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1、unit2 Cloning1. differ vi. 不同于,意见相左 differ from 不同于. differ in.在.方面不同My younger brother and I differ from each other in many ways.我弟弟和我在许多方面都不同。拓展;拓展;different adj. 不同的,有区别的不同的,有区别的difference n. 差别,差异差别,差异2. exact adj. 精确的,准确的精确的,准确的to be exact(=exactly speaking) 确切地说翻译:我不知道这个房间的确切面积。I dont know the

2、 exact size of the room.拓展:拓展:exactly adv. 确切地,精确地确切地,精确地3. undertake v.从事,承担从事,承担undertake the responsibility for sth 承担某事的责任undertake the responsibility to do sth 承担做某事的责任翻译;当我忙碌的时候,我的邻居承担起照顾我的宠物狗的责任。My neighbor undertake the responsibility to care for my pet dog while I was on business.4. pay off

3、 (1) 达到目的,取得成功(不及物动词短语)With the help of a lot of people, our plan paid off.(2) 付清,偿清 (及物动词短语)The poor lady worked hard day and night in order to pay off their debts.拓展:pay back 还钱,报复pay for 支付.的钱5. breakthrough n.突破,重大进展突破,重大进展make/achieve a breakthrough 取得突破性进展 Dont be discouraged! We have made a g

4、reat breakthrough in a way.别灰心!从某种意义上讲,我们已经取得了很大的突破。拓展:break down出故障-breakdown n.故障break out 爆发 - outbreak n. 爆发come out 出现,结果是-outcome n.结果,效果1. British English is _from American English. They_in many minor aspects, such as spelling and proununciation. (differ)2. Our budget is extremely tight, so y

5、oud better work out _(exact) how much money will go for each part of the project.3. The research, _(undertake) by Brighton-based Mindlab International, suggests that silent offices may be the least productive.4. Our teachers often encourages us that every minute we spend on studying will finally pay

6、_in the near future.differentdifferexactlyundertakenoff6. cast v.扔,投掷扔,投掷cast down 使失望(一般用于被动语态)翻译:听到这个坏消息之后,她沮丧了好几天。She was cast down for several days after she heard the bad news.7. object vi. 反对,不赞成反对,不赞成object to sb/sth 反对某人/某事object to doing sth 反对做某事No one objected to the plan at the meeting y

7、esterday.昨天的会议上,没有人反对这项计划。拓展:objection n. 反对,不赞成object n. 物体,对象objective adj. 客观的,不带个人感情的8. impact n. 巨大的影响巨大的影响have an impact on sth/sb 对.有巨大影响翻译:阅读能够影响我们看世界的方式。Reading can have an impact on the way we see the world.归纳:“影响”的其他表达:have an effect/influence onmake a diference to 对对.有影响有影响9. obtain vt.获

8、得,赢得(尤指经努力)获得,赢得(尤指经努力)10. attain vt.获得,达到(尤指经努力)获得,达到(尤指经努力)attain ones goal 达到某人的目的达到某人的目的His effort paid off and he attained his goal at last.他的努力得到了回报,并且最终达到了目的。拓展:attainable adj.可获得的unattainable adj. 达不到的,无法实现的5. Liu lei insisted that he merely did what everyday would have done and strongly obj

9、ected to_(call) a hero.6. At the meeting, Marx raised an _to working late night and he _that most of the workers were too old for the jod.(object)7. The tourism in this place will have an impact _the local environment.being calledobjectionobjectedon11. forbid (forbade,forbidden)vt. 禁止,不准禁止,不准forbid

10、sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事forbid sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事forbid doing sth禁止做某事翻译:他身体不好,所以医生禁止他喝酒He was in poor health, so the doctor forbade him to drink wine.12. in favour of 赞成,支持赞成,支持翻译:我已经对她讲了我们的计划,她表示完全赞同。I have told her about our plan and she is completely in favour of it.拓展:关于favour的短语ask sb a fav

11、our 请某人帮个忙do sb a favour帮某人个忙13. owe vt. (1)欠(账、钱)欠(账、钱) owe sb for sth 因某事欠某人因某事欠某人. (2)归功于,归因于)归功于,归因于 owe it to sb that .把把.归功于某人归功于某人 owe sth to sb/sth把某事归功于某人把某事归功于某人/某事某事I owe it to the famous doctor that I am still alive.我仍然活着,这要归功于那位很有名的医生。拓展:拓展:owing to 因为,由于因为,由于14. bother vt.打扰打扰 vi. 操心操心

12、It bothers sb to do sth /It bothers sb that . 做某事使人烦恼 bother doing sth费心/花费时间做某事驾照考试不及格,这让汤姆很烦恼。It bothered Tom that he had failed his driving test. 15. strike (struck, struck) 打,撞击,罢工打,撞击,罢工strike sb+ 介词介词+the+身体部位身体部位 打某人打某人.A snowball struck him on the back of the head.一个雪球击中了他的后脑勺。 It strikes sb

13、 that .某人突然想起It suddenly struck me that I should have been in favour of him我突然想到,我本来应该支持他的。16. resist vt.抵抗,对抗抵抗,对抗resist doing sth 反对做某事反对做某事They tried hard to resist her attacking move.他们拼尽全力来抵抗她的进攻。拓展:resistance n. 抵制,抵抗resistant adj. 抵制的,抵抗的8. There are laws in some countries which forbid _(show

14、) advertisements at inappropriate times and places.9. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _favour of it.10. I owe_to my teacher that I have made great progress in English.11. -Do you know where my blue coat is? - Dont bother _(look) for it, Im sure it will turn up some day.12. The study found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer_(resist)as elephants.showinginitlookingresistance



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