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1、1 语法复习专题七 非谓语动词一、 非谓语动词的分类二、 非谓语动词的语法功能及时态、语态1、句法功能种类在句中的作用不定式 to do 主语宾语表语定语状语补语动名词 doing 主语宾语表语定语分词现在分词 doing 表语定语状语补语过去分词done 2、时态、语态形式类别时态形式时态概念主动式被动式to do 一般式谓语动作之后to do to be done 完成式谓语动作之前to have done to have been done 进行式与谓语动作同时发生to be doing doing 一般式与谓语动作几乎同时doing being done 完成式谓语动作之前having

2、 done having been done done 发生了、完成了done 三、非谓语动词的使用条件一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句谓语动词, 又没有连词的情况下 , 还有别的动词出现时,这些动词就充当了非谓语动词。非谓语不定式 (to do) v-ing v-ed 过去分词as n. 动名词as adj. or adv. 现在分词名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 Ex. 1: 找出以下句子中的非谓语动词含

3、短语。1. Tom returned from the managers office, telling me that the boss wanted to see me at once. 2. The news meeting, to be held in that hall, has already been crowded with reporters. 3. I heard the girl singing in the classroom. 4. The man talking with my father is Mr. Wang. 5. To live is to struggl

4、e. (生活就是斗争。 ) 四、非谓语动词的用法 非谓语三种基本形式表达的意义?Seeing from the top of the hill, we find the park is beautiful. 主动,进行?Please keep quiet in the reading room. 性质?Founded in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the US. 被动,完成?We see fallen leaves on the ground. 完成?Dressed in red, she looks mo

5、re beautiful. 状态?We are invited to a party to be held next Friday. 将来?We plant many trees to make our city green. 目的表达意义:动词-ing :主动 , 进行, 性质;动词-ed :被动 , 完成, 状态;to do:将来 , 目的。1、v-ing 作非谓语动词1作主语Eg: Seeing is believing. Sending e-mail is increasingly popular. Ex. 2: 请用 v-ing 作主语,把以下句子翻译成英文。1说太多会给你带来麻烦。

6、_ 2) 散步对老年人和年轻人来说都是一种好的运动形式。_ 2作宾语Eg: I couldnt help crying when I heard the bad news. mind, suggest, delay, keep on, look forward to, enjoy, appreciate, imagine, practice, finish, succeed in, consider, cant help, miss等动词用 v-ing 作宾语。 在表示 “ 需要” 的 need, want和 require 等后用 v-ing 形式的主动形式表示被动意义, 也可用不定式的被动

7、式。Eg: This car needs repairing. Or: This car needs to be repaired.Ex. 3: 请把以下句子翻译成英文。1你介意独处吗? _ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 3 2他没有马上把消息告诉她。_ 3这种食物要煮过才能吃。_ 3作表语Eg: The story is so moving. The book is very interesting. Ex

8、. 4: 请把以下句子翻译成英文。1这个问题真的很令人困惑。_ 2他的话很让人失望。_ 4作定语Eg: China is a developing country. The kite flying in the sky was made by him. 位置: 1单个的动词的 -ing 形式做定语,常放在被修饰词前做前置定语。如:a flying object 2动词的 -ing 形式的短语做定语,常放在被修饰词后做后置定语。如: an object flying in the air 如果-ing 形式与被修饰词是被动关系,就用它的被动式,即being done, 通常表示正在被做,常做后置

9、定语。如:the tall building being built now 正在被建的高楼Ex. 5: 请用 v-ing 作定语,把以下句子翻译成英文。1这片正被破坏的森林曾经是很迷人的。_ 2) 在一中学习的学生数量大约为8000人。_ 3) 这是一部让人感动的电影。_ 5v-ing 作状语1 v-ing 短语在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、方式或伴随动作等。 表时间Eg: Turning around, she saw a police car driving up. Looking out of the window, I saw some children playi

10、ng football. (When) hearing the news , he couldnt help laughing. 表原因Eg: Being poor, he couldnt go to school.Seeing nobody at home, he left them a note. Not knowing his telephone number , I couldnt get in touch with him.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3

11、 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 4 表方式或伴随Eg: She stood, waiting for a bus. He sat there, reading a book. The students ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing. 表结果Eg: The child slipped and fell, hitting his head against the door. Her husband died, leaving her four children. They fired, killing many

12、 people in the street. 表条件Eg: Using your head, youll find a good way.Working hard, you ll surely succeed.2 当 v-ing 形式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前时,应使用完成式:having done Eg: Having finished his homework, he rushed out to play basketball. Ex. 6: 用所给词的适当形式填空。1) _ (not know) much French, they couldn t make themselves

13、 understood when they were in Paris. 2) _ (finish) all work, they went home. 3) Sarah pretended to be cheerful, _ (say) nothing about the argument. 4) _ (gather) around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people. 5) _ (look) at my classmates faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.6

14、) It rained heavily in the south, _ (cause) serious flooding in several provinces. 6v-ing 作宾补 have, leave, keep, see, watch, hear, find, notice, feel, catch 等动词及 with 介词后可用v-ing 形式作宾补。Eg: Can you hear a girl singing an English song in the next room now? With his mother helping him, he is getting on

15、well with his work. 2、v-ed 作非谓语动词(1) 作表语Eg: We were so bored that we couldnt help yawning.She felt confused, and even frightened. Ex. 7: 用括号内的词的适当形式填空。1) I m _ (satisfy) with your answer. 2) He is not_ (interest) in research. (2) 作定语Eg: She has a pleased look on her face. The teacher gave us a satis

16、fied smile. cooked food 熟食;成品a written report 书面报告;报告书fried eggs 煎鸡蛋;炒蛋boiled water 开水;白开水frozen food 速冻食品armed forces武装部队;武装力量名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 5 required courses 必修课fallen leaves 落叶finished products 成品a forced smile 苦笑Ex. 8: 用括号内词的适当形式填空。1) What s the language_ (speak) in that country? 2) They re problems_ (leave) over by history. 3) The play_ (put on) by the teachers was a big success. 4) Is there anybo



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