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1、2021年安徽省黄山市渚口中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ she doesnt like the teacher, she shouldnt stay away from the class.A. Unless B. As though C. BecauseD. Even though参考答案:D2. Researchers have been able to translate brain signals into speech using sensors _ to the surface of the brain for the first time.A. attac

2、hed B. to be attached C. attaching D. having been attached参考答案:A3. The spokesmans remarks help clarify an _ statement issued earlier this week.A. ambiguous B. ambitiousC. arbitrary D. authentic参考答案:A【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. ambiguous模糊不清的、模棱两可的;B. ambitious有野心的;C. arbitrary武断的;D. authentic真正的。句意:这位发言人的讲话有助于

3、澄清这个星期早些时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明。根据“clarify”判断此处表示“模棱两可的”,故A项正确。4. The editor-in chief asked me to write an article for him, _ about AIDS patients in China. A. thatB. oneC. itD. this参考答案:B5. Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.Yes, that might _ why he didnt do well in the test. A. results from B. make sense o

4、f C. account for D. figure out 参考答案:C6. Kimberly _ an article,so dont disturb her()Awould writeBwritesCwroteDis writing参考答案:DKimberly正在写文章,所以不要去打搅她本题考查时态,根据句意Kimberly正在写文章,选用现在进行时,表示说话时刻正在进行的动作故选DA would write 过去将来时,必须和一般过去时结合使用,表示过去的将来;B writes 一般现在时,表示经常、习惯的动作或者客观真理或者现在的事实或状态;C wrote 一般过去时,表示过去的动作

5、,与现在无关分析句子的语境,了解不同时态所表达的不同含义和用法,表示现在正在发生和进行的事情用现在进行时7. This is by far _movie that I have ever seen. A. an inspiring B. a much inspiring C. the most inspiring D. the more inspiring参考答案:C8. Because the shop _, all the T-shirts are sold at half price in it.A. has closed down B. closed downC. is closing

6、 down D. had closed down参考答案:C试题分析 句意:因为商店要倒闭了,店里所有的T恤衫都在半价出售。Close down“关闭,倒闭”,根据后句内容可知商店还没有倒闭,选C。此处用进行时表示将来。考点:考查动词时态9. Tim,Im sorryI used your type writer when you were away this afternoon _.AThats all fight Bwith pleasure CThat depends DDont mention it参考答案:A10. If you go for a long ride in a fri

7、ends car, its the custom here to offer to pay some of the _.A. expenses B. rentsC. prices D. accounts参考答案:A11. Every child is _, with their own needs, preferences and talents.Acontradictory Bsimilar Coriginal Dunique参考答案:D12. Many divorced fathers only have _ to their children at weekends.A passage

8、B way C approach D access参考答案:D13. What is the purpose of this experiment ? _ if this material breaks easily under high pressure . A. Figure out B. To figure out C. Figuring out D. Figured out 参考答案:B14. Looking people in the eye sometimes make them nervous and embarrassed.A. must B. should C. can D.

9、 shall参考答案:C15. It is his cleverness, not his strength, _ defeated his rival. Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dwho参考答案:A略16. _ with any common sense can tell the difference between the two.A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Who ever参考答案:C略二、 填空17. It is 2 years _41_ we had a cleaning lady and for some reason my husb

10、and has become very demanding toward her. He believes she does not work as well as she used to. He complains a lot and has decided to complain to her. Yesterday I tried several _42_ (time) to discuss with him my _43_(satisfy) with her work, but he was a little bit upset. This morning I looked at the

11、 house and all the cleaning she _44_ (do) before. I thought it was unfair to complain because she was doing such _45_ great job. So I fought for her again, _46_ (say) it was unnecessary to complain. She was doing well and she deserved to get _47_ (pay)more and to receive some extra money for the new

12、 year. And _48_ (final) my husband told her that we had decided to pay her more, _49_ was a surprise to her.Im very happy I have protected this lady from unfair words and that we are treating her fairly now and doing something to shorten the gap _50_ the rich and the poor.参考答案:41. since 42. times 43

13、. satisfaction 44. had done 45. a 46. saying 47. paid 48. finally 49. which 50. between本文是一篇故事。作者和丈夫在对待清洁女工工作问题上存在分歧,作者极力维护女工权益,公平对待她。41. 考查连词。此处表示自从我们有了清洁女工时间已经是2年了,表示“自从”,故填since.42. 考查名词。此处由several修饰,表示“几次”,名词用复数。故填times.43. 考查名词。此处由my修饰用名词,指我的满意,故填satisfaction.44. 考查动词时态。今天早上我看了看房子和她以前做得清整,根据bef

14、ore可知是今天早上之前做的事,用过去完成时。故填had done.45. 考查冠词。句中job是可数名词,此处指一件很棒的工作,故填a.46. 考查现在分词。句中say的主语和句子的主语一致都是I,作状语时用现在分词,故填saying.47. 考查过去分词。她应该得到更多的报酬,此处用过去分词作get的表语,get paid“得到报酬,领工资”,故填paid.48. 考查副词。表示“最后”,此处作状语用副词,故填finally.50. 考查介词。此处指穷人和富人之间的差距,表示两者之间用between,故填between.三、 阅读理解18. On June 17,1744,the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the Indians of the Six NationsThe Indians were invited to send boys to William and Mary CollegeIn



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