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1、考研英语范文阅读模拟试题及答案解析(二)Technically, any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a drug. Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts. They dont realize that familiar substances such as al

2、cohol and tobacco are also drugs. This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and psychologists. The phrase substance abuse is often used instead of drug abuse to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and coca

3、ine.We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves. When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a substan

4、ce become misuses? First of all, most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions. Repeated use of a substance can also lead to physical addiction or substance dependence. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more

5、 and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.Drugs (substances) that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behavior are known as psychoactive substances.

6、Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped according to whether they are stimulants, depressants, or hallucinogens. Stimulants initially speed up or activate the central nervous system, whereas depressants slow it down. Hallucinogens have their primary effect on perception, distorting and altering

7、 it in a variety of ways including producing hallucinations. These are the substances often called psychedelic (from the Greek word meaning mind-manifestation) because they seemed to radically alter ones state of consciousness.59. Substances abuse (line 5, paragraph 1) is preferable to drug abuse in

8、 that _.(A) substances can alter our bodily or mental functioning if illegally used(B) drug abuse is only related to a limited number of drugtakers(C) alcohol and tobacco are as fatal as heroin and cocaine(D) many substances other than heroin or cocaine can also be poisonous60. The word pervasive (l

9、ine 1, paragraph 2) might mean _.(A) widespread(B) overwhelming(C) piercing(D) fashionable61. Physical dependence on certain substances results from _.(A) uncontrolled consumption of them over long periods of time(B) exclusive use of them for social purposes(C) quantitative application of them to th

10、e treatment of diseases(D) careless employment of them for unpleasant symptoms62. From the last paragraph we can infer that _.(A) stimulants function positively on the mind(B) hallucinogens are in themselves harmful to health(C) depressants are the worst type of psychoactive substances(D) the three

11、types of psychoactive substances are commonly used in groups答案及试题解析59.(D)意为:除海洛因或可卡因外,许多其他物质也是有害的。第一段最后一句指出,许多医生(physician)和心理学家常使用物质滥用而不是药物滥用这一概念,他们想以此说明:滥用像烟酒这样的物质与滥用海洛因和可卡因一样有害。A 意为:如果非法使用,物质可能改变我们身体或大脑的功能。第一段第一句对药物这一概念下了一个定义:从专业角度来讲,除食品以外,任何改变我们的身体或大脑功能的物质都是药物。但是,正如第二句所指出的,许多人错误地认为药物这一概念仅指某种医药或嗜

12、毒者用的非法化学药品。B 意为:药物滥用仅限指一少部分人的吸毒行为。C 意为:烟酒同海洛因和可卡因一样致命。这里,fatal(致命的)一词太夸张了,与原文中所说的有害(harmfully)相去甚远。60.(A)该词意为:普通的,广泛的。事实上,由第二段第一句的冒号后部分所表达的内容,我们可以推断出该词的意思。该句可译为:在我们生活的社会里,医用或社交用物质(药物)广泛存在,如:用阿斯匹林制止头痛,用酒交际,早晨用咖啡振作一下精神,抽支烟定定神(或:松弛一下)。B 意为:压倒一切的,占主流的。C 意为:尖锐的,尖的。 D 意为:时髦的,流行的。61.(A)意为:长时间无节制地嗜用它们。根据第二段

13、第四、五句,频繁使用(repeated use)某种物质(药物)会使身体对之上瘾或形成依赖。依赖起先表现为耐药量(tolerance)的增加:要达到满足,需要的剂量越来越多;停止服用后,一些不舒服的反应就会出现。可见,用药量和用药时间是造成药物依赖的两个重要因素。B 意为:仅将它们用于社交目的。文章第二段第一句确实提到了像酒这样的物质可以用于社交目的,但这不等于说只有用于社交目的的物质才可以使人上瘾。C 意为:将它们大量地用来治病。量大仅是可能产生药物依赖的原因之一,而频繁使用也是形成药物依赖的重要条件。D 意为:粗心使用它们而产生不良症状。62.(B)意为:幻觉剂本身就危害健康。根据第三段第

14、四、五句,幻觉剂主要影响人的感知觉,以各种方式(包括产生幻觉)将它扭曲、改变。它们被称作引起幻觉的药物,因为它们似乎从根本上改变了人的意识状态。A 意为:兴奋剂对心智有积极影响。第三段前三句指出,影响中枢神经系统、改变感知觉和行为的药物属于对神经起显著作用的(psychoactive)物质,它们通常分为兴奋剂、抑制剂或幻觉剂。兴奋剂具有开始加快或激活中枢神经的作用,而抑制剂则具有减缓作用。但是,无论是哪种作用,其影响都是有害的。参阅第一段最后一句。C 意为:抑制剂是对神经起显著作用的物质中最坏的一种。第三段提到了三钟影响人的意识与行为的物质(见上文),但并未指出哪种效果最坏。D 意为:三种对神

15、经起显著作用的物质经常被一起使用。这一点第三段也未提到。翻译句子1. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.参考译文 我们生活在一种药品(毒品)的医学用途和社会用途都很广泛的社会里:一片用来止头疼的阿司匹林,一些用来社交的酒,早上自己提提神所喝的咖啡,一支用来定神的香烟。结构剖析 句子的主干就是 We live in a society,后面 which 引导定语从句 in which the medic


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