大理大学《大学英语3》课件-Unit 2,3

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1、1Unit Two What Is Culture?大理大学大学英语32Unit Two Text I.Pre-reading TaskII.Related InformationIII.Outline&Summary IV.Detailed StudyV.Home Assignment34I.Pre-reading Task:1.What is the general meaning of the word “culture”?2.What does the word“culture”mean for those who study humankind?3.What does the pas

2、sage mainly discuss?Back5II.Related Information:1.Culture:the beliefs,behavior,language,and entire ways of life of a particular time or group of people.Culture includes customs,ceremonies,works of art,inventions,technology,and traditions.Anthropologists and other social scientists define human cultu

3、re as learned behavior acquired by individual as members social group.2.The Flathead Indians of North America:also known as the Salish Native American tribe originally inhabiting the region in the vicinity of Flathead lake and Flathead River,in what is now northwestern Montana.The name Flathead was

4、given to the Salish by other Native American tribes along the Columbia River to the west,who compressed the heads of their babies of ther babies into a peak by means of a cone-shaped wicker headpiece.6III.Outline&Summary:I)Outline:1.(Para.1-4)the concept of culture2.(Para.5-7)the diversity of cultur

5、e3.(Para.8)the authors conclusion7III.Outline&Summary:II)Summary:Culture is not anything that people in a group are born with,but something they learn either by being taught or by growing up in it.Different cultures have different ways of eating,drinking,dressing,finding shelter,marrying and dealing

6、 with death.Our own culture seems natural to us while other cultures may think it funny,strange or even disgusting.However,this has nothing to do with with right or wrong.Back81.basic adj.基本的,基础的,根本的基本的,基础的,根本的 Here is the basic vocabulary of College English Test Band8 这里有大学英语考试八级的基本词汇。记忆技巧同源派生词:bas

7、e n.基础,根基,底,(军队的)基地;v.适于之地,以为根据,如base sth.On/upon;basement 地下室;baseball棒球;basis主要成分,基础(通常用作比喻);basically adv.基本地,根据地IV.Detail Study(Words)92.bind v.1.束,缚,捆 Bind your shoe laces fast,or they will come loose.系紧你的鞋带,否则会松开.2.装订 The two books are so thin that its best to bind up them into one.这两本书这么薄,最好把

8、他们订成一册.3.包扎 Before doing some cleaning,she bound up her head.打扫卫生前,她把头包起来.记忆技巧同源派生词:binder n.包扎者;bindery n.装订所/厂;bind-ing 有约束力的,有束缚力的常用短语bind together 捆在一起;bind with与捆在一起;bind up 包扎Unit 2103.disgust 1.n.厌恶,憎恶 in disgust厌恶f;disgust at sth./with sb.对某事或某人厌恶.He turned away in disgust.他厌恶地把脸转开.His disgu

9、st at his job caused him to be dismissed.对工作的厌恶导致他被解雇.2.v.使人厌恶,使人作呕 His behavior disgusted everybody.他的行为使每一个人都厌恶.记忆技巧同源派生词:disgusting adj.厌恶的;disgustingly adv.(口语extremely)很,相当,非常;disgustedly厌恶地常用短语be disgusted at/by/with对厌恶Unit 2114.expose v.1.揭露,弃置,使暴露 Dont expose your TV set to the sunlight.勿把你的

10、电视机置于阳光下.2.展览,陈列 The shop owners often expose goods in the shop windows.店主常把货物陈列于橱窗内.记忆技巧同源派生词:exposition n.解释,说明;展览(略作expo.)常用知语exposeto 使暴露于Unit 2125.shock n.1.冲击,震动 She fell down to the floor because of earthquake shocks.由于地震引起的颤动,她摔倒在地上.2.电击 If you touch that live line,youll get a shock.如果你接触那条通

11、电的电线,你会触电.3.休克,震惊 The news of his mothers death was a terrible shock to him.他母亲死亡的消息使他极为震惊.He died of shock following an operation on the brain.他死于大脑手术后发生的休克.v.使休克,使震惊,使愤慨 Were extremely shocked at the traffic incident.那起交通事故使我深感震惊.Unit 213记忆技巧同源派生词:shocking adj.极坏的,令人震惊的,不好的;shockingly adv.恶劣地常用短语b

12、e shocked at/by sth.对感到震惊;be shocked to do sth.做感到震惊Unit 2141.at one time 1.同时,一起 类似短语有:at the same time;at once.I cant do two jobs at one time.我不能同时干两份活.2.一起 Lets restart it,all at one time.让我们一起重新开始吧.3.过去某一时候 At one time turtles were popular food everywhere.过去盛行吃甲鱼2.be born with 天生具有天生具有 Its said

13、IQ is something born with.据说智商是天生具有的东西.IV.Detail Study(Phrases)153.differ fromto 与与不相同不相同 Our way of life differs from yours.类似的短语有:differ with 不同意.Im sorry to say that I differ with you on that issue.很对不起,在这个问题上我和你持不同意见.4.dispose of 处理处理,除去除去,处置处置 The dictator soon disposed of his opponents.那位独裁者不久

14、就把他的反对者清除了.5.feel in ones heart 内心感到内心感到 Everybody felt in their hearts that all the terrorists should be punished severely.大家内心感到恐怖分子该受到严厉惩罚.Unit 2161.pattern和和model pattern n.“方式,型”。指某事发生和发展的方身或式样。model n.“模范。模特,模型”。指一个小小的代表或某物的复制。The pattern-makers did all they can to design a new pattern for the

15、 new product.制模工人竭尽全力给这个新产品设计一个新模子。In order to shoot the bluster film“Titanic”,the director made a model of the ship.为了拍大片“titanic”,导演制造了这艘船的模型。2.expose 和和reveal expose v.暴露,让敞开,不掩盖,弃之不理.reveal v.显示,显出;泄露,透露.Dont expose the explosives to the sunlight.不要把易爆物置于阳光下.His worn T-shirt revealed his back.他的

16、破T恤使他露出了后背.The doctor didnt reveal to him his hopeless condition.医生没有身他透露他那毫无希望的病况.IV.Detail Study(Words Comparison)173.at one time 和和 at a time at one time同时,一起;at a time 一次次,分别地.Caddie and Jackie came here at one time.凯蒂和杰克同时到达这里.Never expect to do all the things at once,lets take them a bit at a time.千万不要期望能同时做全部事情,还是让我们一次做一点吧.Unit 2181.For example,we sometimes say that people who know about art,music,and literature are cultured.(paragraph 1,line 2)例如例如,我们有时讲懂得艺术、音乐、文学的人是有文化我们有时讲懂得艺术、音乐、文学的人是


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