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1、2023年广西壮族自治区来宾市第八中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. One of the arguments about the present education system is that students feel _their lessons. A. pressure doing B. pressured into doing C. being pressured doing D. pressure into doing参考答案:B14. It took him a long time to _ the skills he needed to become an artis

2、t. A. require B. inquire C. acquire D. gather参考答案:C略3. It was he came back from Africa that year he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when; then B. not until ; that C. not; until D. only; when参考答案:B4. _to his dream,in my opinion,is the reason why he can succeed in the end.A. Being committedB. C

3、ommittedC. CommittingD. To commit参考答案:A【详解】考查动名词作主语。句意:在我看来,致力于他的梦想,是他能成功的原因。固定搭配:be committed to“致力于”。此处是动名词作主语,故答案为A。5. Will Lucy attend after-school activities ? - _ .AAll right. BNever mind COf course D Probably not参考答案:D6. - David has made great progress recently .- _, and_ .ASo he has , so hav

4、e you BSo he has, so you haveCSo has he , so have you DSo has he, so you have参考答案:A考查倒装。句意:戴维最近取得很大的进步。他的确如此,你也是。so+助动词、情态动词、be动词+主语(主语与上文不一致,表示另一人也这样),而so+主语+助动词、情态动词、be动词(主语与上文内容一致,表示上文中提到的那个人,的确是这样)。故选A。7. . _ an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous. A. Offer B. O

5、ffering C. Offered D. To offer参考答案:C略8. Next Monday is my birthday. Is that so? _A. I cant believe my ears. B. Im so glad to hear that.C. What presents do you want? D. Many happy returns of the day!参考答案:D9. 参考答案:B略10. Joe just wanted to play a joke on her . He did not mean _ Sarah. A. hurting B. to

6、hurt C. hurted D. hurts参考答案:B11. He keeps talking loudly, _ his classmates angry. A. made B. to make C. making D. makes参考答案:C12. -Joan was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital.-Oh, really? I_ . I _ visit her.A. didnt know; will go to B. dont know; will go toC. didnt k

7、now; am going to D. havent known; am going to参考答案:A13. What do you think of her speech last night?Just so so. She gave us too much information so that everyone got .A. confused B. to confuse C. confusing D. to be confused参考答案:A14. _ a new library _ in our school last year?A. Is ; built B. Was ; buil

8、t C. Does ; build D .Did ; build参考答案:D15. Bruce Li was the first Chinese actor _ Chinese Kungfu _to the world. A. to make; widely known B. making; widely known C. to make; to be widely known D. making; be widely known 参考答案:A16. It is often_that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.Asaid Bto

9、sayCsaying Dbeing said参考答案:A句意:人们常说,人天生就会说话。It is said that为固定结构,表示“据说”。例如:It is often said that one could not teach ones own child. 人们常常说自己的孩子最难教。17. It rained for days on _ end. I thought it would never come to _ end!A. an; an B. an; the C. /; an D. /; the参考答案:C18. You will find the game is not so

10、 difficult to play _ you understand its rules.A. until B. sinceC. beforeD. once 参考答案:D二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写(每小题1分,共15分)。根据首字母或所给汉语提示写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式1. _(比较) with a quite ordinary star, like the sun, the earth is a small indeed.2. Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind?Sorry. I returned it to the librar

11、y just now. Maybe it is still(可得到的)3. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character; however, they are not always(永远的)4. Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future_ (参考)5.When interviewed by reporters, the girl said that she wasveryproudofbeing

12、a_(志愿者)inAIDSpreventionprograms6. _(显而易见),it is wrong for adriver not to respect the traffic rules.7. Congratulations! You have passed the exam and now you are a _(合格的) doctor.8. Be _(感激) to those who have hurt or harmed you, for they have reinforced your determination.9. China made an official a_ l

13、ast week that Japans intention to nationalize the Diaoyu Islands would be strongly rejected.10. She has already tried her best. Please dont be too pabout her job.11. A wide v_ of books are displayed in the bookstore, right at the corner of the street. 12. Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,00 an aof 40, 000 per year.13. The experience he had helping people in a bus crash had a p_effect on the driver.14. The firefighter realized that it was his m_ to


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