最新英语一年级下册I can swimLesson教案

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《最新英语一年级下册I can swimLesson教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新英语一年级下册I can swimLesson教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语一年级下册I can swimLesson教案 教学目标: 1. Master the new words : jump, walk, swim, dance, run 2. Can you jump/ swim? Yes, I can. 3. I can dance? 教学目标的检测途径 1.老师说,学生做动作。或者学生说,另一学生做动作进行检验。2.打乱新单词、图片顺序,学生自由认读。 重点难点: Teaching importance: New words learning. Teaching difficulty : use the structures to ask and an

2、swer 突破教学难点的方法 1.用动作引导单词的记忆。2.通过歌谣,边说边做。 教具准备: 课件 教学过程: 一、Warm-up 1. Oral English -Good morning! / afternoon! -Good morning! / afternoon! -How are you? -Im find. - What day is it today? - - Its Monday. -Whats the weather like today? -Its rain. 2.Say the rhyme : An elephant can walk, walk, walk, walk

3、? 二、新课呈现(Presentation) 1.T: What can elephant do? S: Elephant. T: Yes, the elephant can walk. Today, Miss Liu will take you to the zoo, to see some animals and learn what can they do? 2.Show out a picture of elephant T : Whats this? S: ? T: What can it do? T: Its can walk. Elicit : walk Walk, walk,

4、an elephant can walk. ( do action) T: Can you walk? S: Yes, I can. Repeat:walk Say the rhyme again : An elephant can walk, walk, walk, walk?A frog can jump, jump, jump, jump,? 3.Practice A: Can you walk? ( one ask the next, little train) 4. Elicit: Jump Repeat:jump 5. the same way to learn swim, run

5、. 6. ask a student to sing a song and do action One two, one, two, Its a fish。 To sing a song and do action One two, one, two, Its a fish T: ( when the student do action) Look, she can dance. Elicit: Dance,ask some students come to the board to dance. 7. play a game touching game 8. play an acting g

6、ame teacher say teacher act - - they act 三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) Come to the board to ask their friends: Can you ?? Yes, I can. No.- they say Play a game like this I can jump. I can jump, I can swim. I can jump, I can swim, I can walk. ? ? T:Lets listen to the tape and read after it.Ss listen to the tape and read after it 四、作业布置 Listen to the tape and read after it. Teach parents to do actions with you. 板书设计: jump, walk, swim, dance, run Can you jump/ swim? Yes, I can. I can dance?(图片) 【北师大版英语一年级下册I can swimLesson1教案】 4 / 4



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