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1、2022年湖北省荆州市中考英语试卷听力测试(25分)I .对话理解。(共15分,每小题1分)听对话, 根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。每段对 话听两遍。1. (1分)听第1段对话,回答小题。(1) What will Steve do next?A.Do his homework.B.Clean his room.C.See a film.2. (2分)听第2段对话,回答两个小题。(1) Where are the speakers ?A.In the library.B .In the park.C In the shop.(2) What is the scarf m

2、ade of?A.Silk.B.Cotton.C.Plastic.3. (2分)听第3段对话,回答两个小题。(1) How is the girFs physics exam?A.Really good.B.Just so - so.D.Spend less time on them.20. (8 分)As we can learn from the story in our textbook, guide dogs are the eyes of blind people.But how can they be so helpful ? The answer is simple.Guide

3、dogs practice to be helpful.As part of the training, guide dogs practice getting to the places their owners will need to go.But before this, guide dogs must receive training in many other areas.This is because guiding a person safely is more important than just knowing where to go.Suppose a tree bra

4、nch (树枝)is lying on the road in front of a blind person and his guide dog.Since the person cannot see the branch, its up to the dog to let him know it is there.If the branch is small the dog may help guide its owner around it.If it is large, the dog will stop the person.Then he knows there is someth

5、ing in the way.He will work with his dog to find a way past the branch.Many people think a guide dog tells its owner when they can cross the road.This is not true.Instead, the dog usually stops its owner when they have reached the end of a road.Then the blind person listens to their situation and co

6、nsiders if it is safe to cross the road.A blind person and his dog always work as a team.(1 ) About guide dogs, we can know from the first paragraph.A.blind people cant afford a guide dogB.not all dogs can be trained to be helpfulC.dogs are born to be helpful to blind peopleD.guide dogs learn to be

7、helpful through training(2) The underlined word it in paragraph 2 refers to A.the roadB.the tree branchC.the blind personD.the dog(3) If there is a large branch on the road in front of its owner, the guide dog will .A.stop its ownerB.ask someone for helpC.move it with its ownerD.guide its owner arou

8、nd it(4) According to the passage, who will decide if it is safe for a blind person to cross a road? A.The blind person himself.B.His guide dog.C.Both he and his guide dog.D.A police officer.21. (8 分)Robots may seem smart, but they cannot even pick up a chess piece.Lefs take a look at some tasks tha

9、t are easy for kids but not for robots.Pick things upPicking things up is not easy.If we drop our pencil on the floor, our brains work hard.First, we must find the pencil.Then we move our hands to it.A robot cannot always move its hand to the right place.When we touch the penciL it might roll (滚动)a

10、little bit.Robots cannot easily understand this either.So, if you drop a pencil on the floor, a robot will probably roll it around the room.Get around in large spaceIf someone drops us in a building weve never been to, we might feel a bit lost.But we can look around, find a door and get out quickly.

11、But a robot will look everywhere for a door, even on ceilings (天花板)and floors.This is because its hard for them to understand spaces, especially large, blank things such as walls or ceilings.Understand the world made by peoplenCommon sense is what we don!t need to think or talk about.Because of comm

12、on sense, we do not look for doors on the ceiling.We pick up a coffee cup by its handle (把手).We feel whether it has coffee inside, and whether its hot.A robot ? It may turn the cup upside down.lt may hold the hot part of the cup.Scientists have tried teaching robots common - sense rules.But even hug

13、e databases (数据库)dont help much.Maybe they need more time to learn.(1) What may happen when a robot tries to pick up a pencil ? Alt may break the pencil.B.It may roll the pencil.C.It may not find the pencil.D.It may watch the pencil roll.(2) What will a robot do in order to find a door? A.Dig a big

14、hole in the wall.B.Only look for large and blank things.C.Search everywhere even the ceilings.D.Drop itself in a corner in the building.(3) What can we learn about common sense from the last two paragraphs ? A.Robots can teach themselves common sense.B.Robots have the same common sense as humans.C.S

15、cientists tried teaching robots common - sense rules.D.Huge databases help much for robots to learn common sense.(4) What can wc learn from the passage? A.Robots are not helpful to humans at all.B.Robots are good at picking up small things.C.It is easy for robots to understand large spaces.D.Robots

16、have trouble understanding our world.22.(8 分)When I was walking back home at around 12: 15 p.m.one day, an apple core (果核)came flying toward me.It landed just before my feet.Surprised, but I felt lucky not to get hit by it.The apple was thrown over a wall by a school student! live opposite a school.The wall separates my house from the


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