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1、 关于购物的英语对话4篇关于购物的英语对话1A:Shall we buy?我们买下吗?B:It really depends on you.那完全取决于你。A:But if you were me?要是你是我的话,咋办?B:If I were you, Id buy.要是我是你的话,我就买下了。关于购物的英语对话2S: Hi, welcome to Hals Computer World. Can I helpyou with anything?售货员:嗨,欢送光临海尔唐脑世界。我能为您效劳吗?C: Yes, Id like to buy a new computer, but I dontr

2、eally know much about them. Can you give me anysuggestions?顾客:是,我想买一台新电脑,但我对电脑所知不多。你可以给我一些建议吗?S: No problem. First of all, do you want to get a home computer or a laptop?售货员:没问题。首先,你想要台式电脑还是笔记本电脑?C: Laptops are more expensive, right?顾客:笔记本电脑比拟贵,对不对?S: Yes, they generally cost a little more.售货员:是的,笔记

3、本电脑通常贵一点。C: Ill just get a regular home computer then I dont think Ill need to lug my computer aroundwith me.顾客:那么我只要一般的台式电脑就好了,我想我不用随身携带电脑。关于购物的英语对话3The salesperson is helping the customer decide what kind of computer to buy.售货员正在帮客户确定购置哪一种电脑。S: Do you want an IBM-compatible PC or a Macintosh?售货员:您

4、想要一台能和IBM兼容的个人电脑还是苹果电脑呢?C: Im not sure. Whats the difference?客户:我不太确定。有什么差异吗?S: Well, what do you plan to use your computer for?售货员:那么,您准备用电脑做什么呢?C: Mostly just to browse the Internet and send emails to friends.客户:大局部是阅读网络和给挚友寄电子邮件。S: Then a PC should be enough. Macintoshes are better for graphics,

5、but they also cost a bit more.售货员:这样的话,个人电脑就够用了。苹果电脑处理绘图的效果比拟好,但会比拟贵一点。关于购物的英语对话4S: Welcome to Game World. What can I do for you?店员:欢送光临Garne Worldo我能为您效劳吗?C: Id like to get a good RPG. Can you recommendany?顾客:我想买一套好的角色扮演嬉戏,您可以引荐一下吗?S: Sure. This one here just came out. Its got great3D graphics and

6、a cool story line.Its also got a multiplayer function so you can play againstother people on the Internet.店员:当然。这一套是刚发行的,它有很棒的3D立体图和很酷的故事情节,它也具有许多人一起玩的功能,因此你可以在网络上和其他人一起玩。C: This one looks pretty good, but Id like to see more before I make up my mind. Do you haveany other suggestions?顾客:这个看来很好,但在我做确定之前我想看更多其他的,你有别的建议吗?S: This one is also really cool. Its a sci-fi game in which you have to stop an alien invasion. Thegraphics on this one are spectacular.店员:这一个也特别酷。它是一个科幻小说的嬉戏,在嬉戏里你必需阻挡敌人的入侵,里面的图很壮丽。C: Hmm, its a tough choice, but I think Ill go with this one.顾客:嗯,很难做个选择,不过我想我要选这一个。


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