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1、Outline Writing 提纲作文提纲作文属于指导性作文(guided writing) ,它要求考生根据给出的题目和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕中心思想展开论述,表达提纲的主旨。 它的优点是提纲既体现了文章的层次,又规定了各段大体的内容,为考生提供了一条思路,稍加思索、计划、整理就可成文;提纲作文具有更大的控制性,而且给出的材料更明确具体。 这种作文题型以提纲的形式对作文的选材范围、立意、内容的组织等进行具体的指导。但缺点是如果审题不当,反而容易丢分。另外,它的限定性较大,不理解提纲所展现的内容或词汇,就会使考生感到难以下笔。由于提纲材料本身决定了写作对象、范围、目的、体裁等

2、,命题者的意图往往较容易领悟,而且在审题上一般不会出现障碍。 因此,根据提纲规定的方向和范围构思和展开材料是至关重要的。 写提纲作文时,需注意以下三个要领:Outline Writing 提纲作文(1) 细心钻研提纲材料弄清提纲的思路和旨意是写好提纲作文的前提。 审题时,首先要认真阅读、仔细分析提纲材料,注意弄清以下问题:1) 提纲材料交代的主要内容是什么;2) 反映的意义是什么;3) 要达到什么目的;4) 各个层次之间有什么联系;5) 重点在哪里。只有对材料进行认真分析和研究,揣摩出材料的旨意,才能顺理成章地运筹,构思出合乎要求的文章。Outline Writing 提纲作文(2) 避免简单

3、重复提纲材料写提纲作文要避免不假思索地围绕提纲堆砌材料,写一些“不痛不痒”的句子,或者将中文提纲简单地译成英文,或者将英文提纲生硬地搬到作文里。提纲作文不是简单地重复提纲材料的过程,而是在提纲材料的基础上,合理巧妙地构思全文,充分表现主题的过程。(3) 发展深化提纲材料研究提纲材料时,要明确提纲材料所要体现、发展的内容。 发展深化提纲材料就是要提炼主题,对提纲材料进行加工、补充、扩展。 写好主题句是发展深化提纲的前提。 主题句要写得意义完整,清晰明了,这样才有利于段落的扩展。 各段落的展开要根据提纲的来龙去脉进行,尤其要注意确定重点,选准扩充点,将较抽象的内容具体化,阐述透彻。Outline

4、Writing 提纲作文注意事项:(1) 要围绕题目和提纲条目展开论述,中心要突出;(2) 论证材料要有说服力,论述要有层次,有条理,避免重复论证;(3) 提纲的内容一定要包含在文章中,但文章可以不拘泥于提纲,勿把中文生硬地翻译成英文;(4) 句子之间,段落之间的衔接要自然连贯。从以往的考试分析,提纲式作文主要有以下几种形式:对立观点型 /利弊分析型、问题解决型和论证观点型等。4.1.1对立观点型对立观点型作文,顾名思义是就某一事物或者现象给出两种对立的观点,将两种观点进行比较,然后表明自己的立场和看法。 在四级考试中,我们常常会遇到要我们就两种对立的观点表明自己的态度的题目。 对立观点型命题

5、在历年四级命题中占 20%以上的比例。第一段:1.引出观点或要评论的事物;2.简要提出两种看法或辩证分析事物。第二段:1.提出一种观点或优点; 2.支持性论据;3.小总结。第三段: 1.过渡句; 2.提出另一种观点或缺点;3.支持性论据;4.小总结。第四段: 1.平衡两种看法; 2.给出自己的观点。 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write a composition entitled Going Abroad to Study. You should write at least 120

6、words following the outline (given in Chinese) below:1) 出国留学越来越盛行;2) 出国留学的利与弊;3) 你的看法。这篇四级作文考查的是和学习相关的体裁,虽然走的是传统题型的路线,但更多的是考查考生分析问题的能力,要求学生分析出国留学的利与弊,并给出自己对主题的观点。 这个题属于分析利弊型(对立观点型文章) 。 文章第一段仍然是提出一种值得关注的社会现象,属于现象引入段,套用现象引入段的思路结构就可以了。 第二、三段可以客观地分析出国热和出国的利与弊。 第四段提出自己的观点,根据客观分析给出自己的看法。

7、g Abroad to StudyIn recent years, going abroad to study has flourished. Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no efforts in applying for going abroad.There area lot of advantages to study abroad. Firstly, surrounded by the language and fo

8、rced to use it whether we like it or not, we can learn a foreign language more quickly. Secondly, many foreign universities can offer better studying conditions and have more advanced teaching equipment. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures and increase the awareness of

9、our own. Fourthly, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding.第一段:提出出国留学的盛行,出国人员的增多及人们为出国不遗余力。(现象引入段)第二段:开门见山地从四个方面说明出国留学的益处。 如学习语言、改善学习条件、接触不同的文化和增进了解。(原因列举段) However, many people believe tha

10、t it isnt worthwhile to study abroad. For example, we have to pay high tuition and living expenses. Besides, being far away from home country and without relatives and friends, we may have a sense of loneliness.In my opinion, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to atte

11、nd school abroad.第三段:从两个大的方面阐述了出国留学的弊端。第四段:提出作者的看法:出国留学是可行的。 2 Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write a short essay entitled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below.1) 名校校园正成为旅

12、游新热点;2) 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同;3) 我认为4.1.1.1SamplesShould University Campus Be Open to TouristsNowadays, there is an increasing interest in visiting campus of famous universities. Therefore, a hot debate arises over whether the university campus should be open to tourists.Some people are in favor of the

13、idea of opening it to the public. They believe that the atmosphere of famous universities can motivate students to seek more knowledge. They also argue that as more tourists themselves known to more people.第一段:首句开门见山,只出现现象:名校校园正成为旅游新热点;接着直接切入主题,简洁明了。(现象引入段) 第二段:首句为主题句,概述一方的看法:有些人赞同大学校园对游客开放。 其后用 The

14、y believe that. 和 They also argue that. 引出持这一看法的两大理由:1) 感受名校的氛围促使孩子追求更多的知识,2)大学也可以借此机会扩大其影响。, other people hold an opposite viewpoint. They consider that with tourists pouring into campuses, the beauty of the campus will be ruined. Whats more, they firmly point out that the norm

15、al teaching activities will be disturbed.There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of opening them outweigh the disadvantages. In my opinion, university campuses should be open to tourists.第三段:本段阐述不赞同一方的观点。用However, other people hold an opposite viewpoint 做主题句,引出两个详细论证; 破坏校园环

16、境和干扰正常教学活动,两个理由之间用 Whats more 连接。第四段提出作者的看法:总结全文,用 In my opinion.提出个人观点,结束全文,紧扣提纲。 ModelsModel 1Some people are in favor of the idea of doing. They point out the fact that_(支持的第一个原因). They also argue that_(支持的另一个原因).However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do _. They firmly point out that_(反对 的第一个理由). An example can give the details of this argument.There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of . overweigh the disadvantag


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