(综合病症)means a group of health problems that make up a disease.AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV,the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.If you get infected with HIV,your body will try to fight the infection.It will make antibodies,special molecules that are supposed to fight HIV.HIV and AIDS are not the same thing.It usually takes many years before HIV It usually takes many years before HIV breaks down a persons immune breaks down a persons immune system and causes AIDS.Most people system and causes AIDS.Most people have few,if any,symptoms for several have few,if any,symptoms for several years after they are infected.But once years after they are infected.But once HIV gets into the body,it can do serious HIV gets into the body,it can do serious damage to the immune system.People damage to the immune system.People who appear perfectly healthy may have who appear perfectly healthy may have the virus,without knowing it,and pass it the virus,without knowing it,and pass it on to others.on to others.DOYouKNOW?Today,40 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS.Of these,37 million are adults and 2.5 million are children under 15.During 2003,AIDS caused the deaths of an estimated 3 million people,including 2.5 million adults and 500,000 children under 15.Sub-Saharan AfricaThe Middle East and North AfricaEastern Europe and Central AsiaAsia and the PacificLatin America and the CaribbeanNorth AmericaHow to Prevent AidsBy Emma F.Back to AIDS Main PageDo you think you could get AIDS by.sharing a bathroom?eating food that was cooked by someone that has AIDS?giving blood at a blood drive?coughing or sneezing?shaking hands?being bitten by a mosquito or a tick(扁(扁虱)虱)?touching someone who is sweating that has AIDS?swimming in a pool?AS a matter of fact,you cant get AIDS by doing any of these things,although many people think you can.You cant get AIDS by being near or touching someone who has AIDS.HIV,the virus that causes AIDS,is spread through the blood.HIV does not travel as tears,air,or sweat.If you find a used needle on the ground,dont touch it.Especially if you have an open cut.The blood from the needle might have HIV in or on it.You can kiss a person infected with HIV on the cheek,but you shouldnt do any big,deep kissing since small amounts of HIV have been found in saliva.(唾液)You can get AIDS by:blood transfusions(not very common any more).Being born when their mother is infected,or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman.having unprotected sex with someone who has AIDS.finding a used needle on the ground,picking it up,and getting the infected blood into an open wound.getting blood from someone elses cut who has AIDS,into yours.As you can see,AIDS is hard to get.Is There a Cure for AIDS?There is no cure for AIDS.There are drugs that can slow down the HIV virus,and slow down the damage to your immune system.But there is no way to get all the HIV out of your body.ListeningPart 1Part 11.What are the people at the center trying 1.What are the people at the center trying to do?to do?They are trying to control and prevent They are trying to control and prevent diseases.diseases.2.Wha t kind of information does Jane 2.Wha t kind of information does Jane collect?collect?Jane usually asks people if they have a Jane usually asks people if they have a fever,headache or sore throat.She also fever,headache or sore throat.She also asks when they got sick.asks when they got sick.3.What does Jane do with the information she 3.What does Jane do with the information she collects?collects?She uses the information she collects to She uses the information she collects to find out what caused the disease.find out what caused the disease.4.How do the 4.How do the“disease detectivedisease detective”do their do their job?job?Some detectives work in a laboratory,and Some detectives work in a laboratory,and others like Jane,travel to areas where a others like Jane,travel to areas where a disease has broken out to collect disease has broken out to collect information.information.Part 21.Take notes of what you hear on the tape and use your notes to tell your parents about Janes work,how she feels about her job,and what advice she gives.Goes out about every three months.Finds o

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