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1、 有关于小学英语笑话带翻译_小学英语笑话带翻译 笑话是民族文化不行或缺的一局部。透过笑话我们可以看到一个民族的生存环境、生活方式、社会关系和心理特征等等。我整理了有关于小学英语笑话带翻译,欢送阅读! 有关于小学英语笑话带翻译:Dont You Like Any of Our Colours Today? Mrs. Green was eighty,but she had a small car,and she always drove to the shops in it on Saturday and bought her food. She did not drive fast,becau

2、se she was old,but she drove well and never hit anything. Sometimes her grandchildren said to her,Please dont drive your car,grandmother. We can take you to the shops. But she always said,No,I like driving. Ive driven for fifty years,and Im not going to stop now. Last Saturday she stopped her car at

3、 some traffic-lights because they were red,and then it did not start again. The lights were green,then yellow,then red, then green again,but her car did not start. What am I going to do now? She said. But then a policeman came and said to her kindly,Good morning. Dont you like any of our colours tod

4、ay? 格林太太八十岁了。她有一辆小型轿车,每逢星期六她总是开着这辆车去购置食品。 因为年纪大了,格林太太车子开得不快,不过她开车技术很高,从来没有出过事。有时她的孙子孙女们对她说:奶奶,您别开车了,我们可以送您去商店。 但她总是说:不,我喜爱开车。我已经开了五十年了,此时此刻还不想撒手。 上星期六,她望见交通灯是红色就刹住了车。后来车子熄火了。交通灯由绿色转为黄色,然后转为红色,又转变为绿色,可她的车子还是发动不起来。 此时此刻我该怎么办呢?她说。 这时一位警察走过来,和气地对她说:早上好,今日交通灯的颜色没有一样您喜爱吗? 有关于小学英语笑话带翻译:绅士 A gentleman was s

5、itting quietly in a first-class compartment. Two ladies got in. One of them saw that the window was open and she shut it before sitting down.Open it again, said the second lady, Ill die of suffocation(窒息,闷死) if there is no fresh air.I wont open it, said the first lady, Ill die of cold if the window

6、is open.A querrel started, and it continued until the gentleman spoke:Lets have the window shut until this lady has died of suffocation, and then we can have it open until this lady has died of cold. After that it will be nice and quiet in here again. 解决问题的好方法 一位绅士正静静地坐在头等包厢里,有两位女士走了进来。其中一位见窗户开着,就在落

7、坐之前把窗户把窗户翻开,其次位女士说道,假如没有别致空气,我会被憋死的。 不能翻开,第一位说道,假如它开着,我会被冻死的。 一场争吵起先,没完没了,直到那位绅士开口: 我们先让窗户关着,直到把这位女士憋死,然后再翻开窗户,直到把这位女士冻死。那以后,这儿就可以复原安静了。 有关于小学英语笑话带翻译:The Lucky Cat 幸运的猫 Father, said Jim, running into the drawing-room, theres a big black cat in the dining-room. Never mind, Jimmy, said his father drow

8、sily, black cats are lucky. This one is, hes just had your dinner! 吉米跑进客厅说:爸爸,餐厅里有一只大黑猫! 他的父亲懒洋洋得说:没关系,吉米,黑猫是幸运猫呢。 它确实很幸运:(因为)它刚把你的晚饭给吃了。 有关于小学英语笑话带翻译:The Right Leg 右腿 Proctor (exceedingly angry):So you confess that this unfortunate freshman was carried to this frog pond and drenched? Now what part

9、did you take in this disgraceful affair? Sophomore (meekly):The right leg, sir. 学监(特别生气):此时此刻你成认这可怜的新生被扔进这蛙池里,浑身湿透?那么你在这不光荣的事情里扮演了什么角色呢? 二年级学生(恭顺地):右腿,先生。 有关于小学英语笑话带翻译:So Would I 我也是 A fat lady walked into the dress shop. Id like to see a dress that would fit me, she told the clerk. So would I, said the tactless clerk. 一个胖女人走进服装店。我想看一件适合我穿的衣服,她告知店员说。 我也是。不太老练的店员说道。 看了有关于小学英语笑话带翻译的人还看了: 1.关于小学英语笑话带翻译大全 2.经典小学英语笑话带翻译 3.小学生英语幽默笑话带翻译 4.英语小笑话小学 5.简洁的小学英语笑话带翻译 第5页 共5页


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