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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语七年级下错题汇总U1 附中博才测验中学 七年级下 英语期末复习 Units 1-5易错题 姓名:_ 班级:_ 一、选用a,an,the 或/填空。 1. This is orange. orange is green. 2. My sister doesnt have breakfast in the morning. 3. Do you want to join English club? 4. Lets play _ basketball. 5. She can play _ chess, but she cant play _ guitar. 二、

2、用适当的介词填空 1. We help the old people the old peoples home.2.Please come my home atter school. 3.I like basket ball.And I am the sports club. 4. He is very good _ playing basketball. He is a good teacher. He is a good _ his students. 5. He likes to talk _ children. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Want club does she

3、 want .(join) 2. She is good at (speak) English. 3. Mrs Yang always (help)me wish my English. 4. Wei Hua likes (talk) and play games with people. 三、单项选择: 1. Victor can play piano(钢琴).He can join the music club. Aa B .an C.the Unit 1 2. Kate likes English.She wants the English club. Ajoin B.joins C.t

4、o join 3 Lets play basketball after school,Tom! A.You sound good. 4. What can you to? I can Chinese kung fu. A.play B.tell C.do D.find B.Sound good. C.It sounds good 5.We cant students the school show. 附中博才测验中学 七年级下 英语期末复习 Aon B.for C.in 6Can your sister_? Yes.Here are some of her pictures. A.swim B

5、.write C.draw 7.Our school show is 6:30 p.m. Friday. A.at,on 四、句型转换 1I want to join the art club.(改为特殊疑问句) you want to join? 2. My sister can draw.(对画线片面提问) your sister ? 3. His sister can speak English.(改为一般疑问句) his sister English? 4. My brother likes the art club.(对画线片面提问) your brother like? 5.She

6、 often helps me learn(学习)English.(改为同义句) She often help me English. 6. Liu Ci can speak English.(改为一般疑问句) Liu Xi English? 7.The girl can swim.(对画线片面提问) the girl ? 8.Wang Pan can sing.(用dance改为选择疑问句) Wang pan sing ? 五、根据汉语意思完成以下句子 10.咱们去加入电脑俱乐部吧!那听起来很好玩。 the computer club! That . 11.我姐姐分外擅长讲故事。 My si

7、ster is . 按要求完成句子 B.in,at C.on,in 附中博才测验中学 七年级下 英语期末复习 2.那些学生会下国际象棋吗?(翻译句子) the students ? 3.请把这些照片给全体学生看。 Please the pictures all the students. 4.我热爱和你说话。 I like to you. 5.你能扶助这些说英语的学生学汉语吗? Can you these students Chinese? 6.格林先生与他的孩子们相处得很好。 Mr Green is his children. 7.周末我总是踢足球。 I always . 8.你可以与这些老

8、人做嬉戏。 You can the old people. Unit 2 一、用适当的介词填空 1. Usually I dont have much time _ breakfast. 3. I am never late _ work. 2. Scott works _ a radio station. 4. My father usually exercises from six fifteen seven fifteen. 5. I watch TV eight thirty night. 6.After school,I sometimes play football half an

9、 hour. 7. Eating vegetables is good _ our health. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.What time your aunt usually (work)? 2.We (not go) to school on weekends. 3.Jenny has a (fun)job. 4.Who is your (good)friend,Rick,Jim or Tony? 5. She eats a _ (quick) breakfast. She eats _ (quick) 三、单项选择 1.What time is it? Its seven

10、thirty.We often have breakfast seven thirty. 附中博才测验中学 七年级下 英语期末复习 A./,/ B.at,/ C./,at 2.Tony get up early. A.dont like B.doesnt like C.doesnt like to B.at,on C.at,at 3.The student usually does his homework 9:00 night. A.in,on 4. My mother usually home at 5:00 in the afternoon. 5. When your father a shower ? 6. Either you or he right . A.get to B.gets C.gets to A. does, take B. does, takes C. do, take A. is B. am B. in an C. Are C. for an 7. I play soccer _ hour every day. 四、句型转换 A. for a 1.He works at a radio station.(改为否决句) He at a radio station. 2. Paul takes a walk for an



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