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1、Unitl Winter Activities 单元测试一、选出字母发音不同的一项。()1.aA.cakeB.lakeC.bag()2.bA.theseB.eveningC.bed()3.iA.likeB.milkC.film()4.oA.dogB.stopC.nose()5.uA.busB.cutC.music二、句子与图片连线。A.I traveled along the Yangtze River.B.I climbed a famous mountain.C.Show me jhe dress,please.D.We listened to music.E.The snowman is

2、 short and fat.三、根据句意及首字母补充句子。3.4.四、单项选择。The man is f.11 along the Yellow River in the winter.()1.Did you in the snow?A.have a fun B.have fun C.have the fun)2.I take a photo of it.me the photo,please.A.ShowB.TakeC.Have()3.Did you go in winter?A.anywhere B.somewhere C.any()4.1 went to my hometown.A.b

3、ack Bn.take C.from()5.1(滑冰)on the lake.A.went skate B.went to skate C.went skating五、连词成句。口1.is,it,snowman,B lovely,a(.)4.was,city,there,ice,.big,a(.)2口 very,it,there,cold,was(?)3.you,did,winter,anywhere,go,in(?)参考答案、1-5 CCACC-*、1-5 BDAEC三、1.thin2.made3.traveled.4.fat四、1-5 BAAAC五、1.It is a lovely sno

4、wman.2.Was it very cold there?3.Did you go anywhere in winter?4.There was a big ice city.闽教版小学六年级下期英语第一单元测试卷班级 姓名 分数一、按字母表顺序写出所缺的相邻字母。(10分)D f N R g二、正确抄写下列句子,并在括号里写出中文意思。(注意大、小写和标点符号)(10 分)Cold and windy()have fun()go back()They have a good time in winter vacation.festival?Did you go to see the ice

5、 and snow)三、写出下列动词的过去式。(10分)makego玲 am t a k e-climb-四、选择适当的动词填空,并在括号里写出中文意思。(12分)1.a flower show(snowmen()4.New Year money(home()2.some books()3.)5.a mountain()6.at五、根据句意完成句子。(8 分)l.We together.2.1 went to Shangdong.I .3.1 of it on my mobile.4.Yesterday was Sunday.I the Yangtze River.六、据据句意完成句子。(20

6、分)1.I t s(矮的)and(胖的)2.H e is (高的)and(瘦的).3.(给.看)me the dress.4.1 climbed a(著名的)mountain.5.Did.you go(任何地方)in winter.6They play with their(堂兄弟姐妹)。7.T h e r e(b e)a big ice city.8.T h e r e(b e)many people七、选词填空,将答案写在横线上。(10分)1.1 often to school at seven oclock,(go goes went)2.1 many photos last week,

7、(take,takes,took).3.Sometimes Lily up at six.(get,gets,got).4.1 usually rice and fish for lunch.(have,had,has)5.H e always_ TV on Sundays.(watched,watches.)七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)、误(F)o(1 0分)Tom is a little boy.H e is five.Today his father takes him to see his grandparents.H is home is far away from his gra

8、ndparents.So they are going there by bus.Thereare only nine people on it.They all have seats Tom is very happy.H e is running abouton the bus.H is father says,dont run!Sit down,please.I miss my grandfather andgrandmother very much.I want this bus to go faster/Tom says.()1.Tom goes to see his grandpa

9、rents with his mother.()2.Tom goes to see his grandparents home by bus.()3.Tom and his father are running on the bus.()4.Toms home is far away from his grandparents.()5.The driver tells Tom to sit down.八.阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。10The Spring Festival(春节)is our Chinese peoples festival.There are diffe

10、rentnames for each year.We all call it the year of monkey,the year of dog.and this yearis the year of Chicken.Before the day of the festival,people are busy shopping and cleaning.On theEve(除夕),there is a big family dinner.After dinner;all the family stay up late(守夜)to welcome the new year.In the mid

11、dle of the night,we have some dumplings(饺子)and watch TV.On the first day of.the New Year,people wear new clothesto visit their relatives and say H appy New Year to each other.()1.There are different names for Chinese years.A.10 B.11 C.12()2.When is the Eve in Chinese year?A.The evening of the Spring

12、 Festival.B.The evening before the Spring Festival.C.The evening after the Spring Festival.()3.People before the Spring Festival.A.sing and dance B.go shopping and clean the house C.play games()4.are the favorite food for Chinese people on the Eve.A.Cakes B.Dumplings C.Noodles()5.On the festival peo

13、ple usually.A.wear new clothes B.go to visit their relatives C.A and BUnit2 Helping Each Other 单元测试一、选出不同类的一项。()1.A.EnglishB.mathC.Australia()2.A.hopeB.feelC.sorry()3.A.basketB.worryC.box()4.A.heavyB.brokeC.light()5.A.niceB.hearC.wonderful-句子与图片连线。三、单项选择。A.The box is light.B.I can help you with your

14、 English.C.The cbasket is heavy.D.On the bus I can give my seat to old people.E.I can help old people carry bags.()1.-Hes in hospital now.Im sorry to hearA.that B.it()2.Wang Tao didnt do wellA.with B.inC.this_ math.C.at)3.1 can help you your English.A.withB.inC.at()4.1 am not good_Chinese.A.withB.of

15、C.at()5.How are you today?I _ _ better.A.thinkB.feelC.worry四、连词成句。1.hope,can,go,school,I,I,back,to,soon(.)五、阅读理解,判断正误。2.some,we,can,with,fruit,take,us(.)3 m what,other,can,we,help,to,do,people(?)4.worried,Im,about,lessons,my(.)This morning I went to the classroom at seven oclock because I was on dut

16、y.today.Of course I was the first one.I was cleaning the blackboard when Li Mingcame into the classroom.I asked her,“Why do you come here so early?Sheanswered with a smile,know you are on duty today.Let me help you.I was veryhappy and said,“Oh,thank you.We began to work together.When the teacherarrived,we had already done a good job,and the classroom was clean and tidy.Theteacher praised me.()1.Li Ming is the first one today.()2.When the teacher arrived,the classroom was clean and tidy.()3.1 was


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