
【鼓楼、秦淮、玄武、建邺、联合体】【鼓楼、秦淮、玄武、建邺、联合体】2020 初三英语期中好题汇编初三英语期中好题汇编 一、单项填空一、单项填空【鼓楼区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】【鼓楼区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】24.-Here are four sweaters.Which one would you like?-_ of them is OK.A.AllB.AnyC.SomeD.Either34.From the notice on the right we know _.A.the library closes at 2 p.m.on weekdaysB.the library wont open on Saturdays next monthC.the library will be open all weekends after next monthD.the library will have longer opening hours next month35.-My dream is to play in the World Cup,but many of my classmates laugh atme.-_.No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.A.Dont lose heartB.Dont mention itC.Never mindD.I dont think so【秦淮区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】【秦淮区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】22.Yao Ming plays basketball very well.He once scored 41 points in a game_ the other team in 2004.How amazing!A.forB.againstC.aroundD.between23.It is believed that listening to light music makes _ easier for peopleto solve difficult problems.A.itB.thisC.thatD.oneIMPROVED SERVICE From next month the library will remain open until 2 p.m.on Saturday.32.Which sentence should be put at the beginning of the paragraph below?_.Parents of our personalities are passed onto us by our parents.Thats why people say“Like father,like son”.The environment,including our experiences,the people around us and the education we received,can also change our personalities.A.Our personalities are decided by our fathers.B.Parents have the greatest influence on our personalities.C.Our personalities are decided by the environment around us.D.Both parents and the environment can influence our personalities.35.-Jane,your animal sign is the Rabbit,so you must be careful.-_.In fact,Im so careless that I always make similar mistakes.A.Thats it B.Thats all C.Thats not the case D.Thats a good idea 【玄武区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】【玄武区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】HIGHCLIFFE SCHOOL GALLERY TAKING PHOTOS OF THE ART DISPLAYED HERE IS NOT PERMITTED 1.The notice on the night tells us you are not allowed _.A.to take photos of the art here B.to take photos of the gallery here C.to display any of your photos here D.to take away any of the photos here 10.-What do you think of the wedding dress by Vera Wang?-I _ its style,but I _ not choose it because of its high price.A.would rather;prefer B.prefer;prefer C.would rather:would rather D.prefer;would rather 11.It is said that the latest English song Yes!OK!is well worth _.A.being listened B.being listened to C.listening D.listening to 14.If you want to look for specific details in an article,which reading skill can you use?A.Skimming.B.Scanning.C.Predicting.D.Guessing.【建邺区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】【建邺区期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】22._ Eric _ Jack is listening to the report carefully,because they are both interested in it very much.A.Neither;nor B.Either;or C.Both;and D.Not only;but also 27.-Mum,when can we go to watch the volleyball match in the sports centre?-Not until the homework _ tomorrow.A.will be finished B.is finished C.was finished D.has finished 28.My American friend Sam is interested in Nanjing very much.He wonders _.A.who built the ancient city walls B.when was the Presidential Palace built C.how long is the Nanjing Yangzi River Bridge D.that Nanjing has a long history 29.-Although my grandma is eighty years old,she is always in the pink.-Yes.Because she has a balanced diet and likes exercise.The underlined phrase“in the pink”means“_”.A.patient B.organized C.generous D.healthy 【联合体期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】【联合体期中单选题,题号与试卷上保持一致】22.-Are you going camping this afternoon?-A typhoon is coming.Im not sure _ the road to the mountains will be Closed.A.which B.what C.whether D.why 27.-Its a pity that _ my teachers _ parents allow me to go abroad alone.-After all you are too young and the covid-19 is very serious.A.either;or B.not only;but also C.both;and D.neither;nor 31.-Thats all for todays talk.Anything else you want to know?-Mrs.Rainbow,I am still wondering _.A.how do strong colours make people take action easily B.that there is a relationship between colours and moods C.what do colours represent and how do they influence us D.why colours can change our moods and improve our life 二、阅读二、阅读【鼓楼区期中任务型,题号与试卷上保持一致】【鼓楼区期中任务型,题号与试卷上保持一致】Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest composers of all time.He was born in 1770 in Bonn,Germany.When he was 4 years old,his father started teaching him to play the piano.Later,Beethoven took lessons from other teachers.He also learned to play the violin and the organ.In 1787,when Beethoven was 17,he visited Vienna,Austria.There,he played for a famous musician named Mozart.Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792 to study with another famous musician,Haydn.Beethoven lived in Vienna the rest of his life.Beethoven played music that other people had written.But he also liked to improvise(即兴创作).Beethoven would ask someone to play a few notes on a piano.Then hed sit down and play those same few notes and add more.Soon,he would create a whole new tune.As a composer,Beethoven was a great talent.He liked to write,or compose,his own music.He heard music in his head.T

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