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1、Unit5 Teaching goals:1.Talk about advertising and advertisements.2.Practise expressing and evaluating different views.3.Practise making complaints and expressing emotions.4.Review the Object Complement.5.Write an advertisement.2021/7/311advertisingadvertiseadvertisementadvertiserspokesmandesignerbra

2、ndpromoteFind out the words related to advertising:customerslogan2021/7/312Words related to advertising:advertise,advertisement,advertiser,brand,post,spokesman,spokeswoman,designer,entertain,promote,customer,slogan,text,writer mislead,humorous,pesuasive,broadcast,annoy,appeal to 2021/7/3132021/7/314

3、2021/7/3152021/7/316Texts of some famous ads1.Let us make things better.(Philips)让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)2.No business too small,no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)公司)3.Impossible made possible 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)2021/7/3174.Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)只管去做。(

4、耐克运动鞋)5.The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)6.The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)新一代的选择。(百事可乐)7.Take TOSHIBA,take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)2021/7/318美容院:美容院:请不要向从本院出来的不要向从本院出来的 女士女士调情,她或情,她或许就是就是你的外祖母。你的外祖母。西西门子公司:本公司在世界各地的子公司:本公司在世界各地的维修人修人员都都闲得无聊。得无聊。印刷公司:除了印刷公司:除了

5、钞票,承印一切。票,承印一切。黏合黏合剂:它能黏合一切,除了一:它能黏合一切,除了一颗破碎的心。破碎的心。轮胎:任胎:任劳任怨,只要任怨,只要还有一口气。有一口气。汽汽车:它惟一的缺点是每小:它惟一的缺点是每小时跑公里跑公里时,你仍听,你仍听得得见在后座的丈母娘在后座的丈母娘唠叨的每一个字眼叨的每一个字眼2021/7/319Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart 1.What are they trying to persuade you to buy?2.How are they trying to do so?3.What

6、is the message of each ad?4.How is the information conveyed?2021/7/3110Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart Items Ad 1Ad 2Ad 3 The products they persuade you to buyHow to persuade The message each ad givesHow is the information conveyedAdvanced electronic productsBy using abstract de

7、sign,slogan and picturesHigh quality,Help customers to succeedPicturesslogan,spokeswomanShampooBy using wonderful pictures,slogan and realistic productsCreate beauty,bring happiness and love to customersProducts,slogan,pictures Soft drinksBy using wonderful pictures,slogan and productsHelp athletes

8、to refresh themselves.Pictures,slogan,products2021/7/3111Your mother is thinking about buying a laptop computer.She is not sure which brand she should buy.Maybe the ads can give her some information.2021/7/3112Listening to the part 1 and make notes of what you hear.Compare with your partner.Ad1Ad2Ad

9、3Product NameTaget customerpricescreenfeaturesWords used to describeFX435ordinary people4000 yuan14.1 inchesincredible,new,reasonable,best deal,best choiceStar 5000Successful businessmen,modern leadersFor big meetingsPerfect,right choiceE-Brainteenagersaffordablebasic software for homework;brand new

10、 music systemNew,an expression of who you are;affordable;latest,in stylefor basic work and play2021/7/3113Listen to it again,then make True or False.()1.The FX 435 is an incredible new laptop at a affordable price.()2.FX 435 is the best choice because it gives you the most computing power for your m

11、oney.()3.For todays successful businessmen,FX435 is a perfectly designed laptop.()4.The others will look at you with respect and envy because you own Star 5000.()5The new E-Brain from Golden Star ComputersHas got teenagers hopping all over China.FFFTT2021/7/3114()6.Start by making a list of the feat

12、ures you need before you buy an expensive product like a computer.()7.You dont have to consider the laptops size and weight since the price important.()8.Ask the store about special offers and use the Internet to see if there are cheaper choices()9.If you have to do a lot of typing,a separate keyboa

13、rd should be taken into considerationFTTT2021/7/3115Speaking2021/7/3116Advertising is now a highly developed industry.The development of radio,television and other media goes hand in hand with the development of advertising.We are living in a world of advertisements.2021/7/3117Methods ofadvertisingT

14、V/radio/cinema/magazine/newspapers/Billboard广告牌广告牌 near main roads/mails or gifts/balloon/fly sheet传单传单2021/7/31182021/7/3119Discussion:There are four readers and a editor.You can say anything about the ads.Maybe someone complain about it,someone like it.Expression requirement:1.Making complains2.Ex

15、pressing emotions3.Expressing and evaluating different views.2021/7/3120Pre-reading:Discuss with your partner the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements.2021/7/3121_ScanningScanning1.Scan the text quickly and underline advantages and disadvantages mentioned in the test.2.Find out the main id

16、ea of each paragraph.2021/7/3122Find the main idea for each paragraph:People react to advertisements in different ways.The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers choices.Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.Ads are found almost everywherePa1Pa2Pa3Pa4Pa52021/7/3123Customers should be careful of illegal ads.Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.G


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