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1、【小升初衔接】人教精通版2022-2023学年英语升学分班考专项模拟试卷一、单选题1I went shopping and _ my time yesterday afternoon. ()AenjoyBenjoyingCenjoyed2How _ is it? ()Its 4 metres. Its _ than you.Ataller; tallBtall; tallerCtallest; taller3My hands are bigger than . ()AyouByourCyours4_ you do _ else yesterday? ()ADid; somethingBDid;

2、 anythingCDo; somethingDDo; anything5She _ it up _ the Internet. ()Afinds; inBlooks; inClooked; on6Look! Thats _ dinosaur in this hall. ()Aa tallestBtallestCthe tallest7_ you have a good time? ()Yes, I do.ADidBDoCWasDIs8The sun is getting lower and lower. And the girls shadow is getting _. ()Alonger

3、 and longerBshorter and shorterCsmaller and smaller9Did you _ a horse on the farm last summer holiday?ArodeBrideCriding10My sister and I _ TV last night. ()AwatchedBwatchingCwatches二、中英互译:单词/短语英汉互译。11影子 _12stronger_13更聪明的_14更小的_15更矮的_16更重的_17lower and lower_18越来越长_19how heavy_20the sun goes down _三、

4、用单词正确形式填空21Toms feet _ (be) bigger than _ (I).22My parents _ (be) happy with the trip to Hainan last month.23She _(take) many pictures last weekend.24Yesterday he _(play) football with his friends.25He _ (visit) the farm next week.四、判断句子正误26判断题目正(T)误(F):next (t)o, don(t) go, ba(d) day ( )27判断句子与所给汉语

5、意思是(T)否(F)相符:This is Mr Jones.这是怀特小姐。( )观察图片,判断以下描述是否与图片内容相符,相符写T,不相符写F。28Lynn was short four years ago. She had short hair. Now, she is tall and her hair is long. ( )29There was some grass before. Now, there is no grass. We can see a tall tree. ( )30Last summer, they went camping in the mountain. T

6、hey played together. They felt happy. This summer, they want to go to the beach. ( )31Yesterday, Tom got many gifts. He was very happy. And today he is still very happy. ( )32Last weekend, I went to my grandparents house. This weekend, I go shopping with my parents. ( )33判断句子与所给汉语意思是(T)否(F)相符:It has

7、 long arms.它有长长的胳膊。( )34判断句子正(T)误(F):My brother is 5 years old and l.65 metres tall. ( )五、排序题35将下列句子重新排列,组成一段通顺的对话,将序号填在横线上。1. I usually go to the farm to pick oranges. What about you?2. Whats the weather like in autumn?3. Its cool and cloudy. Its sometimes rainy.4. I usually go boating.5. What do y

8、ou usually do in this season?_六、选内容补全对话/短文Im Leo. I have _36_ best friends. _37_ is Tommy, the other is Jack. Tommy is 11 years _38_. He is in a primary school. Tommy is good at _39_ sports. He is very _40_. Jack is _41_ years younger than Tommy. He is 8. Tommy is 160 cm. He is very _42_. Jack is 5

9、cm _43_ than him. Jack is 155 cm. Jack is very _44_, he often makes us laugh. Sometimes we _45_ football together on the weekend.AfunnyBoldCtallDOneEtwoFthreeGshorterHstrongIplayJdoing七、完形填空Mike: Hi, Jack. You look tired. How _ your weekend?Jack: It was wonderful. My parents and _ went to a nature p

10、ark last Sunday. I _ Sam and Tim. We _ chess together.Mike: _ you do anything else?Jack: Yes, we _ kites. Then we had dinner in a restaurant. We _ lots of seafood and _ some apple juice. They _ so delicious. We _ a good time!46AareBisCwas47AIBmeCmy48AmeetBmeetingCmet49AplayBplayedCplays50ADoesBDoCDi

11、d51AflewBflyCflied52AeatBateCeating53AdrinkBdrankCto drink54AareBbeCwere55AhadBhaveCare having八、阅读选择Last Saturday there was a beach party. It was a hot evening. I took the No. 9 bus to the beach, and I got there at seven oclock. I saw a lot of people on the beach. Some people talked happily with the

12、ir friends. Some played beach games. Others played beach volleyball. At nine oclock, the party music started. We danced to the music. We were all very happy. I also made friends with a boy from Hong Kong. He told me some funny jokes. We had a good time.56There was a _ last weekend. ()Afamily partyBs

13、chool partyCbeach party57When was the party? ()AIt was on last Saturday morning.BIt was on last Saturday evening.CIt was on last Sunday evening.58How did I get to the beach? ()ATook a bus.BWalked there.CTook a car.59When did the party music start? ()AAt 7:00 p.m.BAt 9:00 a.m.CAt 9:00 p.m.60Which one is WRONG? ()AThere were lots of people on the beach.BWe had a good time that day.CI made friends with a boy from Beijing.This is a photo of my family. Look, the man


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