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1、动态环境下领导风格与组织创新绩效的关系研究 以组织学习为中介变量中国人民大学硕士学位论文(中文题目)动态环境下领导风格与组织创新绩效的关系研究 以组织学习为中介变量(英文题目)The Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational Innovative Performance in Dynamic Environment: Organizational Learning as Mediator 资格卡号:作者姓名: 金 燕 所在学院: 劳动人事学院专业名称: 人力资源管理导师姓名: 周 文 霞论文主题词:(3-5个)领导风格 组织学习 组织创新绩效环


3、复制手段保存论文。论文作者(签名):日期:指导教师(签名)日期:摘 要在当前技术发展及市场需求日益变化的商业世界里,如何提高组织创新绩效是每个公司赖以生存与发展的关键。鉴于此,笔者结合当前出现的问题,以领导风格为切入点,利用整体组织学习为过渡平台,采用理论结合实践及问卷调研的分析方法,展开调研分析研究。采用数理统计软件SPSS对调研数据进行集中分析处理,展开阐述交易型及变革型两种类型的领导风格对当前组织创新绩效的影响作用机制。通过论文的研究,主要取得的结论如下:1. 组织学习在整体创新组织绩效及差异化的领导风格之间发挥了过渡引导的影响作用。交易型领导及变革型的领导在差异化的条件下产生相同的作用

4、,二者既区别又联系,并非单独存在。2. 无论是技术发展动态性、市场需求动态性增强时,交易型领导与变革型领导同样能促进组织学习。3. 无论是技术发展动态性、市场需求动态性增强时,组织学习均能促进组织创新绩效。4. 总体上来看,组织学习在交易型领导、变革型领导对创新绩效之间均能起到中介作用,说明在组织学习方面,合理运用两种领导风格是提高组织创新绩效的有力途径。基于理论视角,该论文的研究意义主要聚焦在环境日趋变化的时代背景下,差异化的领导风格扮演了重要的角色,即交易类型的领导及变革类型的领导如何通过自身领导力体现及学习模式来提升组织所体现的绩效发挥发挥着重要的影响作用,本文通过研究可以发掘两者之间的

5、影响机制。基于实践层面,通过运用组织领导力来完善组织学习的框架,从而在一定程度上提升组织绩效,这对于其他同类企业具有良好的借鉴及参考价值。关键词:组织学习;动态环境;领导风格;组织创新绩效AbstractIn todays business world with ever-changing technology trend and market needs, organizational innovative performance becomes more and more vital to a companys success and sustainability.In view of t

6、his, the author combined with the current problems, to lead the style as the starting point, the use of the overall organizational learning as a transition platform, the use of theory combined with the practice and questionnaire survey analysis methods to carry out research and analysis. The mathema

7、tical research software SPSS is used to analyze and deal with the research data, and the mechanism of the influence of the two types of transaction style on the innovation performance of the current organization is expounded.This research has illustrated the following conclusions. 1. Organizational

8、leaning plays a mediator role among leadership style and organizational innovative performance. Both transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style has made different impact under different circumstance. None of them exist by itself and therere certain differences and connectio

9、ns in between. 2. No matter technology development dynamic level or market needs dynamic level escalates, both transformational leadership and transactional leadership style can reinforce organization learning.3.No matter technology development dynamic level or market needs dynamic level escalates,

10、organizational learning can reinforce organizational innovative performance. 4.Overall speaking, Organizational leaning plays a mediator role among transformational leadership style、transactional leadership style and organizational innovative performance. Proper application of transformational leade

11、rship style and transactional leadership style will better reinforce organizational innovative performance through organizational learning.Based on the theoretical perspective, the significance of the research is focused on the changing background of the environment, the differentiated leadership st

12、yle plays an important role, that is, the leadership of the transaction type and the type of change leadership through their own leadership and learning model To improve the performance of the organization to play an important role in play, this paper can explore the impact of the mechanism between

13、the two. Based on the practical level, through the use of organizational leadership to improve the organizational learning framework, which to a certain extent, enhance organizational performance, which for other similar enterprises have a good reference and reference value.Key words:Organizational

14、learning; dynamic environment; leadership style; organizational innovation performance目 录第1章绪论11.1 研究背景、问题提出及研究意义11.2 研究背景、问题提出及研究意义21.3 本研究的创新之处2第2章相关研究综述42.1 领导风格研究综述42.1.1 变革型领导与交易型领导的概念及发展42.1.2 变革型领导与交易型领导的维度72.2 组织学习研究综述82.2.1 组织学习的概念及发展82.2.2 组织学习的维度92.3 组织创新绩效研究综述92.3.1 组织创新绩效的概念及发展92.3.2 组织

15、创新绩效的维度102.4 动态环境研究综述112.4.1 动态环境的概念及发展112.4.2 动态环境的维度11第3章模型构建和假设提出133.1 研究构思133.1.1 概念模型的提出133.1.2 研究假设的提出14第4章数据分析174.1 问卷设计174.1.1 问卷设计说明174.1.2 各变量的测量量表184.1.2.1 领导风格水平的测量184.1.2.2. 组织学习水平的测量204.1.2.3 动态环境水平的测量224.1.2.4 组织创新绩效水平的测量234.2数据收集244.3 数据分析方法244.4 描述性统计分析254.4.1 样本的描述统计分析254.5 量表的信度分析354.6量表的效度分析354.7相关性分析364.8 回归分析40第5章研究假设检验结果425.1 组织学习在领导风格与组织创新绩效之间中介效应的检验425.2 动态环境下领导风格到组织学习的假设检验425.3 动态环境下组织学习到组织创新绩效的假设检验435.4 假设检验结果小结43第6章研究结论456.1 研究结论456.2 管理建议456.3研究不足466.4 研究展望46



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