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1、词性转换u 人称代词&物主代词1.I(pron.)我(主格)_(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)2.he(pron.)他(主格)_(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)3.she(pron.)她(主格)_(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)4.they(pron.)他们(主格)_(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)5.we(pron.)我们(主格)_(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)6.you(pron.)你;你们(主格/宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)随手练1.Is this _(they) camera

2、? No, it isnt_(they).2._(she) is a good student. All the teachers like_(she) very much.3.The tapes are_(me). They are not _(you).4.Jims bike is black. What about _(you).5.All the students enjoyed_(they) during their school trip.6.The naughty boy always plays jokes on others, so other children dont l

3、ike playing with_.u 数词、基数词、序数词1.one(基数词)一_第一(序数词)_一次2.two(基数词)二_第二(序数词)_两次3.three(基数词)三_第三(序数词)4.four(基数词)四_第四(序数词)5.nine(基数词)九_第九(序数词)6.twelve(基数词)十二_第十二(序数词)7.hundred_8.thousand_9.million_随手练1.How much does it cost to build the school library?Four _(million) yuan.2.Dick, it is the _(two) time in _

4、(three) days that youve made the same mistake. 3.Excuse me, where is Mr. Greens office?Its on _(seven)floor.4.Which come _(one), chicken or egg?5.There are so many new words in _(one) chapter.6.Which lesson do you think is the most interesting? Lesson_(five).7.Today is his _(twenty) birthday and he

5、is very happy.u 国家、州1.China(n.)中国_(adj.)中国的 (n.)中国人;汉语_(n.复数)中国人2Japan(n.)日本_(adj.)日本的 (n.)日本人;日语_(n.复数)日本人3.Germany(n.)德国_(adj.)德国的 (n.)德国人;德语_(n.复数)德国人4.Asia(n.)亚洲_(adj.)亚洲的 (n.)亚洲人_(n.复数)亚洲人5.Africa(n.)非洲_(adj.)非洲的 (n.)非洲人_(n.复数)非洲人6.Europe(n.)欧洲_(adj.)欧洲的 (n.)欧洲人_(n.复数)欧洲人随手练猜一猜Chinatown_Chingli

6、sh_Made in China_go Dutch_European Union_Chinese medicine_1.He has travelled widely in _(亚洲).2.I am studying C_these days.3.They are from Germany, so they are G_.4.London was different from most E_ capitals5.She is planning a long holiday in E_.u 以ly结尾的形容词1.friend(n.)朋友_(adj.)友好的_(n.)友谊2.love(v&n.)爱

7、_(adj.)可爱的,优美的3.live(n.)生活_(adj.)生动的,活泼的4.week(n.)星期_(adj.)每周的5.day(n.)天_(adj.)每天的_(adj.同义词)6.month(n.)月_(adj.)每月的随手练月刊_周报_中国日报_Everyone was very f_ towards me.The f_ between us will last forever.They make the school _(live) and colorful.The newspaper is published twice w_.The magazine is published

8、once every m_.It is a common thing in our _(日常的)life. u 加ful的形容词1.thank(v.)感谢;谢谢_(adj.)感谢的2.help(v.& n.)帮助;援助_(adj.)有帮助的_(adj.)无帮助的3.use(v.& n.)使用_(adj.)有用的_(adj.)无用的4.hope(v.& n.)希望_(adj.)有希望的_(adj.)无望的5.color(n.)颜色_(adj.)多彩的随手练1.I was _(thankful) to see theyd all arrived safely.2.I want to express

9、 my _(thank) to everyone who helped.3.It is of great _(use) to solve the problem in this way.4.A u_ book will h_ you with your report.5.She never cries in such a h_ way. u -ing和-ed结尾的形容词1.interest(v.&n.)使感兴趣;兴趣_(adj.)有趣的_(adj.)感兴趣的2.relax(v.)使轻松_(adj.)轻松的;令人放松的_(adj.)感到放松的3.surprise(v.)使惊讶 (n.)惊讶,惊喜

10、_(adj.)令人惊讶(惊喜)的_(adj.)感到惊讶(惊喜)的随手练名胜古迹_What a s_!It is really s_ to see you here.If you want to r_ yourself, you can listen to r_ music and you will feel r_.An i_ story is _(help) to make listeners i_.I have a great _(兴趣)in paper cutting.u形容词变副词和名词1.busy(adj.)忙碌的_(adv.)忙碌地_(n.)生意,商业2.free(adj.)空闲的,免费的_(adv.)不受限制地;自由地_(n.)自由随手练1.His b_ is not very good recently.2.My sister is b_ doing her homework.3.You can park your car there for _(free).4.People in that village live f_.u反义词1short(adj.)短的;矮的_(adj.)长的(反义词)_(adj.)高的(反义词)2same(adj.)相同的_(adj.)不同的(反义词)3big(


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