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1、大工22春大学英语4在线测试3一、单选题1._ is known to all,good friends _ happiness and value to life.A.It; addB.As; addC.It; add upD.As; add to2.What about _ job? Its too difficult _ job for me.A.the; aB.the; theC.a; theD.a; a3.-Shall we meet right now?-Sorry. Im too busy to _ for the moment.A.get throughB.get awayC.

2、get offD.get together4.-When _ we meet again?-_ it any time you like.A.will; DoB.will; MakeC.shall; DoD.shall; Make5.Id like a pen which _ well.Will this one _?A.writes; doB.writes; workC.is written; doD.is written;work6.I failed again. I wish I _ harder.But you _.A.had worked; hadntB.worked; dontC.

3、had worked; didntD.worked; didnt7.The new machine,if _ properly,will work at least ten years.A.useB.usingC.being usedD.used8.-Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes,_ the truck doesnt break down.A.even ifB.unlessC.untilD.so long as9.-Can you finish the writing on time?-_.A.Never mindB.With plea

4、sureC.No problemD.All right10.-Have you seen _ watch? I left it here this morning.-I think I saw one somewhere. Is it _ new one?A.a;/B.a;theC.the;aD.a;a11.Look! There are lots of _ birds flying over the trees.A.funny red littleB.funny little redC.little funny redD.little red funny12.It was not until

5、 liberation that _ to his hometown.A.did he returnB.was he returnedC.he did returnD.he returned13.Its what he did _ what he said that moved us.A.except forB.but soC.insteadD.rather than14.The headmaster hurried to the concert hall only _ the speakerA.to find; leftB.to find; goneC.finding; leftD.find

6、ing; gone15.It was the very place _ the soldiers fought over sixty years ago.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.there16.Why not go out for a walk before breakfast? Oh,yes. _ is my favorite time of day.A.In the early morningB.Early morningC.The early of morningD.The early morning that17.They couldnt eat in a rest

7、aurant because _ of them had _ money on them.A.all; noB.any; noC.none; anyD.no one; any18.-You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling.-_,but Im afraid I cant do well because my Japanese is poor.A.Never mindB.Well,I ought toC.I dont know yetD.Certainly not19.Good food,not _,thats how one

8、gets fat.A.enough exercisesB.exercises enoughC.enough exerciseD.exercise enough20.Mr. Green left _ suddenly _ he came.A.so; thatB.so; asC.as; thatD.as; as二、判断题1.It is known to all that smoking can cause many diseases.正确2.It is estimated that Shanghai will catch up with the international cities like

9、New York and Lon don in many ways in twenty years.正确3.If you compliment him on what he did, he will have more confidence in himself.正确4.If it is conveniently, please fetch me the parcel from the post office.错误5.As long as you concentrate on your studies, youll succeed in passing the examination.正确6.

10、At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourists for help.正确7.If an advertisement claim that a certain medicine can cure anybody of any disease, it must be false.错误8.Later he came to understand why their English teacher often asked them to recite the texts.正确9.Compared to other students, the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English.错误10.In fact, it is more important to learn to communicate in a foreign language than only to learn words.正确


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