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1、2021年江苏省无锡市公益中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The song You and Me on the radio since August 2008,so I can sing it. A. played B. is played C. will play D. has been played参考答案:D2. _ he to come late, we would have to wait for him here. A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will参考答案:A3. She is only a(n) ,not a friend of m

2、ine. A. acquaintance B. familiarity C. announcement D. family参考答案:A4. The native Canadians lived in _ with nature, for they respected nature as a provider of life.A. contactB. contrastC. harmonyD. relation 参考答案:C略5. Without your help, I _ such rapid progress. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.A.

3、 neednt have made B. mustnt makeC. wouldnt have made D. shouldnt make参考答案:C6. - John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month .- Oh , _!A . cheer up B . well done C . go ahead D . congratulations参考答案:D7. Which did you enjoy _ your weekends?A. spendingB. to spendC. being spent

4、D. spend参考答案:B8. -Hes made _progress that his parents must be pleased with him.- _. And he also takes great pride in himself.A. so great; So he has B. such great; So has he C. so much; So he has D. so much; So has he. 参考答案:C9. _ the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad

5、. A. WhileB. WhenC. AsD. Since参考答案:A略10. I came across my Chinese teacher in the supermarket near my house, _ was out of my expectation.A. what B. which C. where D. that 参考答案:B11. There _ quantities of apples in the basket and there was _ milk in the bucket.A. were; a number of B. was; quantities of

6、 C. was; a good many D. were; a quantity of来参考答案:D12. -Will you do me a favor by putting me up tonight? - _. A. For pleasure B. I could C. My pleasure D. With pleasure参考答案:D13. We are looking forward to the filmat the Grand Cinema.A. seeing;to show B. see;shownC. seeing; to be shown D. see;to show参考

7、答案:C14. Dont worry. After lunch we will _discussing the problem. A. get down to B. put forward to C. get close to D. focus on to参考答案:A15. Could you turn the TV down a little bit? _.Is it disturbing you?ATake it easy BIm sorry CNot a bit DIt depends参考答案:B16. The management of computer network is real

8、ly beyond my , but I can get useful information from it . A. catch B. grasp C. snatch D. understand 参考答案:B二、 填空17. Tom _(lie) on the grass, _ (exhaust) after his long run.All the people _ (survey) agree to the plan that a new school will be built.He was _ (shoot) in the back while he was trying to e

9、scape.He used _ (play) games on the Internet, but now he is used to _ (take ) a walk after supper.Having to accept the money was a blow to her _(proud)By the end of last month, the building _(complete).The huge increase in oil prices in the 1970s had a great influence on the of many and countries, s

10、till less the countries.(develop)He happened(see) byhisteacher._(lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car ahead of him.He is an(influence) politician in his country.参考答案:is lying/lay, exhausted surveyed shot to play, taking pride had been completed development, developing, developed, developed t

11、o be seen Lost influential三、 阅读理解18. 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)阅读下列信息,并按照要求进行匹配。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。(注意:选E涂AB,选F涂CD)以下是有关各种汽车的信息: A. BMW320i, world famous, is comfortable in driving. Its suitable for females, especially for successful women. Its price is 320,000 yuan. B. 2006 Honda Accord, whether youre

12、 looking at overall size and interior volume, power output and fuel economy or the list of standard features, it is a car for successful young people. Its price is 222,800yuan C. Santana 3000 enjoys a very reasonable price and it is popular with most Chinese. The factory is located in Shanghai. The

13、top speech can reach 178km/h. The present price is falling to 115,000 yuan. D. Sagitar 2.0T, luxury in its appearance and safe because of its final steel, which is made in Germany, can also be made in China. The car is specially liked by some businessmen. Its price is about 180,000 yuan. E. QQ is always attracted in streets because of its bright colour. It is small but has a lot of advanta


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