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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑马兰花中英剧本 经典音乐、舞蹈童话剧马兰花剧本 人物:大兰、小兰、马郎、老猫、小猴、小鸟、小松鼠、鹿妈妈、鹿宝宝。 道具:大树,森林背景、音乐、背筐、马兰花 幕起:音乐声(春天的花是幸福的花其次段) 旁白:在美观的马兰山上,生活着一千五百岁的树公公和一群心爱的小动物,还有马兰山的守护神-马郎。马郎的妻子小兰勤劳良善,和马郎一起守护着马兰山,守护着神秘的马兰花。 (马郎、小兰、小动物们出场,伴着入耳的音乐,一起跳舞,表现生活的幸福和喜悦!) 马郎:挚友们!我们持续劳动吧!勤劳的人才会幸福! 齐说:对!勤劳的人才会幸福! (众人下) 老猫出场:我的仆人大兰,是小

2、兰的姐姐,别看她和小兰长得一模一样,却懒的 要命,啊哈,和我一样!(伸懒腰)什么活都不容许干!哎对了,我听说小兰有朵神秘的马兰花,想要什么就有什么!那朵马兰花要是我的啊哈哈(坏笑)那多好呀! 老猫:仆人!仆人! 大兰出场:叫什么呀?叫什么呀?(边说话边打哈欠)人家还没睡够呢! 老猫:仆人,你别睡了!我听说马郎和小兰有一朵马兰花,更加神秘,想要什么 就会有什么! 大兰:马兰花? 老猫:对!马兰花! 大兰:想要什么就会有什么? 老猫:对!你要是拥有马兰花,就什么活都不用干了,那该多好呀!不如,我们 把花抢来吧!你就是花的仆人了!到时候,你想要什么就有什么! 大兰:好吧!我们这就去找小兰。(老猫偷笑

3、,跟在后面。) 小兰上场,在河边洗衣服,边洗边唱歌。(马兰花马兰花,风吹雨打都不怕,勤劳的人在说话,请你连忙就开花!) 大兰:妹妹,姐姐好想你呀,我今天特意来看看你! 小兰:(欣喜)姐姐,我也想你了,爹娘都好吧! 大兰:嗯,都好,都好!小兰,刚刚你唱什么?什么马兰花,让我看看好吗? 小兰:姐姐看马兰花做什么?它不是普遍的花,是养护整个马兰山的宝物! 大兰:宝物?妹妹真小气!你就拿出来让姐姐看一眼!就一眼好不好! 小兰:(无可奈何)好吧!让姐姐看看! 老猫躲在大兰的后面,猛地一窜,抢走马兰花! 小兰:你你个老猫,快把花还给我! 老猫:哈哈,走开!(一把把小兰推进河里)(举着马兰花)马兰花是我的了

4、! 大兰:你个坏老猫,把花给我,为什么要害我的妹妹!(抢) 老猫:哼!你走开!花是我的了!(把大兰打晕) (小鸟看到了这一切,赶快飞回马兰山,报告马郎。) 小鸟:不好了!不好了!老猫把马兰花抢走了!小兰被推进河里,大兰也被打晕了! 马郎:别慌张!可恶的老猫逃不远,我们一起去捉住它,夺回马兰花! 老猫:(边跑边说)马兰花,马兰花,风吹雨打都不怕,良善的老猫在说话,请 你连忙就开花,我要一辆装满金银财宝的大马车,快快快!(反复说几遍) (老猫跑,马郎和小动物们追) 马郎和动物们齐心协力抓住老猫,打老猫。 老猫:(双手护头)别打了,别打了,我把马兰花还给你们! 马郎夺回马兰花说:马兰花只听勤劳良善人

5、的话,你是个懒惰、邪恶的坏家伙, 所以什么也得不到! 马郎对着躺在地上的小兰说:马兰花,马兰花,风吹雨打都不怕,勤劳的人儿在 说话,请你连忙就开花!请让小兰重新复活吧!(小兰醒来) 小动物们都欣喜极了!(拍手叫好!) 音乐(心中有朵马兰花)响起,大家一起舞蹈。 旁白:马兰花,马兰花,风吹雨打都不怕,勤劳的人儿在说话!请你连忙就开花!马兰花,一朵神秘的花,马兰花,只有勤劳良善的人才能拥有它!小兰和马郎持续守护着马兰花,喜悦、幸福的生活,马兰山四处都洋溢着欢声笑语! 英文版 Classical music, dance featuring Character: big blue, xiao LAN

6、, ma lang, old cat, little monkey, birds, small squirrels, deer mother, deer baby. Property: trees, forest background, music, dosser, malan Curtain up: music (spring flowers are happy spend the second paragraph) Narrator: in the beautiful malan mountain, life with one thousand five hundred - year -

7、old tree father-in-law and a group of lovely little animals, and MaLanShan patron saint - - - - - - to malang. Malang wife xiao LAN diligent and kind, and malang guard together MaLanShan, protect the magic malan. (malang, xiao LAN, small animals play, with beautiful music, dance together, the perfor

8、mance the happiness of life and happiness! Malang: friends! We continue to work! Hard-working people will be happy! Qi said: right! Hard-working people will be happy! (all) Old cat appearance: my master big blue, is xiao LANs sister, although she and xiao LAN look exactly the same, but lazy desperat

9、ely, aha, the same as me! (give a stretch) what live are not willing to dry! Ah yes, I heard that xiao LAN has a magic malan, to want what is what! Malan flower that if my ha (bad laughs) that good ah! Old cat: master! Master! Big blue appearance: call what ah? Call what ah? (talk edge yawning) some

10、body else didnt sleep enough! Old cat: master, you dont sleep! I heard that malang and xiao LAN a malan, special magical, to want what can have what! Big blue: malan? Old cat: yes! Malan! Big blue: to want what can have? Old cat: yes! If you have malan, what all need not stem live, and that this! As

11、, we put the flowers away! You are the owner of the flower! When the time comes, what you want is what! Big blue: ok! We went to xiao LAN. (old cat steal to smile, follow behind. Xiao LAN play, in the river to wash clothes, the side wash side to sing. (malan malan, wind and rain all not afraid, hard

12、-working people talking, youll blossom! Big blue: sister, elder sister good think you ah, today I have to see you! Xiao LAN: (happy) elder sister, I miss you too, parents are good! Big blue: well, fine, fine! Xiao LAN, just you sing? What malan, let me see? Xiao LAN: the elder sister see malan do? I

13、t is not a common flower, is to protect the whole MaLanShan baby! Big blue: baby? Sister really cheap! You took out let sister at a glance! Is a good bad! Xiao LAN: (helpless) good! Let the elder sister see see! Old cat hiding in the back of the big blue, with a channeling, malan take! Xiao LAN: you

14、. You a old cat, quick to take back to me! Old cat: ha ha, go away! (YiBaBa xiao LAN propulsion the river) (holding malan) malan is mine! Big blue: are you a bad old cat, the flowers for me, why to take my sister! (rob) Old cat: hum! You go away! Flower is mine! (the big blue stun) (birds saw it all

15、, to fly back to MaLanShan, tell malang. Bird: good! Not good! The old cat malan robbed! Xiao LAN pushed to the river, big blue was also hit dizzy! Malang: dont worry! Damned old cat fled not far, we go to catch it, malan back! Old cat: (ran) malan, malan, wind and rain all not afraid, good old cat in the talk, youll blossom, I want a cart loaded with gold and silver big carriage, quick, quick! (repeated said several times) (old cat run, malang and small animals after) Malang a


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