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1、对相亲的观点英文作文_六级真题英语作文3篇关于”对相亲的观点“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Views on blind date。以下是关于对相亲的观点的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Views on blind date In todays dating programs, dating shows are becoming more and more popular. Whenever we turn on the TV, the feeling of those incredible dating shows will appear on the scree

2、n. Many people, from teenagers to the elderly, are so obsessed with these programs that they never miss a chance to watch them. First of all, there are three reasons that will contribute to the popularity of these dating shows. Moreover, more than one million people are still single after reaching t

3、he legal age of marriage. Many people want to entertain themselves by watching someone elses last date. But equally important, more and more TV producers have added some attractive elements to cater to the different tastes of the audience. The government should restrict these dating programs, many o

4、f which advocate money battleships And materialism. The identities of many guests are artificial. If these problems are not solved, the consequences of misleading will be disastrous. 中文翻译: 在当今的相亲节目中,相亲节目越来越受欢迎,每当我们打开电视,那些令人难以置信的相亲节目的感觉就会出现在屏幕上很多人,从青少年到老年人,他们对这些节目如此痴迷,以至于他们从不错过一次观看的机会。首先,有三个原因将有助于这些相

5、亲节目的流行。而且,超过百万的人在达到法定结婚年龄后仍然单身,很多人都想通过看别人最后一次约会来娱乐自己,但同样重要的是,越来越多的电视制作人加入了一些吸引人的元素来迎合观众的不同口味,政府应该对这些相亲节目加以限制,这些节目中有许多提倡金钱战舰和物质主义的节目。 很多嘉宾的身份是人为的,如果这些问题得不到解决,误导的后果将是灾难性的。 万能作文模板2:相亲观 Blind date shows in dating programs nowadays, dating shows are becoming more and more popular. Every time we turn on t

6、he TV, those incredible dating scenes appear on the screen. Many people, from teenagers to elves, are so obsessed with these programs that they never miss a chance to watch them. First of all, there are three reasons that will contribute to the popularity of these dating shows. Moreover, more than o

7、ne million people are still single after reaching the legal age of marriage. Many people want to entertain themselves by watching someone elses last date. But equally important, more and more TV producers have added some attractive elements to cater to the different tastes of the audience. The gover

8、nment should restrict these dating programs, many of which advocate money worship The identity of many guests in materialistic programs is artificial. If these problems are not solved, the misleading effect may be disastrous television. 中文翻译: 在相亲节目中的相亲节目如今,相亲节目越来越受欢迎,每当我们打开电视,那些令人难以置信的相亲节目场景就会出现在屏幕上

9、,很多人,从青少年到精灵,他们对这些节目如此痴迷,以至于他们从不错过一次观看的机会。首先,有三个原因将有助于这些相亲节目的流行。而且,超过百万的人在达到法定结婚年龄后仍然单身,很多人都想通过看别人最后一次约会来娱乐自己,但同样重要的是,越来越多的电视制作人加入了一些吸引人的元素来迎合观众的不同口味,政府应该对这些相亲节目加以限制,这些节目中有许多宣扬拜金主义和物质主义的节目,不少嘉宾的身份是人为的,如果这些问题得不到解决,误导效果可能会是灾难性的电视。 满分英语范文3:对相亲的观点 Now every program is very popular in our country. Why le

10、t me tell you a story about the rapid development of Chinas economy and the growing gap between the rich and the poor. Peoples lifestyle, values and outlook on life have changed a lot. The busy fast food life is woven by a large number of young people The high education cost and other economic press

11、ures make more young people dare not fall in love and get married easily. The intangible material scale has become one of the important and attractive standards. Some people can not bear the huge pressure. DINK culture. In this case, love and marriage has become a popular topic in todays era. As a n

12、ew type of TV dating program, love and marriage has become one of the most popular topics The type of blind date has a strong epochal character. With the sharp comments of its guests, it has created the audience rating of the public, and has become the object of attention of the media and the resear

13、ch object of the hot comment of the TV dating program. Many scholars interpret it from the perspectives of economics, aesthetics, ethics and media science. It can be seen that the media effect of TV dating programs involves a wide range of aspects. This paper from the perspective of aesthetics The T

14、V dating program is regarded as a film and television art, and the influence of the true meaning of art on the society and the audience is discussed. The development of the TV dating program has attracted the attention of the audience and created a high audience rating. Since the Hunan Satellite TVs

15、 our date bar program, the media has become a topic of discussion, and each David has successively launched his own photo Pro programs, such as Jiangsu Satellite TVs if you are the one, Zhejiang satellite TVs love forward, Anhui Satellite TVs Sunday Im the biggest is you, of which Jiangsu Satellite

16、TVs if you are the one is the most attractive. 中文翻译: 现在在我国每一个节目都很受欢迎,为什么那就让我来给大家讲一个故事中国经济的快速发展和贫富差距越来越大,人们的生活方式、价值观和人生观都发生了很大的变化,忙碌的快餐生活是一大批年轻人如织的,而在工作压力和疲劳的下降、高物价、高生活成本、高教育成本等经济压力让更多的年轻人不敢轻易坠入爱河、结婚,无形的物质尺度成为重要标准和吸引人的标准之一,一些人承受不了巨大的压力,“丁克”文化在这种情况下,恋爱与婚姻已经成为当今时代极受欢迎的热门话题电视相亲节目,作为一种新型的相亲类型,具有很强的时代性,以其嘉宾犀利的点评创造了大众的收视率,并成为媒体关注的对象,成为电视相亲节目热评的研究对象,许多学者从经济学、美学、伦理学、媒



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