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1、Science and TechnologyUnit 4NEW HORIZON ENGLISH COURSES Book OneUnit 4Science and Technology1Around the Topic2Section A A3Section B4Section CLeading in Exploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesWarming-upText AExercisesBackground InformationReading ThroughExercisesRelated KnowledgeSample ReadingExercisesUse

2、ful TermsSection BSection CSection AExploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicIntroduction Sometimesthebestthingsinlifecanalso be the worst! If you use acomputer,thenyouknowallaboutthis.Computers can help us do manythings,butwhatiftheworldstheybuildarenotreal?Letsreadonandfindouthowlifecanch

3、angeincrazywayswithnewtechnology.Leading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CLeading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CLeading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CA People exchange letters by computer rather than through the p

4、ost office.B If you want to go shopping online, most probably (可能) youll visit the website founded by Alibaba Group.C If you want to make friends and even date online, you can visit a website like this on the Internet.Leading inPlus ActivitiesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CD People can s

5、hare (分享) their ideas and feelings online with readers sooner and better through this “web diary.”E People can use this chat software (聊天软件) on mobile phone to exchange and share information of voice, video (录像) and text with friends.F It is one of the latest products of Apple Inc. that are popular

6、among the mobile phone users in the whole world.1 C 2 3 4 5 6AEFBDLeading inExploring the TopicAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C1. What hi-tech products do you use?computerwashing machine microwave stoveCellphoneair-conditionerLeading inExploring the TopicAround the TopicSection ASection B

7、Section Csave time pollute the environmentbe very convenient people are too depend on themcommunicate easily people are not so close as beforelive comfortable without the hi-tech products, it seems the society wont go onhave fun 2. What are the advantages and troubles that these hi-tech products may

8、 bring you?Around the TopicSection ASection BSection CEven in Real Life There Were Screens Between UsSection A:Text AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C What do you think? The film below is a video of computer. It helps us catch a glimpse of the computer in modern life. what do you

9、think importance does the computer Technology play in the film industry?Watch & DiscussionText AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection Cl “Star Trek”l “Shrek”l “Final Fantasy”BrainstormingDiscussion: After seeing the ad video, what is your general impression of the computer technology? A

10、nd what do you think about the characters mentioned in this film?Text AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C1. GoogleGoogle is one of the most popular websites (网址) in the world. It is a web search engine that lets you find other sites on the Web based on keyword searches. It also pro

11、vides specialized searches through blogs (博客), catalogs (目录), videos, news items and more. Google provides Internet services that let you create blogs, send e-mails, and publish web pages. It has social networking tools, organization tools, and chat tools, services for mobile (移动) devices (设施), and

12、even Google branded (品牌) products.Text AExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C2. chat roomThe term chat room, or chat room, is primarily used to describe any form of synchronous (同步的) conferencing, occasionally even asynchronous (异步的) conferencing. The term can thus mean any technology

13、 ranging from real-time online chat and virtual (虚拟的) interaction with strangers over instant messaging and online forums to fully immersive (身临其境的) graphical (生动的) social environments.Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection CChineseChineseStill the Google chat box said, “Paul i

14、s typing.” Paul was the guy I met in October at a meeting. Since then we started video chatting for hours every night.谷歌聊天框依然显示:谷歌聊天框依然显示:“保罗在输入中。保罗在输入中。” 保保罗罗是是我我在在10月月份份的的一一次次会会议议上上认认识识的的一一个个小小伙伙子子。从从那那以以后后,我我们们每每晚晚都都会会通通过过视视频频聊聊上上好好几几个小时。个小时。Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between UsParas. 1

15、-2Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C One night, when we talked too late, I fell asleep with my laptop open and woke up seven hours later. He was still there, asleep. Then he woke up too and said, “Hi, you.” “Hi,” I said. “How did you sleep?”ChineseChinese 有有一一天天晚晚上上,我我们们聊

16、聊到到深深夜夜,笔笔记记本本电电脑脑还还开开着着,我我就就睡睡着着了了。七七小小时时后后醒醒来来,发发现现保保罗罗还还在在线线上上,只只是也睡着了。是也睡着了。后来他也醒了,说:后来他也醒了,说:“嗨,你好!嗨,你好!”“嗨,嗨,”我说。我说。“睡得好吗?睡得好吗?”Paras. 3-5Warming-upExercisesAround the TopicSection ASection BSection C ChineseChineseAs the weeks went on, I told Paul about my last boyfriend, a guy I had met in computer class and dated for almost two years. He listened quietly and gave good, clear-eyed advice about letting go. He also told me about his ex-girlfriend, who never appreciated his work.在在后后来来的的几几周


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