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1、浙江省台州市泽国第四中学2021年高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The passengers would have been killed in the accident _ the drivers timely decision.A. owing to B. thanks to C. except for D. but for参考答案:D2. People all over the world have a dream _they will always live a peaceful life. A. that B. what C. which D. when 参考答案:A3. -

2、Youre trembling. Whats happened?- I _ outside in the cold for over an hour waiting for a bus. A. was standing B. have been standing C. stood D. will stand参考答案:A4. He talks about China pavilion as though he _it himself this summer holidays Ahad visited Bwere visiting Cvisited Dhave visiting参考答案:A略5.

3、It was in so poor light that I couldnt _ what the newspaper said. Ks5uA. make out B. let out C. speak out D. cry out参考答案:A11. How dose Mrs. Smith feel when she sees Mr. White?A. Unhappy. B. Surprised. C. Sad.参考答案:7. The worst financial crisis(经济危机)in a century has hit America home values fall pensio

4、ns disappear and 760,000workers out of work this year Amaking Bmade Cto make Dhas made参考答案:A 8. Some experts are warning that the step the US government has taken to deal with the current crisis is _ of much risk.A. ones B. one C. that D. those参考答案:B9. After his father died suddenly without finishin

5、g his research in a certain field, Xiao Jun determined to follow his _ to complete it. A. trial B. track C. remarks D. trap 参考答案:B【知识点】名词解析:考查名词辨析A. trial 审判;B. track 踪迹;C. remarks评论;D. trap陷井;句意:当他父亲没有完成研究突然去世,小君决定沿着父亲的足迹完成它。10. Though its a challenging job, he did it it took me. A. one-third a tim

6、e B. one-third timeC. the one-third time D. one-third the time参考答案:D11. Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it live is quite another.A. perform B. performing C. to perform D. being performed参考答案:D试题分析:句意:在家里面听音乐是一回事,去到现场听又是另一回事。hear sb/sth doing 表听到某人某物做某事。由于音乐是被演奏的,所以需要被动,所以选D。分析

7、4个选项知道,答案所使用的是同一个动词,不同的是时态、语态或者是非谓语形式。 A是动词原形,B是非谓语现在分词形式,C是非谓语的不定式,D是非谓语的现在分词被动形式。分析句子结构以及用法,不难知道音乐是被演奏的,所以需要被动,所以选D。12. Molly, my mother once gave me a special number to call I run into an emergency.A.as ifB.so thatC.in caseD.even though参考答案:C考查状语从句。句意:Molly,我妈妈曾给了我一个特殊的号码,让我万一遇到紧急事件时,就拨打它。in case

8、引导条件状语从句,意思是以防万一,以防,符合题意。as if 好像,so that结果,even though即使。13. Every boy and every girl _ asked to obey rules and regulations when they go to school Aare Bwere Cwas Dis参考答案:D14. I _ to help you to do homework but I couldnt spare any time. I _ a composition last night and Ill finish it tomorrow.A. wan

9、ted;wroteB. had wanted;was writingC. had wanted;wroteD. wanted;have been writing参考答案:B【详解】考查动词时态。句意: 我本打算在家庭作业方面帮助你的,但是我抽不出时间。我昨天晚上整晚都在写作文,明天就能写完。第一空,句中为短语had wanted to do 本打算做某事,第二空表示时间段内正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时,综述选B。15. -Go for a trip after the exam, OK?- _. I love getting close to nature to relax.A. I cou

10、ldnt agree more B. Im afraid not C. I believe not D. I dont think so 参考答案:A16. Why did Mr. Green take his 7th grade students to the river yesterday afternoon? _ the river.A. Cleaned upB. Cleaning upC. To clean upD. Clean up参考答案:C17. Believe it or not, no bread eaten by us is as sweet as _ earned by

11、our own labor.A one B.that C.such D.what参考答案:B18. Men are more suited to occupational environments _ require decisive action whilewomen are better at jobs _ a considered approach is most important.A. which, that B. /, when C. which, when D. that, where 参考答案:D19. My husbands out of town. Im going to

12、watch all the movies he wouldnt take me to see.Why not? .A. Great minds think alikeB. It is good fishing in troubled waters.C. Make hay while the sun shinesD. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king参考答案:C二、 新的题型20. Do you want to know how to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle? Here is a sho

13、rt list of ways that you can help protect the environment.Prevent energy leaks(泄漏)at home.Heating and cooling can make up to 50 percent of your energy bill each month. 36 So youll save money and reduce your influence on the environment.Plant trees in your yard and community.Everyone knows that planting trees can help the environment. 37 Trees cool your home, reducing the energy used for cooling. Trees improve mental health. Trees reduce noise pollution. 38If you use


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