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1、SHANDONG UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION I.Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 questions in this section.For each of the questions,there are 4 choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best answers the question.1.Is the city noted its champagne?A

2、.in B.about C.on D.for 2.Everyone blames you a certain mistake.A.onB.for C.in D.against 3.The Mississippi River carries great amounts of fine sand and silt into the Gulf of Mexico south of New Orleans.A.collections B.mounds C.reserves D.quantities4.In arithmetic,a number stands for the size of a set

3、 of things.A.measures B.estimates C.cancels D.represents5.The theory of plate tectonics provided scientists with a framework for understanding how and why the various features of the Earth constantly change.A.goal B.motive C.subject D.structure6.Without exception,the earliest literate societies orig

4、inated along the banks of great rivers.A.public libraries B.schools C.naval academies D.communities7.An employment contract can be mutually beneficial to both employer and employee.A.obviously B.hardly C.frequently D.jointly8.The school _ is wo rn on the boys caps.A.stamp B.label C.figure D.badge9.T

5、he committee was under _ to reach agreement before midnight.A.duty B.pressureC.control D.influence 10.If you ask me,she _ too high an opinion of herself.A.keepsB.takes C.has D.feels 11.His business is growing so fast that he has to _ more workers.A.take up B.take onC.take over D.take out 12.At that

6、time they were poor and they went _ a difficult time.A.down B.along with C.in for D.through13.New ways must be found to facilitate the _ of the problem.A.revision B.solutionC.decision D.conclusion 14.Ones mastery of a foreign language is largely determined by his _ to the language.A.measure B.exposu

7、re C.pressure D.seizure15.She couldnt understand his _ of country life to city life.A.liking B.reference C.preferenceD.loving 16.The rapid _ of the country into a world power surprised the world.A.changeB.shift C.growth D.break 17.The _ of the various sciences are in some way more important than the

8、 sciences themselves.A.applicationB.use C.usage D.implication 18.In recent years,the _ of a wide variety of electronic tools has greatly speeded up the 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 9 页 -chemists work.A.production B.research C.developmentD.making 19.City dwellers may not be conscious of their _ of

9、water because water supply is convenient in the city.A.carefulness B.hatefulness C.gratefulness D.wastefulness20.Before 1949,many poor children in China died of _.A.shortage B.starvationC.hunger D.anger 21.The use of wild animals in circuses was an innovation first introduced in the United States.A.

10、a number B.a program C.a musical spectacle D.a new idea22.In his The Old Man and The Sea,Ernest Hemingway celebrates the indomitable courage of an elderly fisherman.A.discusses B.investigates C.praisesD.analyzes 23.People who live in cold climates eagerly look forward to warm,_ summer holidays.A.air

11、y B.stuffy C.sunnyD.clean 24.Why do we have to put up with this _?A.worry B.anxiety C.eagerness D.disturbance25.A motor-car may be regarded as a _ wealth.A.personnel B.personalC.individual D.single 26.His illness may result malnutrition.A.in B.to C.fromD.for 27.The manager will have to hire two peop

12、le to make up the lost time.A.in B.forC.on D.of 28._ between them while they waited for the girl to come back.A.A word was hardly said B.A word was said hardly C.Hardly a word was said D.Hardly wassaid a word29.They supposed he was _ man to be allowed to miss his flight.A.a too important a B.a too i

13、mportant C.too important D.tooimportant a 30.A motorway was _ _ through the garden of one house.A.building B.being builtC.built D.gong to build II.Cloze There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best fits into the passag

14、es.The great power of tornadoes is almost(31).The speed of this whirling funnel-shaped(32)may be more than 500(33)per hour.It can tear up trees,carry buildings away,and can even lift large trucks(34)the highway.The tornado is like a giant vacuum sweeper that(35)up anything in its(36).Experts believe

15、 that the most violent force of a tornado is(37)inside the funnel,where a vacuum is created because of very low air pressure.When this vacuum moves(38)a building which is filled with air under(39)pressure,the difference between the air pressure inside the building and that outside causes the buildin

16、g to explode.The largest tornado(40)record had a funnel a mile wide.There are many interesting stories about the strange things that tornadoes have done in the U.S.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 9 页 -Common wheat(41)has been driven several inches(42)posts and trees.Buildings have been(43)completely around on their foundations and have remained(44).People and animals have been(45)hundreds of feet,often suffering no physical harm.Feathers have been(46)from chickens.Cars,trucks,and even whole freig



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