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1、2019届九年级英语全册Unit 6 When was it invented(第6课时)当堂达标题 (新版)人教新目标版Section B (3a-self check).单项选择。1. My coat is made _ cool and silk.A. toB. for C. from D. of2. Our teacher was seen _ to the office a moment ago.A. go B. to go C. going D. goes3. The Oxford Castle _ by Henry (1154-1189). It is in very good

2、condition now.A. builtB. was builtC. has been builtD. is built4. Ice can be _ water.A. turn intoB. turn toC. turned into D. turned to5. Keys are used for _ doors.A. lockB. lockedC. locking D. locks6. When _ the PRC _? On October 1st.A. was, foundB. was, founded C. is, foundD. were, founded7. Sorry,

3、all the vegetables _. Please come tomorrow.A. sells well B. have sold out C. have been sold outD. are selling8. A story _ by Granny yesterday.A. was told us B. was told to usC. is told us D .told us9. The monkey was seen _ off the tree.A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump10. Older people _ well.A.

4、looks after B. must be looked afterC. must look after D.looked after11. Our teacher _ carefully.A. should be listened to B. should be listenC. be listened D. is listened12. In some part of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is servedC. serves D. served.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1) This progra

5、m_ (listen) to in many countries. 2) Chinese _ (speak) by the largest number of people in the world. 3) Trees _ (plant) in spring every year. 4) Most science books _ (write) in English. 5) The trees _ (grow) well along banks of the river. 6) I _ (ask) to help him. 7) _this word often _ (use) in Engl

6、ish? 8) The old headmaster loves the pupils and she _ (love) by them all. 9) Our desks and chairs _ (make) of wood. 10) The door _ (not lock) every evening. 11) Water _ (use) in everyday life. 12) The campus _ (clean) by the students every day. . 阅读表达。Thomas Edison was a great American inventor. He

7、was born on February 11th in 1847 at Milan, Ohio and died on October 18, 1931. When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.One day when he was five years old, his father saw him sitting on some eggs. He asked him why he was doing that. Tom did not answer. Instead, he asked his father: “He

8、ns are able to have chicks. Why cant I?”Young Tom was in school for only three months. During those three months he asked a lot of questions. Most of these questions were not about his lessons. His teacher did not understand him. The boy had so many strange questions. The teacher could not answer al

9、l of them. So he wanted to send Tom away from school. He told Toms mother that Tom was not clever, and he asked her to take the boy out of school. So Toms mother took him out of school, and taught him herself. She taught him to read and write, and she found him a very good student. He learnt very fa

10、st. Even before he was ten he became very interested in science. He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. With the money he set up a chemical laboratory in his home in 1857.Thomas Edison had 1,368 inventions during his lifetime.His first patented invention was an electrical recorder in 1868.1

11、8761877, invented the phonograph (留声机).1891, invented the camera.1897, invented the first electric lamp.19001910, invented the storage battery.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Did Toms teacher like him? Why? _2. Who taught Tom to read and write out of school? _3. When did Tom become interested in science? _4. How d

12、id he build his science lab?_5. What were invented by Tom?_九年级英语第6单元当堂达标题答案第6课时.1-5CBBAC 6-10BCBDB 11-12 AB.1.is listened 2.is spoken 3.are planted 4. are written 5.are grown 6.am asked 7.Is used8.is loved 9.are made 10 isnt locked 11. is used 12.is cleaned. 1. No. he didnt. Because he always asked

13、a lot of questions. Most of these questions were not about his lessons. 2. His mother. 3. Even before he was ten. 4. He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. With the money he set up a chemical laboratory.5. He had 1,368 inventions during his lifetime. For example, the electrical recorder, the phonograph, the camera, the electric lamp, and the storage battery.


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