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1、1/4课题:Module 3 Making plans Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weeke nd?1.重点:能够正确使用下列单词:pic nic,else,nothing,silly,housework,no body,学fan tastic 习2.难点:一般将来时的用法。目be going to do sth.表示自己打算或计划做某事?标be 的形式(am,is,are)要根据主语来确定。程序集体备课内容个案补充2/4学习 过程一、自主学习反馈质疑朗读对话,完成下列短语和句子:1.复习功课2.帮忙做家务活3.查收我的电子邮件4.上一节钢琴

2、课5.去野餐6.你愿意加入我们吗?7?独自在家待着8.一个极好的周末9.在星期六上午10.周末你打算做什么?二、合作学习即时训练1.Liste ning and vocabulary Activity 1 Listen and match the words and expression from box A with that of box B.Activity 2 Match the expressi on in Activity 1 with the pictures.Activity 3 Liste n and read Activity 4 Complete the con vers

3、ati on with the correct form of the words from the box.2.Pronoun ciati on and speak ing 三、知识链接辨析 1 would like 与 want 的区别辨析 2 不定代词的用法somebody,anybody,everybody,n obody.someth ing,anything,everyth ing,nothing.四、达标检测A.单项选择1.There a lot of apples on the desk.A.have B.has C.are D.is 2.-Is he going to do

4、his homework?Yes,.A.he is B.he does C.he is going 3.Betty is going to visit her mother Sun day morning.A.in B.on C.at D.with 1.fin ish themby themselves.a nd then check the an swers in group.2.the teacher liste n and observe carefully.3.Discrim in ati on the phrases.Sum up.3.First,fin ish themby the

5、mselves 3/44.My pare nts going to read magaz ines toni ght.A.is B.do C.am D.are 5.My sister wants a new dress.She it to the party.A.wears B.has worn C.wore D.is going to wear B.句型转换1.1 m going to go over my lessons tomorrow.(改为一般疑冋句)you go over your less ons tomorrow?2.I d like to see a movie tonigh

6、t.(改为一般疑冋句)you see a movie toni ght?3.Lucy is going to do some cleaning with her mother.(改为否定句)Lucy going to clea ning with her mother.4.Dam ing and Tom are going to have a pia no less on on Saturday.(对画线部分提问)Daming and Tomon Saturday?5.Nobody else is going to play football in the after noon.(对画线咅B 分提问)going to play football in the after noon?6.Are the four boys going to play cards this evening?(作否定回答)板书Module 3 Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?Go over less ons check my emails have a pia no less on have a pic nic Stay at home alone What are you going to do at weeke nds?收4/4获


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