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1、2022年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷一、单项选择(共15题;每题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。1(1分)Me and My Winter Games is_interesting film.Its a gift for Beijing 2022.()AaBanCtheD/2(1分)Our English teacher,Miss Li,is kind and patient.We all like_.()AsheBherChersDherself3(1分)The traffic light is green.Lets go_the road.()Aagai

2、nstBamongCacrossDabove4(1分)The hat is not the right_for me.Id like a smaller one.()AsizeBstyleCcolourDmaterial5(1分)There isnt_in the classroom.All the students are having a PE lesson in the playground.()AsomebodyBanybodyCnobodyDeverybody6(1分)Kitty,these books are_heavy for you_carry.Let me help you.

3、()AasasBtootoCsuchthatDsothat7(1分)We learned_to work as a team by completing the task.()AwhatBwhichChowDwho8(1分)We are_that the Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.()AfriendlyBbraveCnervousDproud9(1分)The public sign in the library means people_smoke there.()AcouldBmustCcouldntDmustnt10(1分)

4、_do you play volleyball,Amy?Three days a week.()AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow much11(1分)The traditional Chinese lunar calendar_a year_24 solar terms (节气).()AdividesintoBmixeswithCtranslatesintoDcoverswith12(1分)On April 16th,astronauts Zhai Zhigang,Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu_came back to Earth fro

5、m the Tiangong space station.()AwidelyBespeciallyChighlyDsafely13(1分)Could you please tell me_?You can take No.2 Bus.()Awhen was the nearest hospital builtBhow can I get to the nearest hospitalCwhen the nearest hospital was builtDhow I can get to the nearest hospital14(1分)Keep practising,and youll b

6、e an excellent football player._.()ANo pain,no gainBA friend in need is a friend indeedCIt never rains but it poursDWhen in Rome,do as the Romans do15(1分)Shall we go birdwatching tomorrow?_!Id love to.()AGood luckBBest wishesCSounds greatDYoure welcome二、完形填空(共15题;每题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A,B、C、

7、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。16(15分)Zu Ti was a great man of Jin Dynasty.He was (1) for his hard work and great achievements.But when he was a child,he was a naughty (顽皮的) boy who showed little (2) in reading.As he grew up,Zu Ti (3) he didnt have enough knowledge.And he deeply felt that he could not serve his coun

8、try well.So he made up (4) mind to study hard. Zu Ti had a (5) friend named Liu Kun.They had a deep friendship.So they stayed together every day.They even slept on one bed every night and (6) at the same time every morning.One day,when they were (7) ,Zu Ti heard the rooster crowing (打鸣).An (8) came

9、to him.He woke up Liu Kun and said, How about getting up to play swords (剑)?(9) he was still sleepy,Liu Kun agreed with Zu Ti gladly.From then on,they got up and played swords (10) the rooster began crowing.They kept their words day after day.They never gave up no matter how (11) in winter or hot in

10、 summer.Besides,they began to study history (12) and put all their energy into reading books. (13) ,they learned a great deal of knowledge and made much progress.A few years later, (14) of them grew up with talents and wisdom.At last,their (15) came true and they made great contributions to their co

11、untry. This is the Chinese idiom story To Rise with the Rooster.(1)A.readyB.famousC.lateD.sorry(2)A.prideB.respectC.interestD.kindness(3)A.realizedB.decidedC.imaginedD.promised(4)A.hisB.herC.itsD.their(5)A.richB.busyC.sameD.close(6)A.picked upB.got upC.gave upD.made up(7)A.fightingB.discussingC.slee

12、pingD.reading(8)A.orderB.ideaC.examD.ability(9)A.BecauseB.UnlessC.IfD.Though(10)A.as well asB.as much asC.as good asD.as soon as(11)A.longB.dryC.coldD.quiet(12)A.carefullyB.politelyC.probablyD.recently(13)A.In this wayB.By the wayC.In their wayD.On his way(14)A.eitherB.allC.bothD.neither(15)A.mistak

13、esB.dreamsC.hobbiesD.difficulties三、阅读理解(共两节,20题;满分30分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15题;每题2分,满分30分)17(6分) Yale PEABODY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORYHoursMonday to Saturday10:00 a.m.to5:00 p.m.SundayNoon to 5:00 p.m.Closed on January 1,July 4,Thanksgiving Day,December 24 &25.TicketsAdults 9.00El

14、ders (65+)8.00Children (3 to 18)& Students5.00Children under 3FreeViewing restrictionsSome halls may be closed to the public on weekday mornings for school programs.Museum storeIt has many special items,handbags,books,educational toys and gifts from around the world.Tel(203)4323740MembershipMembers have the right to get a discount in the museum store,and other special services.Tel(203)4325426Volunteer officeJoin our volunteer grou



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