2021-2022学年天津市河北区高二(下)学业水平模拟英语试卷( 附答案详解)

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2021-2022学年天津市河北区高二(下)学业水平模拟英语试卷( 附答案详解)_第1页
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《2021-2022学年天津市河北区高二(下)学业水平模拟英语试卷( 附答案详解)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年天津市河北区高二(下)学业水平模拟英语试卷( 附答案详解)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021-2022学年天津市河北区高二(下)学业水平模拟英语试卷一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1.Mary,how about going to the concert with me on Saturday?.Id love to.()A.Good idea B.Never mind C.Help yourself D.Go ahead2.We eat too much roast food as it may do harm to our health.()A.wouldnt B.needntC.had better not D.might not3.Football is

2、fun enough millions of people all over the world.()A.to be attracted B.to attractC.attracting D.to be attracting4.You are not to take photos in the museum wi t h o u t.()A.occasion B.contribution C.impression D.permission5.We had invited 100 people to the meeting,but some of them didnt for different

3、reasons.()A.bum up B.turn up C.pick up D.catch up6.I didnt see Mike at the party yesterday.He a driving test at that tim e.()A.is taking B.was taking C.took D.has taken7.After a long and difficult journey,the monarch butterflies eventually reached the placesthey would spend the w inter.()A.why B.whi

4、ch C.where D.when8.In the past few years,important advances in environmental science thanks toincreasing computer power.()A.are making B.have madeC.are being made D.have been made9.Its hard for Lisa to decide to go abroad for further education or not,so she wants toask her teacher for some ad v ice.

5、()A.how B.where C.what D.whether10.He came back late there was something wrong with his c a r.()A.because B.unless C.though D.otherwise二、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共30.0分)AWhere is the light?My dad used to ask me the question when I was little.ICs one of thosequestions that parents often use to find out how smar

6、t their young children are.During myteenage years,my dad jokingly told me that he thought I was going to be dimwitted(愚蠢的)because I pointed at him whenever he asked me where the light was.Dad is from a rural area about 230 kilometers north of the capital Manila,and where mostpeople live off the land

7、,raising and selling livestock and poultry.His father,an artist and streetmagician,died when he was very young.To make ends meet,his mother went about town andwashed laundry in various households.My dad found himself alone-lack of nurturing(养育)and love,short of family bonds.Dad loved reading and alw

8、ays looked for opportunities to educate himself.One day,when myfather was 16 and out of work,a stranger saw him sitting under a tree,absorbed in a book.Heapproached Dad and asked him why he wasnt in school.Dad replied that he had no money forcollege.The stranger saw his desire to study and recommend

9、ed him to University of theCordilleras as a working student.He also gave Dad a job in a local factory.Thanks to thewarm-hearted stranger,Dad got his Bachelor of Arts degree,then went on to study law andbecame a successful lawyer.He wrote a widely-read textbook on Philippine law.Looking at my father

10、now,I can see how he was able to overcome so many obstacles.He is bynature a hardworking man,pouring his energy into his career without forgetting his family.Hevalues educationwhen we were younger,he would tell me and my brother to constantly seekimprovement in ourselves through learning.Like a ligh

11、t,he shines with dignity and respect because of his achievements,but his lightradiates the brightest for maintaining our family as a cohesive(有凝聚力的)unit with loveand faith as its foundation.There are times when my dad kids around and asks me,using my childhood nickname,Sasi,wheres the light?uI just

12、smile,and point at him.11.What joke did Dad play on the writer?第 2 页,共 18页A.He considered her a little foolish.B.He treated himself as the light.C.He turned the light on to be dim for her.D.He asked her to answer many difficult questions.12.It can be inferred from the second paragraph t hat.A.Dad go

13、t along well with his fatherB.Dad didnt have a happy childhoodC.Dad was particular about his clothesD.Dad used to wander in the market13.How did Dad finish his college education?A.He got much money from a stranger.B.He won a scholarship by studying hard.C.He paid his fees by doing a part-time job.D.

14、He earned money by writing books on law.14.In the eyes of the writer,her dad.A.chose careers for his childrenB.taught his children by himself at homeC.acted as the light in his childrens livesD.worked too hard to look after his children15.What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A.To stre

15、ss the importance of the light.B.To recall a question asked by her dad.C.To introduce the benefit of a close family.D.To praise her dad fbr his effort to achieve his goals.BZhong Kaitong,a fourth-grader from Guangzhou,enjoyed a fun vacation this summer.Instead ofattending English or math training co

16、urses,she played badminton and basketball most of thetime.A new guideline introduced by central authorities on July 24 helped Zhong enjoy some freetime during the summer holiday.Aiming to ease(减少)the schoolwork burden(负担)onprimary and junior high school students,the guideline calls for reducing homework,improvingthe quality of education and regulating(规范)after-class activities,Xinhua reported.According to the guideline,children below the third grade will not have homework anymore.ltshould take n


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