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1、 Foreigners who commit crimes case analysis and countermeasures Deepening reform and opening in China, international association deepens by foreigners come to Shanghai more and more, this is the trend of the development of opening up. Which also have some to China for a crime outlaws, we cannot be o

2、veremphasized. I come to Shanghai to nearly two years of crime in foreigners comb, foreigners to the cause of the crime, the characteristics and the countermeasures for some analysis and reflection.A, basic informationAccording to our country criminal procedural law and criminal litigation rules of

3、the supreme people under article 94, foreigners who commit crimes arrested by the prosecution case sorting review, province, city procuratorate decision. According to statistics, 2001 to October 2003 for review of this city procuratorial organs of necessity to foreigners criminal cases in 60 to 80 p

4、eople, among them 72 people approve arrest, not to approve arrest 8 people. Were involved in South Korea, Japan, the United States, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippine, Cambodia, Pakistan, France, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and so on 21 countries and regions. The main ca

5、uses are as follows: (1) organization, deliver, crossed the others countries (edge) its 23 a 26 people; (2) credit card fraud and a 15 people; (3) drug smuggling, transportation 4 pieces of nine people; (4) 2 pieces of intentionally killing three people; (5) rape 2 pieces 2, forced malicious Xie wom

6、en l a 1 person; (6) deliberately hurt l a 1 person; (7) illegal detention l a 1 person; (8) theft and a 10 people; (9) swindle 2 a 2 people, fraud, 2 pieces 2 people; (10) smuggling general cargo l a 1 person; (11) sold, hold a counterfeit 2 pieces 2 people, and illegally holding conceals guns, amm

7、unition l a 1 person, gambling l a 1 person, illegal business l a, 1 1 1 a harbor, bigamy 1 part 1 and l6 kind of crime.Second, the main character(a) disrupt countries (edge) entry criminal casesTwo years of this city procuratorial organs for foreigners to organize, deliver, crossed the others count

8、ries (edge), sell on entry and exit certificate disrupt countries (edge) entry case and a 26, accounting for 38% of the cases accepted acceptance, and the criminal suspect is most Chinese of foreign nationality, to the situation in China mainland they more familiar, for profit illegally, through the

9、 domestic - organization human smuggling personnel, in the airport by them with foreign Chinese identity lead with forged passports smuggling personnel from the airport smuggling exit, collecting advantage fee. Such as New Zealand by Chinese LongQiHua (English name LONG QI HUA) in January 2002 in Ho

10、ng Kong by general LiangXing Taiwanese -, then according to the arrangement of the beam in the February 6, in Shanghai pudong international airport hou machine hall and human smuggling people ChenPengFei to meet and exchange and boarding pass, and will be a signature LongQiHua fake Chinese passport

11、to Chen, the going back to Japans flight, Chen smuggling to the United States to boarding, be seized on the frontier inspection station. Therefore, the dragon collecting $500 advantage fee. This kind of human smuggling cases in recent years, the article has risen, difficult to investigate, the main

12、reason is: one is - whereabouts to deceit cracked. In the above 23 a organization, deliver, crossed the others countries (edge) in its case - little capture, the organization of Tijuana others countries (edge) sin was sentenced to imprisonment of its only 2 people, these- deceit whereabouts at ordin

13、ary times, in the organization of personnel in the process of human smuggling not her real name, some only leave last name not name, some only know nickname, mailing address is also changing the phone number, such as to go to the false passport and visa material also more within the hotel, no fixed

14、place, difficult to capture. 2 it is benefit drive, put all your eggs in one basket. In the above 23 a smuggling case, was caught smuggling of personnel to wenzhou of zhejiang, yueqing, fuzhou changle county, fujian province, most people, including fujian changle immigrants were heading l7 pieces, 7

15、3%, these immigrants are forTo work outside the circle of the gold rush, dream, so in the human smuggling has spent money before, little criterion tens, criterion ten yuan, but ultimately out the baby with the bath.(2) credit card fraud crime is rampantA guy is more crime. Two years of this city pro

16、curatorial organs foreigners to credit card fraud crime case 7 a l7 people, including more than two of the five items have banded crime 15, accounting for 88.2%, the largest number in seven people of organized crime. If people CuiYingXie simulate the seven other men credit card fraud in a gang. The criminal suspect CuiYingXie for profit illegally, such as South Korea QuanBingJin collusion in South Korea to collect those already seriously overdrew international


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