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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑小学二年级上册英语期末复习题三套 精选小学二年级上册英语期末复习题三套 【篇一】 一、 写出以下单词的汉语意思(20分) time ( ) breakfast ( ) hour ( ) lunch ( ) thirty ( ) minute ( ) plus ( ) jump ( ) raincoat ( ) scarf ( ) get up ( ) eat lunch( ) brush teeth( ) watch TV ( ) go home( ) wash face ( ) get up ( ) play football( ) birthday ca

2、ke( ) Teddy bear( ) 二、 请为单词选择切实的意思并将字母填到前面的括号里。(10分) ( )summer A 、 夏季 B、春季 C、 季节 ( ) cloudy A 、多云的 B、多雨的 C、 雪天 ( ) bounch the ball A、跳 B、拍球 C、 打篮球 ( ) rainy A 、 阴天 B、 晴天 C、 雨天 ( ) throw A 、接 B、 扔 C、 跑 ( ) attention A、稍息 B、向左转 C、立正 ( ) climb A、爬 B 、跑 C、 跳 ( ) sixty A、60 B、40 C、30 ( ) warm A、冷 B、清凉 C、

3、温和 ( ) football A、足球 B、乒乓球 C、篮球 三、 请将切实的答案将序号写有横线上。( 20分) 1.When do you get up everyday? I get up 6:30. A: at B: in C: on 2. Whats the weather like today? . A: Its sunny. B: Its spring. C: Its summer. 3. What season is it? . A: Its winter. B: Its cool. C: Its cold. 4. Tomorrow is your birthday. . A:

4、 Lets go to school. B: Well have a party. C: Thank you. 5. Its 11:40. . A: Its time for breakfast. B: Its time for supper. C: Its time for supper. 6. 假设你想向别人询问几点了,理应说: A: What time is it? B: Whats the weather like? 7. 假设你想吃蛋糕的话,你理应说: A: I want to eat cake. B: I want to eat apples. 8. 假设你该上学了, 你理应说:

5、A: Its time for school. B: Its time for supper. 9. “ 整队” 理应怎么说: A: Attention. B: Line up. 10. “ When do you eat lunch?” 理应怎么回复: A: I eat lunch at 10:30. B: I eat lunch 12:00. 四、 请将以下句子连线 ( 10分) A Whats your favorite season? I go to school everyday. What time is it ,please? Summer. What can you see i

6、n the picture? Its 1:20. What do you do everyday? I watch Tv at 8:30. When do you watch Tv? I see a tree in the picture. B Its a sunny day. Its time for lunch. Its 11:40. Lets play on the swing. Its 5:30. How can we get some? It smells good. Its time for supper. Its 7:40. Its time for school. 五: 写出以

7、下句子的汉语意思。( 14分) 1.Dont worry. 2. I eat breakfast at 7:30. 3. Stop playing,monkey. 4. At 5:30, after school. 5. Its time for bed. 6.Sixty minutes in an hour. 7. Twenty four hours in a day. 8. Its 10 oclock now. 9. Its time for English class. 10.50 plus 10 is an hour. 11.Im sorry. 12. Can you play on

8、the seesaw? 13. Its winter in Beijing. 14. What season is it? 【篇二】 一、选不同类单词 1.A.next toB.in front ofC.of course 2.A.motherB.summerC.winter 3.A.flyB.classC.sleep 4.A.weatherB.rainC.sun 5.A.writeB.letterC.colour 二、单项选择 1. I have _ orange. A.a B.an 2. _ do you see? A monkey. A.What B.Where 3. There _ t

9、hree boys in the room. A.is B.are 4. _ you walk on the grass in the park? A.Are B.Can 5. _ here. A.Go B.Come 三、阅读理解 阅读理解 I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy. 答案 1. I am in the _. A. park B. zoo 2. I can see many_ in the river. A. ducks B. fish 4



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