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1、关于家庭爱的作文英文作文_中考万能英语作文3篇关于”家庭爱“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Family love。以下是关于家庭爱的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:Family love Thanks to the family all over the world, the heavy love is undoubtedly the grateful mother, who will take care of our daily necessities. For us, she threw off her tail and let herself exhausted

2、 for the children. Even though the things she did were very hard, she was unfairly treated in front of others. In front of her children, when she was a child, she always had a happy look in her eyes. I want to be her closest person We should be satisfied and proud that we can blame her for doing som

3、ething wrong and be grateful to our relatives. They also silently watch our every move and always encourage us to move forward for a long time. Because of the temporary empty feelings, we become full of annoyance for the family, because love holds the blade, solves the grateful mother, cherishes the

4、 family relationship and struggles every day. 中文翻译: 感恩全世界的家庭,爱的重,无疑是感恩的母亲,是她会照顾我们的生活必需品,为了我们,她甩掉她的尾巴,让自己为孩子累得筋疲力尽,即使做的事情很辛苦,在别人面前被多田的不公,在她的孩子面前,小时候总会洋溢着幸福的眼神,我想作为她最亲近的人,我们应该感到满足,感到自豪的是可以责怪她做错事感恩亲人,而他们也默默地看着我们的一举一动,总是鼓励我们向前走一辈子的漫长,因为感情暂时空虚的心情,为了家庭而变得满满的烦恼,因为爱牵着刀刃,解感恩的母亲,珍惜亲情,每天奋斗。 万能作文模板2:亲情 Dear fam

5、ily: on my way of growing up, many people gave me a lot of love, a lot of care and a lot of hope. I will never forget that it has been dead in my mind. In the family of three generations in which I was born, my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother and I celebrate the festival together.

6、From childhood to now, there is a close relationship between them My grandfather, who has been living in a loving family, has been a serious and kind-hearted old man. When he was young, he went to college and became a soldier. He worked at the grass-roots level in rural areas for many years. His soc

7、ial experience and knowledge are also very rich. Whenever I come home from school, he always waits patiently to help me make up lessons. The grandmother who guides me to do my homework is a straightforward old man and sometimes speaks big Voice point, not that she does not love grandchildren, but lo

8、ve warm-hearted performance, parents love me. 中文翻译: 亲爱的家人:你在我成长的路上有很多人给了我很多的爱,很多的关心,很多的希望,我永远不会忘记,它一直在我的脑海里死去,在我出生的那一个三代人的家庭里,爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和我一起过节,一家人聚在一起,从童年到现在,有着亲情相依、幸福安逸的回忆,我一直生活在爱的家庭中的爷爷已经是一位严肃善良的老人,他年轻时读过大学,当兵了,在农村基层工作多年,社会阅历和知识也很丰富,每当我放学回家,他总是耐心等待帮我补课,指导我做作业的奶奶是个性格直白的老人,有时候说话大声点,不是说她不爱孙子孙女,而是

9、爱热心表现,爸爸妈妈是爱我的。 满分英语范文3:家庭爱 So you think Im brave, she asked. Yes, I have. maybe I am, but thats because I have some inspiring teachers, and Ill tell you about one of them. Many years ago, when I was volunteering at Stanford Hospital, I met a little girl named Lisa, who had a rare and serious illnes

10、s, and she seemed to have only a chance to recover, her five-year-old brother Blood transfusion, he miraculously survived the same disease and produced the antibodies needed to fight the disease. The doctor explained the situation to her brother. When he asked the boy if he would like to give his bl

11、ood to his sister, I saw him hesitate for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, yes, if I can save Lisa, I will do it. As the blood transfusion progressed, he lay on the bed next to his sister, smiling, as we did, and seeing her face return to color, his face turned pale, and his smile disappe

12、ared. He looked up at the doctor and asked in a trembling voice, am I going to die soon? When he misunderstood the young boy, he had to give her all the blood. She added, because I had inspiring teachers. Tagores inspiring blood transfusion. 中文翻译: “所以你认为我很勇敢”她问“是的,我有”“也许我是,但那是因为我有一些鼓舞人心的老师,我会告诉你其中一位

13、老师很多年前,当我在斯坦福医院做志愿者时,我认识了一个叫丽莎的小女孩,她患有一种罕见的严重疾病,她似乎只有康复的机会她五岁的弟弟输血,他奇迹般地从同一种疾病中幸存下来,并产生了对抗疾病所需的抗体医生向她的弟弟解释了情况,当他问男孩是否愿意把他的血输给他妹妹时,我看到他犹豫了一会儿,然后深吸一口气说:“是的,如果能救丽莎,我就这么做。”随着输血的进行,他躺在姐姐旁边的床上,微笑着,就像我们一样,看到她脸上的颜色又恢复了,他的脸变得苍白了他的笑容消失了,他抬头看着医生,用颤抖的声音问道:“我会马上死去吗?”“年轻时,男孩误解了医生,他认为他必须给她全部的血。”她补充道,“因为我有过鼓舞人心的老师”泰戈尔鼓舞人心的输血。- 5 -



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