Unit 4 B Read and write教学设计

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《Unit 4 B Read and write教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 B Read and write教学设计(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 Then and nowPart B Read and write 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Read and write 能够正确地听、说、认读单词“race, nothing, thought, felt, cheetah, trip, woke, dream”。 能够听懂、理解和朗读重点句子“There were many animals in that race.” “But suddenly he tripped and fell.”。 能够在图片和教师的引导下,对文本内容进行预测。 能够理解文本,根据文本信息给图片排序,并在对话模式的文本中填上合适的内容。

2、能够结合自己的实际,模仿课文文本,写一篇关于自己梦境的小语篇。 教学重点能够阅读与理解短文,完成相应的练习。 教学难点 能够提升阅读技巧,掌握并熟练使用文中出现的重点句型。 教学准备PPT课件、课文音频等。 教学过程Step 1: Pre-reading1. Greetings.Greet the students. Divide them into several groups. The group can get more points if they act bravely, actively and are open-minded in class.2. A storyThe Race

3、 Between Tortoise and Hare. (1) Present the book cover of this story. (课件出示:龟兔赛跑的图片及race的相关内容) We all know the story of The Race Between Tortoise and Hare. Highlight the word “race”. Read and learn the new word. Guess its meaning according to the picture. (2)T: There were so many animals. They were

4、watching the race. The hare ran, but the tortoise wasSs: fast, slow.Present the opposite words “fast” and “slow”. Use two GIF pictures to highlight their opposite meanings. (课件出示:动图对比fast和slow)(3)T: Who won the race in the end?Ss: The tortoise.T: Why? We know the hare could run faster.Ss: Because th

5、e hare slept and had a dream during the race.T: Oh, dear! What a dream! The dream made the hare failed the race.Present the word “dream”. Students read and learn the new word. (课件出示:dream的相关内容)(4)T: How did the hare feel when he lost the race?Ss: He felt sad/unhappy/angryPresent the words “feelfelt”

6、. (课件出示:felt的相关内容) Students learn the new word. T: How will you feel if you lose?Ss: I feel sad/fine/OKT: I think its OK to lose a race. We will get a second chance one day. We can try harder next time. Teaching purpose利用同学们熟知的故事龟兔赛跑,借助图片和语境,引导学生理解和学习race, fast, slow, dream, felt。为下面即将学习的语篇扫清部分阅读障碍。

7、 Teaching purpose引导学生在遇到失败时,能够正视挫折,保持积极的心态,继续努力,下次再争取好成绩。学会建立积极乐观的心理状态。3. Lead-in.T: What animals can run faster than a hare?Ss: T: What is the fastest land animal?Ss: The cheetah.Present the new word “cheetah”. Students read the word after the recording. (课件出示:cheetah的相关内容)T: If other animals have

8、a race with a cheetah, will they feel worried about the race?Ss: (Students share their different opinions.)T: Do you have anything to worry about? What makes you feel worried?Ss: (课件出示:Read and write板块第一部分的练习) Teaching purpose结合上述教学活动的语言情境,引出陆地上速度最快的动物猎豹。创设其他动物与猎豹赛跑的情境,让学生猜测参赛动物是否会对比赛感到非常担忧,进而引出生活中是

9、否有让学生自己感到忧虑的事,进而导入吴斌斌的忧虑之事。Step 2: While-reading1. Predict the dream.Present the pictures of “Read and write”. Ask students to look at them and the predict. (课件出示:Read and write板块的相应图片)T: Something worried Wu Binbin, too. He felt very worried. But it was not in real life. It was in his dream. What d

10、id Wu Binbin dream about? Predict what made him worried.Ss: He dreamed he had a race with his father./He dreamed he ran very slowly Teaching purpose观察图片,预测情节,激活故事背景相关的词汇和表达。培养学生的观察能力和逻辑思维能力。2. Fast reading.Students read the passage as quickly as they can. Find out what made Wu Binbin worried. Number

11、 the pictures and then check the answers with the teacher. (课件出示:Read and write板块第二部分的图片、练习及答案)Ss: He could run fast at school, but he is very slow now. Teaching purpose快速阅读故事,整体感知故事,初步理解故事情节,检验刚才的预测是否正确。3. Careful reading.Students read the passage again. Try to understand in detail this time.T: How

12、 many races did Wu Binbin have in his dream?S1: He had two races in his dream.(1) Students read the first paragraph. T: Who was in the first race? S1: Wu Binbin, his father, Max and many people were in the first race.T: What happened?S2: His father ran very fast, but Wu Binbin couldnt.T: How did Wu

13、Binbin feel?S3: He was/felt so worried.(2) Students read the second paragraph.T: Who helped Wu Binbin? S1: Robin.T: What happened when Robin gave him some water?S2: Suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again.Present the new word “suddenly”. Students read the word after the recording and learn to

14、 read in syllables. (课件出示:suddenly的相关内容)(3) Students read the third paragraph.T: Who was in the second race? S1: Wu Binbin and some animals were in the race.T: How did Wu Binbin run this time?S2: He ran like a cheetah. He could win the race!T: But did he win the second race?Ss: No.T: Why?S3: Because

15、 suddenly he tripped and fell.Present the words “triptripped” and “fallfell”. Students learn the new words. (课件出示:tripped和fell的相关内容)T: What happened after he tripped?Ss: He woke up.Present the new word “wakewoke”. (课件出示:woke的相关内容) Students learn the new word. Present the main information of the passage. (出示课件) Teaching purpose分段逐层学习文本内容,通过问题设置,引导学生逐步了解事件、人物和情节发展。帮助学生在仔细阅读的过程中获取更多细节,深入理解文本。4. Make a mind map.(1) Read the story. Students listen to the recording and read the story. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.


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