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1、高三英语试题 第页 (共10页)20211试卷类型: A高 三 年 级 考 试英 语 试 题注意事项:1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、 准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。第一部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHave you always wanted to make your

2、lifestyle more sustainable? Here are a few tips thatcommunity activists, zero-waste experts and eco-friendly shop owners recommend specificallyfor the pandemic (疫情) .Start with your own maskStill using disposable (一次性的) masks or N95s? Hoiyin Ip, an environmental activist inOrange County, suggests yo

3、u transition to a cloth mask that you can wash along with the rest ofyour laundry. They are reusable, sustainable and generally more comfortable too.Eat smartYou may be tired of your own cooking and eating at home. When ordering takeout, Ipsuggests asking the restaurant to keep its plastic cutlery (

4、餐具).“Before you walk away withyour to-go bag, check, look into your bag to see if you have this stuff, and give it back to therestaurant, ” Ip said.Electronic wasteOnce your electronic device has worn out, recycle it. Battery collections in California aredown a third compared to last year, he said,

5、because many collection spots have closed orreduced hours. He advises collecting old batteries in a bag and recycling them at a drop-offlocation near you.1高三英语试题 第页 (共10页)Buy in bulkEnvironmental advocate Monica Campagna is creatively adapting by purchasing largequantities of her essentials like ric

6、e, pasta and cereal and refilling a reusable container athome. While she doesn t get rid of disposables altogether, buying in bulk avoids lots of smallplastic bags, and the bigger bags can be reused.1. Why does Hoiyin Ip suggest using cloth masks?A. Generally, there is no need to wash.B. You can spe

7、nd little money on them.C. They are sustainable and more comfortable.D. They re strong enough to reuse for a long time.2. Which is true about “eating smart” ?A. Walk away with your to-go bag.B. Don t take away the restaurant s cutlery.C. Do your best to cook and eat at home.D. Order takeout to avoid

8、 waste.3. In order to make your lifestyle more sustainable, you should _.A. still use disposable masks or N95sB. usually go to the restaurant to eatC. throw old batteries into dustbinsD. purchase large quantities of your essentialsBBrave heart is a historical film released in 1995. It was directed b

9、y and starred Mel Gibsonand was loosely based on the story of 13th-century Scottish leader William Wallace. The moviewas a surprise winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture.After William Wallace s father and brother are killed in the battle against the English,Wallace is sent to continental Euro

10、pe to be educated. He returns to Scotland as an adult(played by Gibson) and marries his childhood sweetheart, Murron. When English soldiers try tohurt Murron, Wallace saves her but the soldiers make a second attempt and she is caught andkilled. Wallace then leads his family to fight the English troo

11、ps. He continues to fight to forcethe English to leave Scotland, gaining increasing numbers of followers as stories of his braveacts spread. English King Edward I sends Princess Isabella, his son s wife, to negotiate withWallace for peace, but she is charmed by him and becomes his supporter. She war

12、ns Wallace ofan upcoming attack from the English.Wallace seeks the support of the Scottish nobles in the fight against the English, but the2高三英语试题 第页 (共10页)nobles are hesitating. Robert the Bruce is particularly torn. The Scottish fighters are defeatedby an army led by King Edward I in the Battle of

13、 Falkirk. Wallace tries to kill Edward I himselfbut is stopped by a soldier, who proves to be Robert the Bruce. Robert then saves Wallace frombeing caught by the English. Later Wallace agrees to meet with Robert in Edinburgh, but Robert sfather and other nobles set a trap and catch Wallace. They han

14、d over Wallace to the English.Wallace refuses to give in and before being killed, he courageously cries out, “Freedom!”The movie was inspired by a lengthy poem about William Wallace by Blind Harry. It ledto an increase of interest in Scottish history, although it contained numerous historicalinaccur

15、acies.4. What can we know from Paragraph 1?A. The film is made by a Scottish leader.B. The film is a true story about Mel Gibson.C. The film is about a war breaking out in 1995.D. The film is adapted from a real historical story.5. Which of the following starts Wallace s fighting against the English

16、?A.The English troops landing in Scotland.B. His wife s being killed by the English soldiers.C. The failure of negotiation with Princess Isabella.D. His father and brother s being caught in the battle.6. What happens to Wallace in the end?A. He becomes the leader of the Scottish nobles.B. He drives the English out of Scotland.C. He dies for Scotland s independence.D. He gives in to the English King.7. What is this text mainly about?A. A war movie.B. A Scottish historical hero.C. A famous battle


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