
新视野大学英语第四册选择题题库.docUnit 1:Section A1.得知 而不快/高兴/惊讶/痛心to be annoyed/delighted/surprised/distressed to learn that.2、和以前一样不了 解某人 to understand sb.no better than at first(L.4)3.执意陪伴着他 to impose her company upon him(L.6)4.试图做某事 to press ones attempt to do sth.(L.6)5.就我而言 for my part(L 9)6.没有给某人添麻烦 to give sb.no trouble(L.11)7.为某事做一些安排 to plan somewhat for sth.(L.12)8.让人吃惊 to be full of surprises(L.17)9.料想;指望 to count upon(L.18)10.认真对待某人/某事 to take sb./sth.seriously(L.20)11.对.大惊小怪 to make a fuss about.(L.20)12.某人最不希望的事情 the last thing sb.would desire or expect(L.21)13.(使)筋疲力尽 to run down(L.24)14.明确感觉有必要做某事 the feeling of a distinct necessity to do sth.(L.32)15.丝毫不曾怀疑.without a suspicion/doubt that.(L.35)16.反对某事 to object to sth.(L.35)17.陶醉于.to drink in.(L.51)18.很想做某事 to be greatly tempted to do sth.(L.57)19.没有抵挡住诱惑 to yield to the temptation(L.58)20.从她家中离开 to be gone from under her roof(L.24)Test Yourself-Multiple Choice1.They are hoping to_ the Japanese market with their latest product.A)transmit B)plungeC)penetrate D)filter2.Both the labor and the management made a lot of_ and at last they came to an agreement.A)sessions B)recessionsC)concessions D)conferences3.A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen.They are a thorough_.A)nuisance B)troubleC)worry D)anxiety4.Out of_ revenge(复仇),he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.A)perfect B)totalC)sheer D)thorough5.Tve already had one holiday in Africa,and Im not_ on going there again.A)willing B)readyC)eager D)keen6.To call the music of another music-culture“primitive is _ ones own standards on a group thatdoes not recognize them.7.She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it_enough to eat.A)puttingC)forcingB)imposingD)emphasizingA)mildC)lightB)slightD)tender8.The manager needs an assistant that he can_to take care of problems in his absence.A)count inB)count onC)count up D)count out9.We love peace,yet we are not the kind of people to_ to any military threat.A)yield B)applyC)resort D)appeal10.What I hate most is making a great_ about such a simple matter.A)confusion B)initiativeC)fuss D)bark11.Paul said he would give me a piece of cake if I stayed here,but I didnt give in to the_.A)intention B)叩pealC)temptation D)charm12.The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n)_ because he had too muchluggage with him.A)porter B)employeeC)servant D)assistant12.The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n)_ because he had too muchluggage with him.A)porter B)employeeC)servant D)assistant14.Dont joke with Linda;she takes everything far too_.A)carefully B)gravelyC)seriously D)critically15.The car wont start because the battery has_.A)run up B)run downC)run over D)run off16.If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps,he will not be able to make_ judgments.A)sensible B)sensitiveC)sentimental D)sensational17.Parents have a legal_ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitableto their age.A)instinct B)influenceC)sympathy D)obligation18.Space scientists believe that the black hole is_,and would draw everything,even light,toward itscenter.A)vacant B)emptyC)bare D)hollow19.Any electric products sold in this famous department store will be_for one year.A)protected B)guaranteedC)preserved D)ensured20.The inquiry found that the innocent civilians had been_ to inhumane treatment for too long.A)subjected B)attachedC)related D)resisted21.your long service to this country,we have decided to give you this gold watch as an expressionof our thanks.A)By means of B)By nature ofC)By way of D)By virtue of22.Material abundance has been the life blood which has_ Americans in their basic beliefs andvalues.A)contributed B)providedC)sustained D)favored23.The planets surface temperature is a 100 degrees below zero centigrade at night,so that butter putoutside will not_.A)thaw B)dissolveC)melt D)harden24.The thieves_ the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.A)spread B)scratchedC)burned D)scattered25.Joe had many regrets when he_the years he spent abroad.A)looked up to B)looked down onC)looked back on D)looked forward to26.Cultural _ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation toanother.A)transformation B)transactionC)transport D)transmission27.People go to the church to_ God.A)worship B)prayC)respect D)admire28.There are strict rules_ the use of chemicals in food.A)reforming B)relatingC)regulating D)registering29.The homeless_ from the flooded town were helped by the Red Cross.A)scouts B)saintsC)beggars D)refugeesUnit 21.使某人声名永驻 to give sb.permanent fame(L.4)2.给予某人掌声和收益 to provide applause and profit where sb.is concerned(L6)3.永久地离开了某地 to quit a place for good(L.7)4.不幸的是 sad to say(L 11)5.为.拍手喝彩 to clap for sth./sb.(L 13)6.反抗/反感.to revolt against/at/from sth./sb.(L 13)7.绊倒某人;使某人犯错误;使某人受挫to trip sb.up(L.14)8.把.对准.to aim.at.(L 149.尽管如此;仍 然 all the same(L.1410.瞟某人/某物的眼神 ones quick eye for sb./sth.(L 1811.落魄,潦倒 to come down in the

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